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Pro-choice and Catholic: A mother's story : Comments

By Kate Mannix, published 8/2/2006

Kate Mannix scrutinises the Catholic Church and pro-life advocates over motherhood and abortion.

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You have these people all wrong. Your argument that if you were aborted you wouldn't exist thus would have no preferences doesn't wash with them. Why? Because they think all the little foetuses are up there in heaven crying for their mummies. Or is there a particular circle of hell reserved for the aborted? Perhaps one of the pro-foetus brigade like Francis could advise on the theological intricacies of this?
Posted by KRS 1, Thursday, 9 February 2006 12:53:23 PM
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Note how the author didn't view her children as a gift from god, but instead she 'felt like god' because SHE could create life (The life that 'will be', ignoring that the fetus is already alive). She then complains that a single lecturer didn't have experience of children, so therefore ALL prolife people must just be defending a principle, not life. This is even though this is clearly not the case (e.g. Roe herself). It gets even worse when she says that prolifers (she has started to refer to them as anti-choice) think the unborn 'must have even more human rights than the already-born'.

So lets review...God complex, ignores science, bad logic, ignoring evidence AND creating a straw man of the other sides views. This was in a very cursory view of her article. I've no doubt there will be many more probems.
Posted by Alan Grey, Thursday, 9 February 2006 3:07:49 PM
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Slightly off the subject of abortion, it is perplexing that so many Catholics loyally adhere to their faith whilst turning a blind eye to its edicts.

Millions of Catholics the world over, perhaps the majority, openly disobey the church's teaching on contraception.

Gay Catholics resent the church's anti-gay stance, but still hang on to their faith regardless.

Thousands of empowered women, who hold positions of power in society, put up with their church's refusal to empower women in its hierarchies and find its attitude to women's roles in society outmoded and unacceptable.

Women such as Kate profess their faith whilst opposing the church's opposition to women's right to decide.

The mystifying thing is that all of these people believe in the infallibility of the Pope - or they couldn't qualify as Catholics. Therefore they are obliged to accept his edicts as coming from God.

It is a very rare thing for people to want to belong to an organisation that is contradictory to their fundamental ethical sensibilities. There are not even strong moves for reform.

One gets the impression the church can propose whatever it wants on koral issues, its adherents will just make up their own mind whilst nominally keeping their faith.
Posted by gecko, Thursday, 9 February 2006 3:37:17 PM
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If you are going to reserve your decision as to when is a life a life then you will never have that answer and this is preciously why this debate never ends.

Our bodies contain microscopic particles that only science can confirm with the latest technologies. Each time we invent a new microscope we see another form of micrposcoic particles all known as life. It is beyond our scientific capablities to make that judgement.

Society is in the mess its in today because it lacks morality. Our civilisation has never been so degenerate. All aspects of society have become corrupt. There is distinque difference between the living morality of yesterday and today. Everyone can at least acknowlegede that phenomena?
Killing with intent is wrong. Its a universal law and if broken will be paid for if not in this life then the next 500 lives.It is serious. So please think about the consequences of your actions. Someone out there will always want to have that baby. You may feel uncomfortable from the social stigma of giving your baby away. But you have given life not death to that baby and as a result no karma is involved.
When did this degeneration of our society begin? The moment we reduced life to nothing. Not just on abortion but right across the board of civilisation. When did we stop caring? each individual has to ask themselves that question. The answer is there.I'd rather some one gave me this option of understanding before I had an abortion. Accidents do happen but that is not with intention to kill.
Posted by Jana Banana, Thursday, 9 February 2006 3:49:30 PM
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Although I feel I am repeating myself, the thread is once again drifting off the point. It is not a debate about the merits of abortion, seeing it is a legal act in our society. It is simply about whether the TRA is more qualified to judge a drug than minister Abbot. And plainly it is.

An interesting article nonetheless Kate. Very insightful.
Posted by jkenno, Thursday, 9 February 2006 4:06:40 PM
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Interesting Ms Banana.
More moral today than yesterday.

Was burning witches moral?
Were backyard abortions immoral? Or taking herbal medicines to bring on abortion immoral?
Was Hitler moral?
How about feeding christians to the lions?

It's immoral to impose your own values onto another person, eg, telling a woman that she cannot have control over her own body, her own life.

Today's society / Government is too prescriptive and I'm sick of it. Soon the Government will want to tell us what we can and can't do in our own homes - that's immoral!
Posted by lisamaree, Thursday, 9 February 2006 4:07:10 PM
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