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I am an Aboriginal woman, and my people are hurting : Comments

By Samantha Cooper, published 4/6/2020

Reconciliation Week is exhausting at the best of times. Now more than ever, we are bombarded with tidal waves of racism and ignorance.

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In a program for gifted children conducted in Broward County Florida, it was found that the vast majority of children directed to the program were white from affluent neighbourhoods, only minimal numbers of Hispanic and Black children made the program. The children IQ's were tested and indeed their scores were uniformly high. That for some would indicated that white children have an obvious intelligence advantage over the other two groups.

Not until an investigation exposed the biased nature of the program, gifted white children were entering on mass, few missing out. Hispanic gifted children made the grade in lesser numbers than warranted, and black gifted children in far less numbers that those who would be otherwise eligible. And there is no racism? Shows the superiority of the whitefella just as LEGO has been telling us.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 20 June 2020 7:21:19 PM
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To Paul1404

I said VERY high and VERY low intelligence.

You were correct to point out that a minority of criminals have reasonably high intelligence, but IQ testing in prisons have established that the overwhelming majority of criminals have low intelligence. Certain ethnicities are very disproportionately represented in prisons, so put two and two together, if you are capable of such a mental challenge. Criminal psychopaths and criminal "masterminds" usually possess reasonably high intelligence but their numbers are fortunately very low.

Now you are attempting to claim that European wars that claimed millions of lives are somehow proof that Europeans are very violent. Wars are common among all races unless you are once again proposing the racist premise that Europeans are more violent than others. I could say something like that about Africans, because I am a racist. But you are supposed to be an anti racist, so making inferences like that about any race is hypocritical and PC sacrilege.

If there is one thing I am proud of about my life is that I like many of my generation had the opportunity to go to war, and would not go. Like old Bob Dylan used to sing, "When I saw those cities burning, I knew I was learning, that I'm not a marching anymore." Australia's involvement in the Vietnam war was caused by people like you. People who are unable to impartially look at both sides of a problem and objectively figure out either who is right or wrong. You have been brainwashed to think that white racism has caused all minority dysfunction, and just like the Australians who said "If we don't stop them in Vietnam we will be fighting them on Bondi Beach", you can't think past that mental border in your brain. Even though another perfectly logical explanation exists which covers everything.

If the fact that some ethnicities are dysfunctional in every European society that they are either already a part of, or have immigrated into, is caused by white victimisation, how is it that Asians and Jews in European societies prosper so well?
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 20 June 2020 10:34:09 PM
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LEGO, it was your claim that blacks are more violent, to that I highlighted Europeans ability to be just as violent as all other races. The European has developed the ability through his materialism to kill more effectively than others.

"IQ testing in prisons have established that the overwhelming majority of criminals have low intelligence. Certain ethnicities are very disproportionately represented in prisons, so put two and two together,"

That my dear chap is crap, like several of your claims, it is a figment of your imagination. Unless you can point to reliable scientific research to confirm your assertion then although it might be true, its made up. People in jail may be less educated than average, but not necessarily less intelligent.

"I'm tired of being called a racist when I'm just pointing out a scientific fact," wrote Kelso on Facebook this morning in a feeble attempt to rationalize his idiotic worldview. "European-Americans are just better. Like, as in biologically and whatnot." "Want proof of my genetic greatness? Just look at my white skin," declared Kelso.
"It must make the SJWs down at Wal-Mart jealous, because apparently I'm too white for them to hire me."

When reached for comment, area Wal-Mart manager Carla Overton outright rejected Kelso's theory for his declined job application. With an IQ of 92 Kelso was seen as unsuitable for employment by Wal-Mart.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 21 June 2020 7:06:28 AM
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To Paul 1506

Your premise is that Europeans are just as intrinsically violent as other races and your "proof" is that European wars have killed millions, while other races have not totted up such a high "butcher's bill".

I only get 350 words per post, so trying to explain complex concepts is difficult, but here goes.

