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The traffic in eggs: Media hype over 30-something women : Comments
By Eleanor Hogan, published 8/2/2005Eleanor Hogan argues that women shouldn't be defined by their fertility.
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Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 10 February 2005 12:08:00 AM
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You know nothing about me, but if you did then you would know that I have no great bias towards any political party, religion, ethnic group, or even gender. All can be as good / bad as each other. If what you are saying about 1960’s education is correct, then do two wrongs make a right? Should education become a form of left-wing indoctrination, or right-wing indoctrination? In the 1960’s it was possibly too right-wing, but there are now definite signs that it has become too left-wing. An article in today’s Australian newspaper describes the issues at...,5744,12190959%5E7583,00.html Within this article, there is mention of US university systems becoming too left-wing. For background information on this, see the many articles contained in the web-site at ..” It has been found that students do not dare disagree with any thing their lecturer says. Many university departments have mostly left-wing staff, and there can be a ratio of left-wing to right-wing staff of 30 to 1 in some places. This does not provide for a broad education for stufents, and the same is being identified in Australia. Right now I am particularly interested in feminist indoctrination. The vast majority of feminist teaching is fraudulent, as it makes use of a number of techniques to indoctrinate and give false information. The greatest critics of feminism are now female, because they have realised that there is little truth in feminism, and lack of truth does not set anyone free. A Christine Stolba carried out considerable research into feminist teaching in the US and wrote an essay titled “Lying in a Room of One’s Own – How Women’s Studies Textbooks Miseducate Students”. A copy can be found at... To my knowledge, this essay has never been questioned or found erroneous. The three most common elements of bias contained in feminist teaching and feminist literature identified by Christine Stolba were:- Errors of Fact Errors of Interpretation. Sins of Omission. If you read her essay and see the many examples she provides, then it becomes much easier to identify the bias in feminism. I personally prefer humanism to feminism anyday. If you wish for any more information concerning the fraudulent nature of feminism, feel free to ask, but do not make veiled accusations regards myself thankyou. Posted by Timkins, Thursday, 10 February 2005 1:44:56 AM
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I note with interest that the momentum of education seems to wax and wane from left to right, right to left. Usually a reaction.
I'm glad I'm part of a stream of history which looks at things from a stable, enduring and greatly humanizing source. You all would know what I mean by that by now :) Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 10 February 2005 7:34:40 AM
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It is interesting how history changes. We constantly here of how women find it difficult, and I believe there is often a reaction to try and blame men for any difficulty they might experience. In the Australian newspaper at (,9320,opinion%255E%255ETEXT,00.html) there is a cartoon. There are two women drinking wine at a bar. One says to the other” Did your marriage improve after the first decade”. The other says “Oh Yes, He forgot our tenth anniversary so I killed him” Many males are now becoming quite offended by these type of "jokes" or "satire". On the opinion page of the paper there is an article by a Emma Tom on abortion. (,5744,12191683%255E12274,00.html) It contains lines such as “More than 60per cent of Australians aged between the excessively frisky parameters of 20 and 39 are not hitched. The odds of these hornbags suddenly ceasing to shag is extremely slim.” After this the article just gets worse, and it would be the most disgraceful article I have ever seen on the highly serious issue of abortion. The general language used would only be surpassed by the filth often written by Susan Maushart. With all the liberation, this is where the women’s movement has evolved to. However from experience, it is highly unlikely that there would be any objection from any feminist to this type of media, but instead any criticism of feminism is regarded as misogynist, or not allowed. Posted by Timkins, Thursday, 10 February 2005 9:20:39 AM
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what you are witnessing and by the sound of things 'feeling' is nothing less than the social consequences of the crisis of male identify, brought on by a thoughtless approach to social change. Now we see 27 yr old female teachers in the States 'raping' 13 yr old boys. (not one but 2 of recent days). We had our own example recently. Of course these are only the 'reported' cases. We are heading down a path reminiscent of the Aboriginal tribe of Cape York which I tend to point out quite a bit. Loss of male identity means loss of purpose, meaning, and a downward spiral of lurching this way and that to rediscover it, usually in unrewarding places and behaviors. Fortunately, I know who I am and where I am going :) Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 10 February 2005 9:57:13 AM
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Hi Boaz,
The largest anti-feminist organisations in the world are organisations made up of women (mainly in the US). Reason:- because they can now see feminists for what they are. Posted by Timkins, Thursday, 10 February 2005 10:24:06 AM
That is the concern of every older generation toward the younger generation - I bet our parents were terrified when the baby boomers were smoking dope and getting high in the sixties - wondering how we would distinguish "up" from "down" - let alone the subtleties of gender bias - but here we are - I know I am happy with the job i did for my daughters - they both know how to drive their own minds - and sometimes even agree with me - spooky.