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The Forum > Article Comments > Lost between war and peace, the Leb wild Westies > Comments

Lost between war and peace, the Leb wild Westies : Comments

By Joseph Wakim, published 20/12/2005

Joseph Wakim argues the more Lebanese youths are demonised, the more they are driven to the margins of Australian society.

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Fröhliche Weihnachten, und bitte halt dich aus Schwierigkeiten raus..

Schön Tag..
Posted by Ev, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 8:26:04 AM
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Curiously I find myself in some agreement with Col Rouge – having said that

I keep on reading the posts here and marvel and the vitriol, underlying racism and the bizarre pillorying of the left , of Arabs, Muslims and academics. Add that to the incessant use of the word “we” – and in most instances it refers to the white anglo-saxon section of the community.

I cant help but think many migrants would be some what scared of life here. Scared enough to regress and turn to violence. That certainly is no excuse but it should give some people cause to look behind the violence when seeking a solution – after applying the rule of law. The biggest disincentive to offer would be migrants would be to send them links to this site. They would probably pay more attention to the posts than the articles and turn in their visas pronto.

But then I look at the recent polls published in the popular press; 75% of Australians believe Australia is racist and 81% think multiculturalism is ok – pretty blunt analysis

But we can draw a few conclusion – those who vehemently assert Anglos are victims of reverse racism and are threatened by extremely fertile mulsims, blindly think organised violence springs spontaneously form the hearts of Arabs, Lebanese, home grown terrorists or gay Tele Tubbies will suggest the numbers are cooked, the sample was skewed, they only sampled people in detention centres or the paradoxically all powerful “left” has some how influenced the outcome or some such nonsense.

As for me I think the numbers are about right – most right thinking people agree that there is an element of racism in Australia – there will be an element of reverse racism as well, to deny it would be foolish. And for the most part those who live here have benefited from multiculturalism; the biggest mistake policy makers made was to name it – to single it out – as something outside or extra to the lived experience
Posted by sneekeepete, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 10:12:44 AM
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Multicultural is just the way we are. If you think you weren’t asked then you’ve been asleep for thirty years or longer. If you don’t’ like it get used to it. Or leave perhaps – even if you grew here rather than flew here – time may have past you by. On several occasions in OLO it has been recommended I leave the country – some think I am a self loathing Australian hater – well, departure is an option open to all of us if we don’t like it .

So what is my point? Genuine Australians will fix the stench that has risen from the beaches of Sydney the way we have done in the past. The broader community that has developed over the last century or so will sort this mess out. Elected officials, police, ethnic community leaders, religious leaders, even academics will develop a consensus – and some will be unhappy but so what. That’s democracy.

Those who claim it is the fault of a particular group or class of people will essentially be left out of the debate. Why? Because the views represented by those people, whose positions are fairly pre determined, whose posts are littered with phrases like “of the left”, sneering references to academics, PC, mickey mouse assumptions about Islamism, laying claim to be part of the silent majority , pre conceived ideas about the intent of migrants, biblical predictions, anthropological gobbledigook about ethnic predisposition to crime and violence – are at the margins of the community; The very loud minority. They are as ugly and as potentially dangerous as those few Muslims who have an entrenched sense of hatred; they too will be marginalised, appropriately punished and left as an irrelevant angry boil on our collective butts.
Posted by sneekeepete, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 10:15:16 AM
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yes.. indeed you should agree with Col because he is speaking plain common sense.

You should also recognize that it is the ABSENCE of the thing you are agreeing about in Sydney, due in large part to political and ideological reaons about policing, that CAUSED the festering boil that eventually was lanced last weekend. Now the puss is all over us.

Your dismissive reference to 'anthropological GOBBLDYGOOK' err.. c'mon, if you want to get to the bottom of this problem, there is no better place to begin. "How societies and cultures function" is not a bad starting point.

THE LEFT well.. again dismissive. Perhaps we should be more specific GREEN LEFT weekly/Socialist Alliance type lefties.... who are engaging in what I would absolutely describe as seditious alliance making with Arab/Muslims and deliberately and maliciously avoiding references to ANYthing which could in the least bit suggest any blame on those communities. This is not something to be trivialized given that Marxists always said they only needed 10% of the population for a revolution to succeed.

ACADEMICS who dismiss a 'reaction' to long standing RACISM (not 'reverse racism' its the real thing) and then describe it as 'white racists' deserve every bit of condemnation and villification they get. They are seditious without question.

Lets remember, on the loony fringe of 'white supremacists' we had some 'bashings'... on the CALCULATING fringe of extremist (what I would describe as 'orthodox') Islam we have
-links to Bin Ladin and
-plots/discussions on killing not just our Prime minister,
-his family but ALSO
-innocent children as some kind of 'payback' which has Allahs blessing.

I sense a disproportionate bias in your trivialization of valid criticism of various elements mentioned in your post. Given that your own son was beaten up in the name of Arab 'turf' ? (newsflash, he could have easily been KILLED)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 11:16:00 AM
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Sorry OT here, have to address that poll that sneekeepete has raised as proof of how racist we all are.

Racism isn't on or off, the poll question asked if there was "underlying racism in Australia". Well we just had white supremists parading around a beach. We've had gang rapes by people who claim the victims have it coming to them because of their race, and then seen their community leader make excuses for them. We've got people in peace marches denigrating the Australian flag and anglo Australians.

Of course there is SOME racism in the country, so the answer was yes.

Here's a more sensible question if you want to gauge how racist Australia is,

"On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least racist, where would you place Australia in terms of the nations prevailing tolerance and acceptance of foreign cultures relative to other world nations?"

On the world scale, about 1.

If I'm wrong tell who these other less racist nations are?
Posted by HarryC, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 11:48:28 AM
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Having lived in Australia since I was 5 months old, I can say with great confidence that this country isn't racist. How do I know? Because probably the only really racist people I have met have been on these forums. And there is only a handful of them.
Posted by Irfan, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 11:51:27 AM
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