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Life's no beach in Sydney : Comments

By Salam Zreika, published 13/12/2005

Salam Zreika asks why some Australians are heading down the path of racism, while not condoning Middle Eastern youths' behaviour.

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Maybe they don't hang out in Lakemba because Lakemba's pretty light on for beaches. And Lakemba's not crap, as you so elegantly put it, because of the Lebanese. I'm quite old enough to remember the area when it had a mostly Anglo population, and it was crap then, too. I'm prepared to bet the ghettoisation caused by ridiculous housing prices is a source of resentment. When you can only afford to live somewhere crap, you might well feel resentful.

That said, I'd love to see all the combatants on both sides given a good kick. I would reserve stronger punishment for the ghouls who sit on the sidelines, urging violence. But somehow I don't think Alan Jones needs to worry.
Posted by veryself, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 1:24:36 PM
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On Lakemba fair point. They are not foced to live thier though there are alternatives in the price bracket, and with Department of Housing.

I was trying to illustrate the point that it may have been crap before, but there were plenty of places 'crap before' as you put it that have been improved. Why not this one? It has nothing to do with socioeconomics, i will rattle off many areas that have undergone facelifts that are of low incomes.

Anyway, i dont want to elaborate any further on this, they invade other precincts and attempt to intimidate etc, i say drive around Lakemba or punchbowl with the same attitude, another Leb will knock you off your perch real quick. It is the stray dog mentality, intimidation and agression in packs against those who are weaker and vulnerable.

Why dont they get their smartassey attitude going at a rodeo or something. They would all be swimming back to lebanon.

Why do they want the fear and voience that is in their own country?
Posted by Realist, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 1:52:00 PM
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One thing I don't get.

Why is "Multiculturalism doesn't work" a racial slur?

Posted by Alan Grey, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 2:06:33 PM
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G'day all..
I've just read the original article and all the posts..
I was born on the northern beaches, spent a long time growing up out in the country, and since school, 13 years living mostly in Randwick, Bondi, and Coogee, and also in Marrickville, the inner city and Redfern. Also a couple of years in Perth. My last job was as a postie in Maroubra. I tend to get on with people from every walk of life.

I want to briefly mention that I have walked a lot of dark streets around sydney, and despite everything i hear, I have never felt threatened in any significant way. The only exception was one night about five or six years ago I had run out of fuel at a set of lights in Randwick, across from a pub and only 50m or less from the police station. There was two lanes so the traffic was able to go around me easily. One car pulled up behind me, though, and started honking and flashing it's lights. I got out to explain that I'd run out of fuel, please go around.. a stream of abuse came from the vehicle.. to cut a long story short, in a flash 4 big Lebanese fellas were almost upon me, threatening 'get back in your f.#kin car or we'll f.#kin kill you'.. I refused to do so, reckoning that being inside my car would be a more vulnerable position. I stood ready to block any blows, and ready to make a dash, and told them to calm down. Eventually they went back to their vehicle and sped off down towards coogee beach.

That experience didn't make me hate people from Lebanese or Middle Eastern backgrounds. I know and have heard of people living in the eastern suburbs who have been bashed by large numbers of 'Lebanese-Australian' fellas (always in a pack). A very common scenario starts with some minor altercation, followed by an rapid escalation when a group of friends and/or relatives arrives by car weilding weapons, contacted by mobile phone.
Posted by Ev, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 6:18:46 PM
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I know this happens but it doesn't make me hate people from Lebanese or Middle Eastern backgrounds. I know about all the other things that the gangs do.

And that's just it, people. It's gangs. Organised crime. Thankyou to the person who posted a link to former Police Detective Tim Priest's article. Everyone here should read it they haven't already. Here it is again:

The organised crime gangs of Australians of Lebanese descent are THE problem that we are dealing with here. nothing else. keep your flag waving for the cricket. Australians whose families came from Lebanon and the Middle East love sport too, and going to the beach, like everyone else.

Salam here makes the important point that it's a problem linked heavily to the NSW police. They are experiencing extraordinary internal problems, caused by ridiculous restructuring from people at the top.

Again, it the organised crime gangs of Australians of Lebanese descent that has been inciting violence around Sydney for quite a while now. They are a very serious threat indeed, to people from every cultural background. They are highly mobile, heavily armed and highly organised. And far more openly aggressive than other organised crime groups. They are an immediate and pressing threat to everyone's safety. Not Australians of Lebanese or Middle Eastern descent. Organised criminal gangs. It's the same with 'terrorists' - they are criminals, not warriors. By declaring a 'War on Terror' (a bloody stupid name), you make these criminals feel like brave warriors. The gangs that have been harrassing people in the eastern suburbs and other areas are criminals. simple.

Forget about 'anti-immigration' - everyone in Australia is an immigrant. simple. my father emmigrated from england. he was an immigrant. one grandfather was an immigrant. he came from switzerland and built a house at palm beach.. everyone in australia is an immigrant or members of their family were at some stage.

The problem, again, is not immigration or racism but organised and violent criminal gangs. End of story.

Take it easy, and have a nice day..
Posted by Ev, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 6:20:09 PM
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To all

I listened to an extensive interview with Tim Priest (retired Senior NSW Detective) on 4BC Brisbane Radio today.

He was very clear that this is not primarily a racist and/or religious issue. He was adamant that it is a law and order issue in the main. He drew upon his experience in the force - particularly in the late 90s when Police People lost their powers as a result of the then Commissioner of Police, Peter Ryan, imported from Britain.

He talked about his knowledge and working with gangs of all types in Sydney. His 2003 book publication predicted the events of last week.

He said there was a time that the Vietnamese in Cabramatta and surrounds were to be feared. He said that his young officers were never equipped to deal with the violence of Lebanese youth.

He talked about how Police People had lost their powers due to Peter Ryan's reign. "The Softly Softly Approach" (my words - his connotation). He said that when Police lost their powers, they lost their ability to control violence.

He had very little to say about racism or religion - saying that these were not primary factors. He said that loss of Police power and Lebanese youth violent culture were primary factors.

He was crystal clear in saying that the problem is about Lebanese young males in gangs (whether Mulsim or Catholic) who are aggressive and violent - coming from a back ground of learned violence.

He pointed out that the same perceived problems did not exist with Vietnamese gangs - despite the drug problems.

He talked about the Lebanise Youth Underworld.

It was riveting listening. I doubt that he had a hidden agenda - I can hear it now, some of you are going to say he is trying to boost book sales.

He is extremely concerned about young Police People who are not adequately trained - and who in the main, are directed by Administrators, rather than pragmatic role models.

He reckons the situation will get much worse before it gets any better.

Posted by kalweb, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 6:46:11 PM
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