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The Forum > Article Comments > Lost between war and peace, the Leb wild Westies > Comments

Lost between war and peace, the Leb wild Westies : Comments

By Joseph Wakim, published 20/12/2005

Joseph Wakim argues the more Lebanese youths are demonised, the more they are driven to the margins of Australian society.

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FH and Irf

Come on fellas. Of course there is racism in Australia outside of OLO. Where have you been all of your lives? Racism is alive and very well from my experience.

Many of my family and friends are prime examples. It's just that they keep their views inside the family home, just as they keep sex and religion inside of the family home.

CHEERS AND "PEACE" to you and a Very Merry Christmas to others.

PS: The Archbishop of Sydney was interviewed today by Tim Webster. He was very clear that racism is alive and well in this country.
Posted by kalweb, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 6:24:13 PM
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Didn't think much of this article, some OK points but the bit about Australia's overly permissive and promiscuous society definetely stuck in the throat. Am also unconvinced that the gangs got started because the kids were getting bullied in school. Young men of all colours find the tribalism of gangs attractive, and most of them grow out of it if they have other things in their lives/appropriate guidance or whatever.. perhaps it's that thats lacking here.

Also found myself to my considerable surprise agreeing with Col Rouge's first post. Can't let this statement from Matthew S go by though -
"we also have the left, who own all of the universities and the media"

Oh yes, damn those prominent socialists Rupert and Kerry..
Posted by hellothere, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 6:58:56 PM
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Worldoflight you're right about the Japanese. A relative of mine was in downtown Tokyo when spotted by a young Japanese boy. He pulled his mother's arm and pointed at my cousin and shouted 'gaijin, gaijin'. They are very insular people.

Kalweb, we're importing racists and bigots. Cop this:
Muslims Assault Non-Muslim in Immigration Detention Centres

A deeply disturbing scandal has emerged in Australia's immigration
detention centres where Christians and other non-Muslim
asylum-seekers have been "stoned, assaulted, sexually harassed and
abused by Islamic fanatics".

Reza, an Iranian Christian, was blinded in one eye last August
when a group of Afghan Muslim men stoned Christians leaving the
dining hall in Woomera detention centre. In another incident a
Christian man was kicked to the floor and his cross was ripped
from his neck. In December 2001 an eighteen-year-old Mandean girl
(a small religious group which follows the teachings of John the
Baptist) was shouted at by Muslim men in a dining hall who called
her a "dirty, filthy infidel" who shouldn't be allowed to serve
food to Muslims. When she attempted to argue back she was "pushed
to the ground and kicked and abused." In a similarly shocking
incident a blind Mandean man was seized by Muslim men, held down
and defecated on before being left in a locked toilet. In other
incidents non-Muslim girls have faced sexual harassment and verbal
abuse because they do not wear Islamic veils, the doorways
of Mandean asylum seekers have been defecated in, and a local
Islamic mullah has even called for a jihad (holy war) against
Mandeans at the Port Hedland detention centre.

Non-Muslim men, women, and even children, many of whom fled
Muslim-majority countries like Iran in the first place because
they were being persecuted for their faith, are now facing
abuse of a horrific nature from Muslim conservatives
in Australia's detention centres. The majority of asylum seekers
in Australia are Muslims.

All this without being 'contaminated' by contact with Australians and our promiscuous slut society. How is that possible?

Things that make you wanna say Mmmmmmmmm.
Posted by Sage, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 8:21:19 PM
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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, thanks Sage

If we want to move forward we must be able to separate the racial from the religious in this debate.

Islamic attitude is not unlike the Japanese except SO MUCH more vile and malicious.

If you have doubts try settling in an islamic country.

Thanks for illustrating for us a snippet of what is been imposed on this society in the name of soft immigration, social naivety, incompetent government and blind compassion.
But then again it’s called racism.

Mmmmmm and more mmmmm
Posted by coach, Thursday, 22 December 2005 5:39:11 AM
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"reverse racism", this says it all. You cannot comprehend the word "racism" and "against whites" at all, you need to call it something that reveals much my friend. White people are somehow superior you and your uneducated left buddies actually believe; ethnic others are some kind of inferior pet that needs "special" treatment. You really believe that there are no real white victims of racism.
A nice freudian slip
Posted by Matthew S, Thursday, 22 December 2005 6:33:21 PM
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You must know that I did not mean "economically owned", in regards to the Universities or media, I mean : when has there ever been a serious investigative journalistic program or even just a basic news program such as "Lateline" that was hosted by a so-called right-wing journalist like Piers Akerman or Andrew Bolt? When do think any journalist or academic will seriously confront the Muslim leadership denial of bigotry and racism that exists in the islamic diasporas?

When will an academic be allowed to openly express views and ask tough questions about the ethnocentricity and high crime that exists in some ethnic communities without being publicly and professionally blacklisted?

This really is Orwell's 1984. The idiots and racists actually believe that the reverse is true; the real fighters are demonised with stupid propaganda and made to feel like a "red under the bed".
Posted by Matthew S, Thursday, 22 December 2005 6:55:21 PM
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