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Life's no beach in Sydney : Comments

By Salam Zreika, published 13/12/2005

Salam Zreika asks why some Australians are heading down the path of racism, while not condoning Middle Eastern youths' behaviour.

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Salam Zreika thinks it's racism to defend the Australian way of life.

What is it when white girls are called filthy names by people of Middle Eastern appearence (Lebanese)?

That mob always bring out the racism card when they try to defend the anti social behaviour of people of Middle Eastern appearance(Lebanese).

There is not one person of Middle Eastern appearance(Lebanese) who swears allegiance to Australia. They love Lebanon and are only here to be on the dole or work in the building industry.

They holiday in Lebanon and return to my country praising their true country(Lebanon. Why don't they stay in Lebanon?

Does anyone really think people of Middle Eastern appearance (Lebanese) would defend Australia?

They only come out at night just like the cowards they are.
Posted by FRIEDRICH, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 5:55:05 AM
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"Please Explain"
- Zenophobia, 'a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers' Macquarie Dictionary.

Fear is the basis for racism. If someone looks different, speaks different, eats different or behaves different they are suspect. yet it is 'difference' that makes this world what it is. Every person, every culture has something to offer society.

What is everyone afraid of?

Why dont you look for someone different and say 'thank you' for enriching my life.

Dont be afaid!

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? "William Shakespeare"
Posted by Coyote, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 7:37:19 AM
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Of course John Howard says Australia is not a racist country - that's due to the fact that he's the biggest racist of all. A lot of the hatred built up here between anglos and arabs is our government's decision to involve us in a war in Iraq where we have absolutely no right to be. How can you be at war with a country that identifies so much with its regligion and not build up hate against citizens of your own country of this religion? I absolutely loathe the practise of authorities in Australia labelling all behaviour not approved by the government as being "un Australian". I attended the peace rally against the war and was labelled "un Australian" and "anti American". I totally objected to "un Australian" but I certainly do not mind being labelled "anti Bush". At this rally muslim women with and without hijabs, muslim men and a cross section of Sydney society joined together to protest against an unjust war. John Howard scoffed at the weight of public opinion. If John Howard concentrated on solving some of the problems in our society instead of trying to strut the world stage with his dangerously idiotic mate Bush, perhaps we would be a more cohesive society.
Posted by joana, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 7:38:00 AM
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FRIEDRICH, why are you unable to differentiate between a part of a group and the whole group? It appears that a number of young Australians of Lebanese origins have been behaving very badly around Sydney for some time. That does not mean that all Australians of Lebanese origin are disloyal to this country or have shown disrespect for our laws. No more than the existance of outlaw bikie gangs of largely Anglo's suggests that I am a thug who disobeys this countries laws. Simple concept.

I'm very keen to see the issue addressed honestly and openly, it appears that there are ethnic issues involved and attempts to hide that probably hinder us from dealing with the issues properly. I suspect a significant reason some want to cover up the ethnic issue is because of the kind of approach you take, the "if some are bad all must be bad" mentality is no better than the attitude of the gang thugs giving skippy's a hard time. They have probably copped and seen crap from intollerant types throughout their lives and have chosen to take it out on the broader community. A cycle that never ends while people are not willing to do things differently.

Lets jail or deport the ring leaders of the gangs and rioters and then work at fixing the underlying problems.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 7:55:11 AM
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I think the riots was a show of young people reclaiming their identity. The Australian Flag, the VB beer and the chants. For too long, ordinary white Australians are told how 'racist' they are irrespective of what they do and say. Somehow being a white Aussie is something to be ashamed of, but a member of an ethnic minority is something to be proud of.

The riots appeared to be a big 'f@*# you' to the morally superior, self deprecating intellectual types. Looks like a rejection of imposed multiculti ideals to me. Ideals of equality are bandied around to patronise a large chunk of the Australian society. Hmmm interesting times ahead.
Posted by davo, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 8:00:45 AM
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Well Joanna.. you were really sucked in weren't u ?

Did it occur to you while you were demonstrating, that those 'Muslims' may have been 'sunni' ? How many of them were 'Shia' ?

I suspect that those who are against the war, might just be against the lost power they had over those they previously persecuted, (the Shia and the Kurds) and because the others are the 'wrong flavor' of Islam.

But, of course, even though they might have not had this motivation, they probably believed all the 'misinformation' about 'zionist plot' to blow up the Twin Towers...(Did you do a little survey ?)

I presume that by your protests,

-you prefer the 100s of 1000s killed by Sadaam ?
-you are a supporter of genocide and of genocidal maniacs ?
-You would prefer them in power, to democracy in Iraq ?
-You also support the 'JORDANIAN' Zarkawi and his carving off of heads. Or.. are u selective in who you describe as 'illegal invaders'
Jordanian invasion is ok, US invasion is 'bad'.

Please answer.

Joanna... I presume you missed the car load of Lebs who shouted at the camera they are going to F*CK our mothers, including yours ?

I guess you have never read Tim Priests account of the rise of Middle Eastern crime, and how it is DIFFERENT from all other crime groups in Sydney historically.

I guess you would describe the Lebanese shooting up of Lakemba Police station and the swarm of Lebanese who marauded into it, threatening police with rape of their wives and being killed as "White supremacist racism" ? (u might have to think about that one for a bit)

I presume also you missed the unrelenting racism against non Lebs on Cronulla going back quite a few years ?

In fact Joanna...I think you missed pretty much everything important in this whole debate. So, if you choose to comment again, please do some research.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 8:29:48 AM
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