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Accept it - Australia is secular, liberal, democratic : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 8/12/2005

Irfan Yusuf argues Australia is a secular, liberal and democratic nation where anti-Muslim bashing should not occur.

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Here we go,take the high moral ground of being an inferior victimised
human being,so that you have the justification of taxing those who have not only the ability to keep you in the manner in which you are unaccustomed or deserve, but the the will to want to achieve something better.

Face the reality Irfan,it has being happening since Homo Sapiens conquered the Neanderthals and is only recently through decmocracy and the concept of social justice have the inferior masses such as myself,been able to voice our opinion.

Be thankful for the legacy of Einstein and all those brilliant people who sacrificed their ego for the common good.You and many who live here,don't know how well off you are because of the sacrifice of past generations,and there is the shame.Do you think there is nobility in living a subsistance level and starving to death in the desert in your teens in the name of Aboriginality gives meaning or quality of life to anyones existence?

Everything competes for existence,even the birds you feed on your balcony.Our civilisation born of the productivity of this capitalist system,gives you the luxury of introspection and the time to bite the hand that feeds you.

The answer is simple,either move away to the higher moral ground of your Muslim philosophy or suffer the the continued openess and abundance of western capitalism.You cannot have it both ways!
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 9 December 2005 10:30:50 PM
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The Convicts were sent here to jail. Often for just small crimes, they were whipped, at times to death, starved and used as slave labour. Most Aussies are proud of them, for their strength to overcome and build this country. We are also proud and grateful to the Diggers, for similar reasons.

This isn’t a hatred for others its just natural pride in ourselves. It really has nothing to do with others.

Our Convict Ancestors didn’t fall prey to victim mentality and we still don’t today. All sorts of people have all sorts of burdens in life
Posted by meredith, Friday, 9 December 2005 11:23:18 PM
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No Irf, were in the past hence: WERE a secular and Liberated democracy, now we are a Fractured, Oppressed, and are under “Occupation” by foreign and Sub-Intellectual Ideology fit for the Elite Criminals- leading us to be a basket case- lead by immoral and corrupt idiots impersonating Intellectual-but are only- and are looters who are more intent on raping the wealth of a nation, stealing its recourses to line their own pathetic ego’s at the expense of the Australian mind, well the MIND before Liberalism corrupted some. As the Lazy fat butted oxygen restricted brains of pathetic clowns find more ways to steal someone else’s private and intellectuality asserted and effort based property rights.
NO Irf: it sounds like we are Looters Socialist republic of Oceana. Where the Aptitude of fraud in elite levels prospers at the expense of the competent: Where failure is rewarded and excused while success is frowned upon and criminalized Do you have any more questions that need deconstructing and analyzed or be decrypted and decoded to inform people what is really meant.
Posted by All-, Saturday, 10 December 2005 9:59:31 AM
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Much of the so-called genocide has been proven false. Keith Windschuttle (yes that right wing loon, provide facts if you disagree with him, he does) has scoured much of the accusing academic writings and found them for the most part boloney.

Most of you are probably already aware of him, for those that aren't start with Geoffrey Blainey's review of his paper "Fabrication of Aboriginal History. Volume 1, Van Diemen's Land 1803-1847",

Debate has moved on since the publication of that and no one has been able to refute his conclusions.

He's got his own site too,
Posted by HarryC, Saturday, 10 December 2005 12:37:48 PM
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Irfan's logic is very very flimsy. To try to create some sort of fake bond between Muslims & Jews, as if right-wing Christians are picking on them is outrageous.

Yes, Irfan, anti-semitism is up in Australia, from attacks by Muslims mostly, just as Muslims burn down churches too, with the last one I read about being the Uniting Church at Bass Hill the day after the London attack, by Muslims who left grafitti supporting Bin-Laden. They also made phone calls to the police saying the same thing. It seems, Irfan, that, although your homophobic, racist leaders say that the police need to protect Muslims from a REDNECK backlash, it is your community that have the majority of our rednecks unfortunately.

Moreover, anti-semitism is up all throughout Europe for the same reason. You must know this though, being a Muslim, as the Koran makes it clear that Jews are to be killed, as are all infidels. I'm sick of Muslims quoting one or two of the earlier passages in the Koran that are peaceful, most of it, and yes I've read it, is despicable. It is the mein-kampf of the Islamic religion.

Two words for you Irfan, Cronulla beach. Wonder why so many of us are angry about it? Your community is disrespectful to the core, racist to the core. This is why mothers travel home to Lebanon to find a wife for Ahmed, racist to the core.

How are they to be respectful though when your entire way of thinking is that of an agressive, bigoted, misoginistic culture.
Posted by Benjamin, Saturday, 10 December 2005 3:02:07 PM
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you should be shocked and saddened by many things in this world, and that definitely includes the treatment of Aboriginals in Australia.

But morbid introspection at this stage is a bit late. You live here, you have inherited the land which resulted from the disposession of our indigenous people, are you ready to invite all the folk from Redfern to share your back yard on a permanent basis ?

The best we can hope for, is to reconcile over the almost irreconcilable, and I think most clear thinking indigenous people who have had any education will recognize that in the push and shove of history, they might just as well have been disposessed by Arabs or Indians or Japanese if they had the colonial impetus that the West did.


And before you wring your hands too much over 'dispossessed people' how would you like for us to trace your own Indian ethnic roots back a bit to pre-colonial times and examine with a microscope how many people YOUR ancestors dispossessed and mistreated... sound like fun ?
So, why not give us your ancestral 'tribal label' and we can goto work immediately.


is..what we make it. If that involves some further 'ethnic cleansing' it would "be" what that made it. Then, how would it be different from any other bit of land on the face of the earth ? By the way, it doesn't matter who is 'high in Dimia' they do what they are told on a policy level or are 'out'.

The more Australians are made aware of the "inherrant incompatability of Islam" (quite apart from the nice Muslims like you and F.H. though I'm wondering about you -calling me a 'loony') the less they will welcome Muslims here.


The real danger though, is that they will react to Muslims in a knee jerk manner as per the text message circulated around Sutherland shire which actually suggested they 'kill' the "lebs and wogs" for making exclusive (but suicidal) territorial claims for Cronulla beach.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 10 December 2005 3:12:02 PM
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