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The Forum > Article Comments > Let’s talk about happiness ... and sex > Comments

Let’s talk about happiness ... and sex : Comments

By James McConvill, published 3/1/2006

James McConvill ponders on emerging happiness studies and possible interpretations

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Your post lends an interesting twist to the article.

Yes, your doctor should have informed you and your mother of the possibility of depression as a side effect of the Pill. And yes, you and your mother should have read the instruction leaflet. Your mother was the responsible adult when you were 13 years. She should have educated you. And you were the responsible adult when you decided to take the Pill again. Some? 10 years later, you could have informed and educated yourself. The writing was on the wall. You chose not to read it.

Doctor blaming is an easy way out We all have to take responsibility for our own behaviours - including asking questions of doctors.

Posted by kalweb, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 7:32:58 PM
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Sex, one of the 3 most powerful creative energy forces in our world. Along with music and the mind, they are what runs our world and are used for both good and bad. Add humour to them all and you have happiness. Happy sex with musical humour may have mind blowing consequenses, leading to more happiness

From a realistic point of view, make mine 5 times day. The more you have the better you feel. Without it, you wouldn't be here, so celebrate it in whatever way you wish, just accept the responsibly of your actions. Particularily the good ones

James has produced a humourus article, as well as brought out some interesting facts and theories.
Posted by The alchemist, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 8:54:25 PM
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"5 times a day." Crikey!

Is that a duet, group or solo performance?
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 10:00:15 PM
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I'm glad to see others (above) got something meaningful or interesting from reading the article, because, frankly, I thought it was immature, dull, not humorous, not satirical, boring, trite, sexless and just plain ordinary - the sort of thing an academic, I imagine, would probably think was extremely naughty and daringly clever.

Unfortunately it was not.

Ho-hum, never mind.

How long is it before the good writers come back?
Posted by Maximus, Wednesday, 4 January 2006 9:35:01 AM
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Have you tried more bonking in your life, lighten up mate, this is why God created sex. 5 times per are a machine alchemist, twice a week keeps me going. I thought is was a good article to start people talking about the subject. Sex is not talked about enough.

As stated a normal bodily function should not be a moral dilema for discussion, we all participate in it, the taboo should be well and truely dispersed in this day and age of supposed enlightenment.

Sex has been around since Adam and Eve, and had it not been we would not be here, safe sex is important, and extra marital affairs need to be discreet, as a previous poster said, the children are not stupid, and this behaviour should not be engaged in if both parties in a marriage do not agree on it. I have just tried to represent the facts of world sexual practises, I certainly wouldn't support it being mandatory.
Posted by SHONGA, Wednesday, 4 January 2006 10:30:25 AM
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Plantagenet, please don't be so crass, we have ethics, just the 3 of us 5 times each.

Maximus being minimus, we understand how dull lawyers are, so it is a good laugh to see one struggling to communicate meaningfully.

Shonga, a well oiled machine, one that flows along in shimmering sensuality. Just like the wheel chair I need at the end of each day.

Lots of people use sexual affairs to try and solve their personal problems, as it take them into another world and they think that it will be their saviour. But like all illusionary saviors, it is but a few minutes of bliss and then the deflation of it not solving anything, but adding more confusion.
Posted by The alchemist, Wednesday, 4 January 2006 11:01:48 AM
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