Europeans men were once very violent men, just like the African, Hispanic, and Pacific Islander men today. They used swords, knives, clubs, axes, and spears, to kill each other at very close quarters. But 2,000 years of the most violent men in European civilisation genetically eradicating each other has meant that the ratio of violent men to non violent men gradually diminished. There was another factor as well, for much of European history, the most common punishment for violent offences was execution, or imprisonment of such bad conditions it was virtually a death sentence anyway.

European armies today have a real problem finding enough infantrymen who are intelligent, decent men, and still natural born killers. Military psychologists claim that only about 12-15% of European men can kill at very close range and not become psychiatric cases from doing so. These men could be considered any societies natural protectors and infantrymen. I know that does not gel with the tens of millions killed in WW1 and 2, or the scenes from Hollywood movies. But most killing today is caused by very lethal mass killing crew served weapons, or aircraft at very long range, where the crews "cannot hear the screams and see the blood."

The leaders of European armies for the last 250 years were well aware that most young men in their armies will not kill the enemy if they can see them, and will turn into psychiatric cases if forced to do so. (the Romans knew it earlier) It is only now that Hollywood is beginning to reflect this reality, as in scenes from the movies "Gettysburg" and Clint Eastwood's "Unforgiven." Police officers forced to kill violent offenders must undergo compulsory "grief counselling" to try and stave of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 21 June 2020 8:51:26 AM
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"My information", that there is a causal link between low IQ and criminality, comes from two books I have read, "A Mind To Crime" by Dr Anne Moir and David Jessel (in which the word "race" is never mentioned) and "The Bell Curve" by cognitive metrician scientists Richard Hernstein and Charles Murray. Confirmation that they are right comes from me either reading books on actual crimes, or watching real life crime shows on youtube where it is as obvious as an outback dunny that almost all criminals are blithering idiots.

However, since I like to know both sides of a position before I commit myself to a side, I read a book by a couple of people who vehemently denied that race, genetics, or IQ could have anything to do with criminality. I was intrigued as to how the authors of this book (The War On Children") could be able to counter the compelling scientific evidence that crime, IQ, and genetics were linked. I can't name this books two authors, as I have moved house recently and many books are still packed away.

The answer was, they didn't even try. The authors based their opinions either on moral arguments involving Nazi Germany and Eugenics, or conspiracy theories involving drug manufacturer Eli Lilly. What was really interesting in their book was that the authors let slip that the US NAACP had successfully lobbied the US Congress to remove funding from any scientist involved in the research of any scientific discipline investigating race and crime.

Any party with vested interests who tries to stop scientists from investigating anything is intellectually bankrupt. That decided me.

Since then, simply watching the news confirms everything I now accept as true. Watching Sudanese gang members robbing a jewellery store in Melbourne without even masks on, right in front of high definition security cameras, is a case in point. Something similar even happened at my own local bank branch.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 21 June 2020 9:56:23 AM
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LEGO, do you get this guff of yours out of the Nazi Handbook, or do you make it up yourself?

"European armies today have a real problem finding enough infantrymen who are intelligent, decent men, and still natural born killers. But most killing today is caused by very lethal mass killing crew served weapons, or aircraft at very long range, where the crews "cannot hear the screams and see the blood."Stating the obvious, with sophisticated mechanisation they have no need for unintelligent gung ho cannon fodder, the last of that was Vietnam where America and its flunkies put half million low IQ men into the field, btw man of knowledge, what was their average IQ? 27,28 no 29?

"The leaders of European armies for the last 250 years were well aware that most young men in their armies will not kill the enemy if they can see them, and will turn into psychiatric cases if forced to do so."

That's why 100 year ago the British Army launched a headlong assault with 120,000 infantrymen against machine guns at the Battle of the Somme in WWI. Losing almost 20,000 dead in a few hours, or was that just a "jolly bad show", by men of higher intellect?

"(the Romans knew it earlier)" did you get that from Monty Python's Life of Brian, or did you just make it up.

Does the cleverness of changing my nick give you a feeling of "superiority", I hope so, because if its meant to be funny it as funny as that man of yours, Heydrich Himmler doing stand up comedy, it all falls flat.

BTW, will I be superior to if I change your nick from LEGO to DODO, or WACKO or maybe even DILDO.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 21 June 2020 10:59:19 AM
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