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Life's no beach in Sydney : Comments

By Salam Zreika, published 13/12/2005

Salam Zreika asks why some Australians are heading down the path of racism, while not condoning Middle Eastern youths' behaviour.

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Finally an author that appears to understand where the anger comes from.

Yes, there is enormous community based resentment against both the lebenese gangs, and their community leaders that use whatever means are to hand to avoid being forced to act to restrain (or be seen as trying to) the actions of these gangs.

Ordinary Australians feel that they are being victimised and terrorised, and do not feel that society is protecting them, therefore they are entitled to take the law into their own hands, in order to protect themselves (Read Locke '2nd treatise'; Hobes 'Leviathan'; re the social contract and the causes of the formation & dissolution of commonwealth).

The leaders of these communities must stop the obfuscation, and accept their responsibility for their failure to prevent the continued incitement of racial hate by their youth. They have finally reached the point, where ordinary Australians are saying no more (nb I do understand that not all the blame is on these communities - but not all the blame is on the surfies either, yes their behavior was redneck and rascist - you are surprised - WHY?).

To Australia's Muslim Community Leaders - Stop the violence, you are the only ones who can, to the NSW Government - address the cause of the violence - not the symptoms. This is no longer about the chance of losing marginal seats, this is about losing control of society. Unfairness in the approach, ie victimising 'white' Australians for their response to this - will NOT prevent its recurrence - it is time for an honest, genuine approach - to hard issues that will require hard answers.

Remember in the absence of strong (effective) central authority (ie. one that protects the individual citizen), the natural state of man is war, and life is 'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.'
Posted by Aaron, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 3:00:55 PM
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Ms Zreika is so typical in crying, "Why does everyone pick on poor little us?"
While you persist in being unAustralian you will never understand .
We Australians are tired of Muslims looking down their noses at us and critising our ways while carrying out the most horrible atrocities across the rest of the earth in the name of religion.
Face the world of Islam Salam and see it for what it is and the evil it unleashes on the innocent people in its path.
Then listen to the people here who have been assaulted, insulted and reviled by Muslim Lebanese and others in the name of the same religion.
Why are you all so blind and so deaf?
Posted by mickijo, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 3:18:41 PM
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There is an episode of the Simpsons where young Bart is continually bullied by Nelson.

After putting up with weeks on end of being beaten and bloodied, without any protection from the school, he organises a band of victims to attack the bullies.

If patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel, maybe vigilantism is the last refuge of the bullied.

(PS - why are the same apologists for freedom fighters (aka terrorists) who kill hundreds of innocent people not as understanding of Cronulla residents who bashed (but not killed) a handful of innocent bystanders. I guess one man's freedom fighter is another man's surfie rioter.)

Posted by the usual suspect, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 3:45:05 PM
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Seems to me these riots are a reaction to a perceived threat and arise out of fear and insecurity. That so many people felt a need to act in such a manner is not something that can be passed off as plain redneckism. However this is not meant to be a justification because the acts of violence are an irrational and completely base way to deal with a perceived threat.
In my opinion, any calls for increased police presence and stricter law and order originate from this same underlying fear and insecurity and are neither a rational way to deal with the problem.
I'm afraid that the only solution i see is much easier to say than to bring about peacefully, and that is straight up, face to face, both-ways open communication between the opposing groups.
Posted by Donnie, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 4:06:40 PM
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OOOO sneaky kym, under the carpet that one.
I do not know why you doubt me, I grew up with Aboriginals, we had a Girl live with us for 7 years, need not explain the circumstances, and it was not stolen, lets say abandoned. I served with them, they are just as we are, funny, hard working, but the Gough Whitlam and the Guilt tactic came, oo and so did diversity and Multidestructionalism.
I did not claim History was not free of some hiccups, but we have never had the blood baths and the murderous barbarity in other worldly destinations. Other than the romantic History exaggeration versions by some Authors of a Red cloth.
And for your fifties imports, you need to do a body count of , The Bore war, WW1, WW2, etc,etc,etc, That’s how many were lost in a small nation. To argue the benefits, I think not, the misery and the loss it cost then, and we live with it now, Life here did not start when you or I were borne , A great many hardships and lives lost to get us here, respect that and be grateful. And count the Aborigines that died in battle along side them. There were No Guilt divisions then.
You need to do a lot more home work on Islam, not the postmodern study. I assure you, you will change your mind, need not listen to any one else. Happy reading.
Start with Dr Mary Boyce, then progress to “ In search of Zarathustra”, excellent start. I expect answers, ha. Might be out of your Intellectual Software program , but try.(Humor attempt)
Posted by All-, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 4:29:47 PM
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I dont understand... after the genocide used to displace the aborigines surely the British cant complain of a riot here and there... or can they? Please explain.
Posted by savoir68, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 5:24:30 PM
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