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The Forum > Article Comments > Accept it - Australia is secular, liberal, democratic > Comments

Accept it - Australia is secular, liberal, democratic : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 8/12/2005

Irfan Yusuf argues Australia is a secular, liberal and democratic nation where anti-Muslim bashing should not occur.

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Whether one agrees with the White Australia Policy or not, you have to agree that the turbulance and dissent that is now apparent here has come about since the dropping of that policy and the advent of the failing Multiculture.
Law and order also appears to have been discarded and ethnic gangs are dominant in Australian streets .
Why are "gangs" permitted at all? Why are there no laws to ban such groups?
'They will just go underground!' I can hear the chorus now, underground is better than being tolerated, 'underground ' could have built in difficulties.
Bringing in thugs from the third world has not improved our society, the rules of immigration need to be severely tightened no matter how the refugee advocates screech.
Posted by mickijo, Friday, 9 December 2005 2:28:42 PM
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mickijo, i guess what you think we need is good old-fashioned genocidal thugs from the UK to massacre our indigenous peoples. like the ones brought here on boats around 200 years ago. would you prefer that?
Posted by Irfan, Friday, 9 December 2005 4:25:33 PM
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Irfan you are judging present generations by the actions of past generations.It has been 217 years since the first fleet.The Aborigines were not even considered to be human in those early years,similar those black africans of today who still consider monkey and gorilla meat a delicacy.What is the degree if intelligence that distinguishes us from animals?

We are all products of our environment and can only act accordingly within the paramaters of both our logical and ethical education.

Muslims should be trying harder to engage the the wider Australian community.Most people will be more understanding if they see Muslims trying to intergrate but also being proactive in curbing the excesses of those with intransient and extreme views who actively promote hatred and violence.

To blame the problem on everyone else in this country is just evading the problem.Sure there are Aussies full of blind hatred, but some who have been intimidated and assaulted by Muslim gangs have a pretty good reason.The NSW Govt is useless,why not put some pressure on them to clean up these gangs because it reflects badly on all Muslims?Surely Morris Iemma would listen to those in his own electorate.This Govt is too affraid of offending, for fear of losing votes.

It is time for some leadership from the Muslim community.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 9 December 2005 5:03:15 PM
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Many of those thugs were were Irish Catholics. They've successfully intergrated into the society and many of their descendants champion the civil rights of the indigenous people. This appears an attempt to right wrongs their forebears inflicted on those people. But I don't think you should try to make the current generation bear the sins of their fathers. That only leads down the road of long-term intolerance and eventual violence. We, thankfully, as you are fully aware, are way beyond that particular idiotic bigotry in Australia.

It does you no credit to raise that difficult topic in this particular discussion. It will only lead to more inflamed and bigoted responses and that isn't in the best interests of anyone.

I sense your intellect far greater than to have the need to respond on the same levels as others who have insensitive and bigoted views. We all fall to this temptation at times.

The subject matter is much to complex for that shallow type of debate.

But I will dare you to use your obvious talent and write an in depth piece on the subjects I rasied in an earlier post. I am sure the vast majority of intergrated and sensitive Australians would find your views on those topics very instructive and interesting. Many of us have actually started a process of learning and attempting an understanding of Islam. Your views could mould a deal of thinking within the great body of reserved and tolerant Australians.
Posted by keith, Friday, 9 December 2005 5:04:25 PM
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I'd prefer the convicts, amazing people. They overcame so much and built a great country.
Posted by meredith, Friday, 9 December 2005 5:09:59 PM
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It shocks and saddens me that some people here cannot see the inherent barbarism involved in the massacres and destruction of our indigenous Australian heritage over the past 2 centuries. If integration means regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians as inferior beings and justifying their slaughter and displacement, I'd rather not be part of such integration. Even Amanda Vanstone and Phillip Ruddock have shown greater humanity to our indigenous heritage than some of you here. But then, so many of you simply haven't figured out what it means to be Australian in the 21st century.
Posted by Irfan, Friday, 9 December 2005 8:17:31 PM
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