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The Forum > Article Comments > Accusing Israel of genocide is factually wrong > Comments

Accusing Israel of genocide is factually wrong : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 12/6/2024

Although Israel’s retaliation is deemed disproportionate to the number of Israelis slaughtered by Hamas, Israel’s onslaught on Gaza should not be sinisterly classified as an act of genocide.

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#I am only stating things as they are.#

So am I.

#defend "Palestinians" when there are no such people?#

That’s splitting hairs.

#Of those 200+ Gazans killed and 700 wounded #

Figures given by the totally discredited Gaza Ministry of Health. Divide the figure by ten would be believable, on past highly exaggerated estimates of similar events.

Hamas are quite fond of shooting their own citizens. Why not follow the trend of lies and consider a scenario where Hamas turned weapons onto the market place for effect.
That is not beyond the realm of possibilities.

Further, Hamas engage as an out of uniform weaponised contingent, camouflaged among civilian populations, legitimising civilian casualties in a battle with the internationally legal and conformist Israeli military.

Under these circumstances, which I’m sure you already recognise, why do you quote outlandish lies as fact?
Is it maybe, these lies are regularly quoted by Bidens Administration as such fact?
One wonders about you and your true motivations Yuyutsu.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 8:32:07 PM
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Dear Dan,

Israel did not challenge these numbers, but simply explained that many of those killed were Hamas operators who rushed in from all over the camp to attack the retreating Israeli liberators. Israel itself admits that it had no choice but to shoot anyone who went close to the liberating force, which could not defend themselves because they came in camouflaged as displaced Gazan refugees and thus were very lightly armed.

I get my news directly from Israel - neither from Hamas nor from America or Australia.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 9:48:51 PM
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" but one script was discovered which indicates that even if David never existed, the lineage of Judaic kings, over 100 years later, believed him to be their ancestor."

Yes and the Greeks considered Menelaus to have been their king and Athens believed it was founded by Theseus. All mythology.

"Other orthodox Jews also believe the Bible that David existed and that his descendent will one day come and rule again"

Yes and Christians believe their messiah will return and rule the world. And Mohammedans think likewise. Pretty standard among the Abrahamic religions and not particularly relevant.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 13 June 2024 8:56:02 AM
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In the General Discussion Index of this forum -
I brought up for discussion the fact that
the ICC was seeking arrest warrants for Israel
and Hamas leaders.

The ICC's prosecutor Karim Khan has announced that
he was pursuing arrest warrants for Israeli PM
Netanyahu and the Israeli Defence Minister Yoav
Gallant and 3 leading Hamas figures.

I explained in my opening post of that discussion
that evidence will be considered by a panel of
3 judges before a decision is made.

Of course this announcement by the ICC was followed
by predictable vitriol by supporters of Israel - even
questioning the court's chief prosecutor's
impartiality despite his having chosen to include
both sides of the conflict to be culpable - and his
having vast legal experience in criminal law.

Agnes Callamard, Amnesty International's Secretary-General,
sums up the situation in Gaza in the following way:

"For 16 years, Israel's illegal blockade has made
Gaza the world's biggest open-air prison. The
international community must act now to prevent it
becoming a giant graveyard."

Israel continues to do what it's been doing.
It has razed the coastal enclave making it unliveable.
Prompted a catastrophic humanitarian crisis and
killed thousand of civilians.

These current arrest warrants may or may not be carried
out, but it is important that the global community
upholds international law. The prosecutor and his legal
experts see justice delayed, as justice denied.

It would be tragic if we have more loss of lives in an
effort to hold few individuals accountable. But to do
nothing is not an option.

Will the ICC fulfill the Nuremberg vision that inspired
its existence - "I was only following order," or
"We are only defending ourselves," should not
be used as an excuse here.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 13 June 2024 11:51:38 AM
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"the ICC was seeking arrest warrants for Israel
and Hamas leaders."

Yes....seeking. Not, as you asserted above, "issued". I wonder if you understand the difference?

"Agnes Callamard, Amnesty International's Secretary-General,
sums up the situation in Gaza ..."

Who cares what Amnesty says. It been thoroughly discredited....

" The final reports regarding Israel signal about anti-Semitic sentiment within the organization. Bell asserted that Amnesty impose different standards on Israel than other countries. For instance, he noted that Amnesty UK attacked Israel for providing Jewish people with a right to move to Israel. However, Bell argued, many countries have diaspora populations that they give preference to in immigration, and no others have been critiqued.

Amnesty International employees have been caught saying false, anti-Israeli, and anti-Semitic things on their personal platforms, yet no actions have been taken against the individuals responsible. "
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 13 June 2024 12:55:51 PM
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#I get my news directly from Israel - neither from Hamas nor from America or Australia.#

There’s your problem!

The MS Israeli media is more controlled than the Western media.

Find another way of informing yourself maybe!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 13 June 2024 1:26:27 PM
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