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The Forum > Article Comments > Accusing Israel of genocide is factually wrong > Comments

Accusing Israel of genocide is factually wrong : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 12/6/2024

Although Israel’s retaliation is deemed disproportionate to the number of Israelis slaughtered by Hamas, Israel’s onslaught on Gaza should not be sinisterly classified as an act of genocide.

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The versions of the rescue that I wrote weren't incompatible with that of Yuyutsu. I was talking solely about the Gazan families who were complicit in holding the hostages and died as a result. He was talking about the wider Gazan groups who were either Gazan soldiers who attacked the rescue mission or were caught in the cross-fire. I don't dispute what he wrote, he doesn't, I think, dispute what I wrote.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 14 June 2024 7:37:01 AM
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As a self-proclaimed "astute observer," you seem to miss
a lot of things. Including typos that people may make
in their postings. Give them some latitude - especially
when people have made their positions on issues quite
clear previously.

Nah. You don't insult people. You're an "astute observer."
Just as Trump had the election stolen from him. And Pell was

Instead of "astute" there's a few other adjectives that come
to mind.

Go on supporting Israel - after all they're only defending
themselves against aggressors.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 14 June 2024 9:42:27 AM
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Dear Foxy,

«Go on supporting Israel - after all they're only defending
themselves against aggressors.»

Won't you like to support Israel too?

Israel is under gruesome attacks from all directions - from Hamas, from Hezbollah, from Iran and its other Middle-Eastern satellites, from Netanyahu, from his Nazi companions, from the Messianic Jewish settlers of the West Bank, just to name its major, but not the only, enemies.

Supporting Israel is not opposed to also supporting the native population of the region, including those Syrians that were brutally cut off from Syria following World-War-I, when Britain and France (with Australia's support) separated them from their Syrian brothers and sisters by drawing an arbitrary line on the map; and who only much later started calling themselves "Palestinians". Support them too - why not, but support Israel too!

Myself and the author of this article support Israel, so should you: make Israel great again, help it out of its present darkness, make it again "a light unto the nations"¹ - small in territorial size but great in spirit!

¹ While I do not approve of that foolish concept of "nation", that is the original and commonly-used Biblical expression: I personally would rather use "a light unto the world".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 14 June 2024 10:55:28 AM
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As a youngster I fully supported Israel. I believed in
it so much that I wanted to go work and live on a kibbutz.
What I do not support is the actions of the current Israeli
government. I was sure that I made that clear. I also
have admired the author of this article. In this case
I disagree with him. Israel is guilty of war crimes.

I have already explained why.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 14 June 2024 11:10:18 AM
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Oh, was just a typo! Oh well in that case.

You meant to type 'seeking' and instead your dyslexic fingers typed 'issued'. Happens all the time!

Seriously, why is it so hard to just own up and move on?
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 14 June 2024 11:16:28 AM
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Dear Foxy,

«In this case I disagree with him. Israel is guilty of war crimes.»

This is debatable (yet I rather not enter that debate now because that would require an agreed precise definition of "who Israel is"), but either way, whether or not Israel is guilty of war crimes, the author seems in every way correct in detailing why GENOCIDE cannot be among these crimes. Nowhere does the author claim that Israel is not guilty of other war crimes.

My personal view on that matter is that war crimes (not including genocide) were indeed committed by Israel's government as well as by particular Israeli citizens, but not by Israel or the IDF as such.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 14 June 2024 12:00:27 PM
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