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The Forum > Article Comments > Accusing Israel of genocide is factually wrong > Comments

Accusing Israel of genocide is factually wrong : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 12/6/2024

Although Israel’s retaliation is deemed disproportionate to the number of Israelis slaughtered by Hamas, Israel’s onslaught on Gaza should not be sinisterly classified as an act of genocide.

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Nurse…while he’s not looking, take away his biro!

Israel faces three main problems, the least of which are the Palestinians.

First and foremost of the three are Israelis them selves, and in particular the US diaspora, who according to a recent survey, will continue to support with a vote, the Democrat Administration of Biden in November.

Secondly, the Biden Administrations handling of Israel, using the above group of the misguided, to destabilise the Netanyahu Democratically elected Israeli Government, promoting internal discord and instability which, as at yesterday, is in full scale revolt.

Which leads to the third issue of US destabilisation and outright usurping of the difficult war effort by those majority at home, still in support of the war effort of Netanyahus legal coalition.

In effect, this author is representative of the traitors set to hasten the defeat of their own Country in war.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 9:24:47 AM
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I have always admired the author of this article
for usually presenting such balanced views.

However, with all due respect, this time I'm
probably not the only one who disagrees with
his take on what Israel is doing.

" An objective, methodological, and detailed analysis,"
conducted in part by the Boston University School of Law's
International Human Rights Clinic as part of a report from
the Universal Network for Human Rights ( UNHR), and a
consortium of human rights centers at Colleges across the
world has released its findings.

The UNHR report released in mid May concludes that:

"Israel has committed genocidal acts, namely killing,
severely harming, and inflicting conditions of life
calculated and intended to bring about the physical
destruction of Palestinians in Gaza."

We're told that the report was researched and written by
UNHR members from Law International HUman Rights Clinic,
the International Human Rights Clinic at Cornell Law
School, the Centre for Human Rights at the University of
Pretoria in South Africa and the Lowenstein Human
Rights Project at Yale Law School.

The reports conclusions are based on internationally agreed
definition of genocide.

The report says:

"After reviewing the facts established by Independent Human
Rights monitors, journalists, and UN agencies, we conclude
that Israel's actions in and regarding Gaza since Oct 7th 2023 -
violates the Genocide Convention."

There's more at:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 11:06:30 AM
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My apologies.

Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 11:16:50 AM
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Middle Eastern conflicts of the 20th century.

Iran-Iraq war - duration 8 years - 1,100,000 killed - No one cares
Darfur Genocide - duration 12 years - 450.000 killed - no one cares
Syrian Civil War duration 4years - 350.000 killed - no one cares
Iraq Uprising 1991 - duration 2 months - 250.000 killed - no one cares
Anfal campaign 1988 - duration 3 years - 200.000 killed - no one cares
Yemini Wars - duration 52 years - 200.000 killed - no one cares
Arab-Israeli Wars - duration 95 years - 100.000 killed - Genocide - Get the UN involved. Sue, sue. Cut of arms supply. Dastardly Jews.

Its not a genocide but the term is used to delegitimise the Jewish state and save the Hamas leadership from the consequences of their idiocy of 7/10/23.

Of course, given the massive tunnel systems found by the Israelis on the Egyptian-Gaza border in the past weeks, it is clear that much of the anxiety to stop Israel completing its mission was to save Egypt from having its part in arming Hamas from being exposed and saving the Biden regime from being exposed as being complicit in that process.

Four Jewish hostages were rescued last week. They were being held by Gazan families, many of whom were killed in the process. Some worked for the UN. Some worked for Al Jazeera. None were innocent victims. Yet the international community, embarrassed that the hostages were found and released, claimed all those killed, who were complicit in holding hostages, were somehow innocents killed as part of a genocide.

Israel needs to, and will, complete its mission
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 11:38:31 AM
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Great article, thank you Alon.

Israel may be reckless but not genocidal. To be sure, there ARE Israelis (and others) who support genocide, believing that "a good Arab is a dead Arab". Fortunately they are a minority - only about 12%.

They are not the people who found Israel in the first place.
They are not Zionist, theirs is not the Zionist philosophy.
They are Nazis, plain and simple.
They weigh heavily on Israel and its continued existence.

Some 3000 years ago there ruled in the small Assyrian vassal province of Judea, of mostly 5000 people, a brutal warlord, called David, who murdered innocent people with pleasure when he coveted their property or wife. He also enjoyed faking history to increase his fame and glory, which was easy then when most people could not read. The Assyrians didn't mind, so long as he paid them their taxes. Modern Archaeology reveals that despite the biblical text, neither he nor his son Solomon, ever ruled the greater northern province of Israel. Even his legendary "great temple" in Jerusalem, presumably built with Lebanese cedars, was just a small building for worshipping the local goddess of Asherah.

Now these Messianic Jews (and Christian friends) desire to establish David's "royal" lineage over Israel, then subjugate the Middle-East and indeed the rest of the world to their "Messiah" (=saviour) and turn Israel into a theocracy not unlike Iran, where those who break the Biblical laws are punished by death (needless to mention, David himself never observed these laws).

These are Israel's greatest enemies, who are even more dangerous than Hamas.


Dear Mhaze,

Most of the 200 Gazans killed during the release of the four Israeli hostages had nothing to do with the hostages. Some were Hamas militants and others just happened to be in the market when Hamas rushed in from all sides to capture the Israeli rescuers as they retreated with the hostages. As Hamas shot the engine of their truck, the rescuers got unexpectedly stuck and a large force was needed to create a wall of fire between them and the converging Hamas.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 12:42:06 PM
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The Center For Constitutional Rights in New York has
written on " The Genocide of the Palestinian People:
An International Law and Human Rights Perspective."

They tell us that " Prominent scholars of the International
Law Crime of Genocide and Human Rights Authorities have
taken the position that Israel's policies toward the
Palestinian People could constitute a form of genocide."

They say that - "the policies range from 1948 mass killing
and displacement of Palestinians, to a half century of
military occupation and the discriminatory legal regime
governing Palestinians, the repeated assault on Gaza, and
the official Israeli statements expressed favouring the
elimination of Palestinians."

We're further told that "Genocide is a term that has both
legal and sociological meaning. That it was coined in 1944
by Jewish Polish legal scholar - Raphael Lemkin."

He explained that:

"More often (genocide) refers to a co-ordinated plan aimed
at the destruction of the essential foundations of the life
of national groups so that these groups wither and die like
plants, that have suffered a blight."
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 1:32:24 PM
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