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Creation, cultural wars and campus crusade : Comments

By Alan Matheson, published 30/12/2005

Alan Matheson sees sinister implications behind the Intelligent Design debate

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I wouldn't mind having children informed about the deliciously absurd attempts to prove the existence of a rather unacceptable god by using statistics (a science based on the reliability of natural laws, which means the lack of divine interference) to prove that living things could only come about by - the very divine interference the lack of which the argument is based on.

At the same time, they should be informed of the view that 'intelligent design' implies an intention. Judging from the first 4 of the commandments the alleged creator gave to his creatures, this intention was glorification of the creator. However, some people suffer, many to the point of killing themselves. Does that glorify their creator? So much for achieving the intention, and so much for the intelligence of the design.
Posted by nogodslessterror, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 4:34:15 AM
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Yes Nogodslessterror
I think it is lost on religious fundamentalists that the present war against humanity is being waged by Christian, Jewish and Islamic religious Zealots struggle for supremacy of their own 'true god'.
Posted by maracas, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 9:49:13 AM
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Philo, I expect, like me and many others, you have travelled to India, St Petersburg, Moscow, Vienna, Rome and viewed these documents, that were written from 72BC to 320AD and have no relationship to Islam. Like all that live in fear and fantasy, you are so scared of the truth. However Islam does recognise and rightly so, that Jesus didn't die on the cross. As does Roman records

If you actually learnt the truth, you would realise that you would have a much stronger faith. Rather than a despotic violent illusion.

Explain the 18 lost years, and the fate of the two women in his life. It is documented for all to see, his travels as a dyer of cloth throughout Asia minor, his explanation to his disciples when he told them, he wasn't dead, touch me. His time with the lost tribe of Israel, his association with the gypsies. The gypsies lead a life closer to the path of jesus, then any Muslim, Christian or Jew. That's why they've been persecuted throughout history, they understood the word of all the prophets that came and went. You have to be free from suppressive religion to understand the path to enlightened understanding and evolution. It is not your beliefs that provide the veracity of your calling, but the true example of your life's search.

Every time you use your scripture, you lie, simple as that. The truth shall set you free, you all say, but freedom is having nothing left to lose. You lot certainly fear losing your fallacy, thats why christians, jews and the muslims have to destroy any opposition. Like the the illusion you follow, it is unsustainable other than by fear and suppression.

BD, we all know of your fantastic miracle, that is in line with all religious miracles. When your broken arm was miraculously healed whilst in plaster, the intellectual mind boggles at such profound miraculous truth.

Presently the ultra jews are desperately trying to stop archaeological digs with violence and threats of murder, from revealing the truth from the recently discovered first century tombs.
Posted by The alchemist, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 10:10:12 AM
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you would have noticed by now, that I rarely respond to your posts, because what u say is not particularly objective.
"Viewing documents" means squat. Knowing where they all fit, the languages, and the comparative fields of expertise is where it counts and unless you have these, you are in the same boat as us, 'relying' on others scholarship, though in Philo's case he has some scholarly credentials I believe. Me.. pretty basic.

Alch.. can you answer me this ? From where do we know of the existence of the Hittites ? When did we know it, and prior to us knowing this, what was our only source of information about them?

It sounds like you have spent a lot of time in bed with Davinci code especially as you are raising questions of non relevance.

MARACAS and there is no 'war' being waged by the ACLU in America to establish their 'god' of 'secularism' on the rest of society ?
The only thing worse than 'nothing' to believe in, is when the only something worth believing in is taken and used wrongly by the likes of Hitler and, it appears, Christian reconstructionists.

Nevertheless, no matter how many times a platypus is portrayed as a duck by misinterpretation of its reality, its still a platypus, and so is Biblical Faith in Christ still its own unchanging reality.

We (The Church) encountered numerous heresies in the early days, and the reasons they were rejected are well documented. Why not start with an open mind and let the facts speak to a common sense mind.
Your views and you are nothing new, you and your ideas will pass and be forgotten, but the Church, Christ will remain.

"Those who hear my words and do them, are like those who built their house on the rock. The wind and storm came against it, and it stood firm" (Jesus)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 10:29:08 AM
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The true seeker of truth will find it. We cannot prove God as He says those who seek Me will find Me. At another place in the Bible it states " Those who seek me must believe that I am". This is based on faith. The evidence will be seen later through experience. This kind of evidence is different from the scientific evidence that proves physical reality. Spiritual reality is above the physical but all creation proves His existence . We cannot comprehend this reality by intellectual enquiry alone. This is why we seem to go round in circles as those who know Him speak from a different framework from those who don't. Belief is more powerful then genes or any other physical reality. May God open your eyes to see and believe.

Posted by jeshua, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 11:27:03 AM
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The alchemist: I am a Christian and to be so entails faith. Yet I bow in admiration to your faith in old books written by men who were pagans. The contents of these Books cannot and will never be proved.
There are over 350 prophecies concerning Christ in the O/T - ALL were fulfilled. After they had been all fulfilled then along comes the pagan terrorist handbook - the koran. Sorry pedophilic mohomad you were tooo late with your rubbishy book.
He, Christ, came to die on a cross, even the death on a cross is described in the Psalms yet the Israelites had never heard or imagined such a torturous way of execution - not bad eh?
Christ was resurected and with a glorified HUMAN body ascended to Heaven. Christ is real Christ is the only reality - dunno about you!
and this same Christ will return. numbat
Posted by numbat, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 12:48:44 PM
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