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Multiculturalism still rings strong : Comments
By Salam Zreika, published 25/1/2006Salam Zreika argues Australia Day is the best day to celebrate multiculturalism.
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Posted by dawood, Tuesday, 31 January 2006 4:08:27 PM
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I can't help but notice how the "minority" muslims have come out in force after a cartoon apeared in the Danish press. Suadi Arabia has all but vilified the whole of Denmark and is under the eye of the UN for it, Libya has closed down it's embassy there, there is threats of terrorism against innocent Danes and marches in Palestine. All of Denmark vilified for the actions of one and one paper. Think back to Holland and Van Gogh. Yeah right, poor little victims, thats right.
Last week it was racist soup kitchens in France where traditonal local dish that included pork was closed down because it was racist toward muslims. Yet an Australian icon, the lifesaver gets attacked, our beach culture threatened and our safety compromised and we protest only to becalled racist, neo nazi, bigoted, intolernat etc etc. Well if that is the case, when actual crimes were committed, then what does that make this poor "minority of millions" . Super racist, super nazi, super bigoted and super intolerant? And the left support this movement? I was born and bred "left" and those that call themselves "left" today have not got a clue what is was all about. They are just religous fruitcake dictators determined to oppress the masses. btw How do you recognise Aussie terrorists. They are the ones going Allah, Allah, Allah.. Oi! Oi! Oi!. Thought I would throw that in while I can, or find out if I can't anymore! Posted by Verdant, Tuesday, 31 January 2006 7:12:32 PM
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Thankyou for replying ... in part. But I could not have spelt it out any clearer than I did. 99% of those here you deem racist or intollerant are in fact reacting to racism and intollerance directed at members of the ethnic group to which they identify, by sectors of ethnic-religious minorities. Such racism has been happenning for some time, both directly and indirectly, coming in many forms. But at its root lies the inclination to only care about the welfare of members of your own tribe. For instance, "Islamophobia" exists when Christian churches are being burnt, or a Salam uses language that betrays her total reluctance to name such thuggery as the "race-hate" it is, prefering to call such neo-Nazi bigots “irresponsible youth” committing “random acts of vandalism and physical aggression”!?! (see my first post above). Rainier's quote of Salam does not have her adequately identify lebanese Muslim youth as the xenophobes they trully are (a trait handed down). Moreover, that she has never written an article on it, when we all know full-well how rife it is, says it all! And Irfan's comments need to be directed not at us, but at those youth attending meetings held by sheik Yassem, Keysar Trad, or Hizbut-tahir, etc. Despite Irfan's comments, there are NOT ENOUGH people highlighting the utter bigotry and intollerance of many who attend such meetings and various mosques. Could you honestly imagine your reaction to an ANglo-Irfan saying the same being about an Anglo group preaching intollerance, no matter how small the group? You'd think Irfan was a Nazi for such a remark! See: for the link to Mark Durie's witness statement on this issue in Australia. continued ... Posted by Skippy, Tuesday, 31 January 2006 10:34:01 PM
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dawood I can send you a newspaper clipping if you like as slavery is still on in Pakistan and Iran where kids make the carpets locked in factories until they drop.
As for pork,the hospital in Port hedland West Australia has just taken pork and bacon off the patients menus as it is offending the many local Muslims there . A report in West Australian newspaper. Posted by dobbadan, Tuesday, 31 January 2006 10:40:29 PM
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I facetiously suggested that by your own standards you might be deemed a "new racist", since making a totally reasonable correlation between acts of violence and ethnic group--Pacific Islander--and refraining from generalising such badness to the whole Pacific Islander community, is exactly what most of the posters here are doing in regards to members of the Lebanese and Muslim communities, yet you consider them racists. If you care to notice, any anger directed at those like Salam is as justifiable as might be, to you, deeming all One Nation voters "racist" for what their spokespersons say (or of Howard if he never sacked Hanson). But you think that only YOU are being fair-minded. Hence my argument that your views result simply from the fact that those we are critical of are not Anglo! This makes you too irrational to debate. Moreover, being typically one of the most inclined people to consider themselves first and foremost "human" beings, rather than "ethnics" (reflected in their charity, refugee and imigration programs, volunteer servicies, etc.), being forced to think in such tribal terms makes Anglos very angry, for it is such a primitive notion, not to mention potentially dangerous. This was something One Nation was concerned with, and until we confront such issues such parties will continue to emerge as those to take such issues on. Now whilst that's a good thing, typically some of the other issues such parties are concerned with are not. But unless others act soon--i.e. Salam, or the radical left--Europe within 20 years will be voting Hitler in to deal with the problems they're having with elements of the exact same minority we are now having issues with. Problem is that Bob Brown would rather enter into a "stop the war coalition" ( with the likes of Keysar Trad, a man who has publically called for Muslims to defy anti-discrimination law re homosexuals in the workplace, and evoked their stoning to death (;; (radio interview); Trad’s argument endorsing the discrimination of homosexuals is especially twisted and spiteful: http// Posted by Skippy, Tuesday, 31 January 2006 10:49:49 PM
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Rainer Thankyou for your reply, Although I am quite perplexed.
“New models of assimilation cannot rely on this adhoc approach. Nor can it invent and prescribe ‘cultural formulas’- policy can only take a principled and guiding approach. “ I would ask Just how “New Models of Assimilation”, which will not rely on the "Adhoc approach" of the past, will work? What steps should be taken to ensure the “chaos” of historic assimilation models are to be avoided and presumably replaced with "order"? As an individual, I have always believed how and when people “assimilate” is a private and personal matter which should not concern government or bureaucrats and certainly should not be directed into any “New assimilation” process. Recognising, government is there to service the electorate and not dictate to it. Such tinkerings reek of “Eugenics” and other morally corrupt and totally discredited attempts at social-engineering. Call me "old fashioned" but until some "new method of assimilation" is documented, discussed, tested and proven, I think it is just too serious an issue to leave to government or "society" to decide on. Leave us with the "old method of assimilation" with its well tried “chaos” to do its best and at least be assured, our “assimilated” grandchildren will be there because their grand parents put prejudice aside and copulated with someone of a different ethnicity who they were attracted to, rather than on the command of a sociologist or bureaucrat somewhere. No Rainer, I am cursed with an analytical nature. I read not just the words but what is actually being said. Apart from some pseudo-sociological mumbo-jumbo supposedly about old versus new “models of assimilation”, you have simply spent 339 words saying absolutely nothing. Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 1 February 2006 6:18:04 AM
Do you judge people as being "backwards" simply because of their choice of dress? I would suggest you look at pictures of Beiruit, Tripoli, Amman, Damascus, Tunis, Baghdad (before it all went down), not to mention the UAE and elsewhere before making such a blanket statement regarding modernity.
The problems of corruption and the rich being the elite is nothing unique to the Middle East.