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Apprehension about Islam : Comments

By Babette Francis, published 8/3/2017

It is important to draw a distinction between

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While your points are well made Mikk. Quoting from an irrelevant anachronism, may suit the needs of your argument, but not the unvarnished truth!

Christians aren't guided by very much of the old testament, save the ten commandments. Whereas, the Quran remains relatively intact and or hugely misrepresented by cult like sects inside the broad church that is Islam; and where the least revised version would seem to be, the Sofie tradition?

Which is arguably responsible for most of the conversion of former non Muslim Asia, with the largest Muslim democracy being next door neighbor indonesia, once largely Hindu?

Malaysia is said to be moderate, but mostly Muslim, which seems to have allowed corrupt self serving leaders to hold sway?

At the end of the day, an inculcated from birth belief system is not worth the paper it is written on, if it fails to moderate corrupt behavior or the self evident trashing of a professed belief system?

That said, I believe all those guided by the "book", believe as a core principle, that there is no place in paradise for those who, deliberately and knowingly, and in the absence of any extenuating circumstances, spill so much as a single drop of innocent blood!

Let alone chop off heads, rape, murder, pillage, crucify, bury alive etc/etc, simply because they, allegedly, don't share an unproven, unprovable belief system, or the patent homophobia central to it?

I think homosexually when practised among consenting adults, and that does not in any way describe me!

Is vastly less offensive than marrying six year old girls, or consummated in that marriage, when a child still not able to give informed consent, is subjected to the unimaginable evil horror/terror, that is consummation aged just nine.

And at the sword wielding hands of an alleged man of God, moral arbiter and founder of anything, actually having the moral authority of God backing it!

And before too many hackles are raised, the same critique applies equally to warrior Popes and or, boy buggering Bishops, at the head of bloodthirsty murdering "Christian" hordes!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 8 March 2017 3:22:32 PM
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the abc conitnues to find leftist idiots who are happy to be used by Islam to promote their cause. At the root of their hypocrisy and stupidity is their hatred for Christianity because it exposes their perverted lifestyles.

and no ttbn although I usually agree with you on much, Islam won't rule the world. Read the end of the book. When all godless pereverted kingdoms are done (including secularism) Christ will rule. I suspect many secularist also know this despite their mocking and denials.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 8 March 2017 3:39:36 PM
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A quick examination of this author's posting history reveals her to be one of those annoying religious-right type Christians who think that the best way to praise the Lord is to go about forcing their morality on everybody else.

Make no mistake here; Ms. Francis is not in favour of secularism or liberal philosophy: these reason she objects so strongly to Muslims is because they belong to the wrong religion - along with everybody else who doesn't embrace her narrow interpretation of Christianity.

It's the sort of hate-mongering sectarianism that helped to fuel the Troubles in Ireland. The intelligence and law-enforcement officials that actually risk their lives to keep us safe from terrorists all agree that this kind of speech which demonises all Muslims for the misdeeds of a tiny subset of Muslims is unhelpful, counter-productive and hence dangerous.

But what does Ms. Francis care if her careless speech endangers people's safety? These days everybody is so fiercely possessive of their right to free speech that they think it is OK to shout 'Fire!' in a crowded theatre - and she has her own little Christian jihad to fight.

//Muslims should be as unwelcome as the KKK in any Western society.//

I reckon it can't be long now before somebody demonstrates the superiority of liberal Western values by setting fire to a crescent on the front lawn of a 'sand-nìgger'. And I daresay that when they do, there'll be a few of the forum's usual suspects applauding their strong and principled stand against religious violence and oppression - without a single hint of irony or sarcasm.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 8 March 2017 3:41:13 PM
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"Christians aren't guided by very much of the old testament, save the ten commandments."

Dont most xians believe it is the unerring word of god?
Dont they believe in the story of creation from genesis?
What about Noah, Abraham, Moses? Dont xians believe their stories?
What about the bits they use to justify their homophobia?

Where in scripture does it tell you which bits are true and which bits arent?
I dont remember any footnotes saying "dont believe this bit" when I read the bible.

Is it "the word of god" or not? Is it true or not?

"That said, I believe all those guided by the "book", believe as a core principle, that there is no place in paradise for those who, deliberately and knowingly, and in the absence of any extenuating circumstances, spill so much as a single drop of innocent blood!"

So the isrealites who were freed from Egypt and then committed genocide on the Caananites are going to heaven are they?
The crusaders, the inquisitors, the witch burners. Did they not know about this "core principle"?
Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 8 March 2017 3:49:30 PM
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It is surprising that certain people in high places assert that Islam is a religion of peace.

Is it too much to ask that they acquaint themselves with the Koran -- unless of course they take pride in being seen as (ignorant but) politically correct?
Posted by Raycom, Wednesday, 8 March 2017 4:20:31 PM
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Dear Old Man,

«If alive in Australia today he would be in gaol as a paedophile.»
«If alive today he would be in gaol as a war criminal.»
«In the Koran he advises his followers to do the beating of their wives away from the house.»

Have you heard about a fair trial?
Where is the evidence?

All the stuff that you read in the Koran and Hadith is rubbish that was written no earlier than 790A.D., that is about 160 years after Muhammad's death by Arab gangsters who never knew Muhammad (peace be upon him) and never respected his true teachings. This includes the prophet's alleged wars, alleged wives and alleged violent teachings - it's all libel, the Saint Muhammad was a humble person who lived peacefully in a cave and had little to do with the world - he has been framed, or in modern terms, been a victim of identity-theft!

All you need in order to stop Islamic violence, is for Muslims to realise the above and rather than forsake Allah - forsake those fake books, become true Muslims by surrendering to Allah and follow the true and benevolent teachings of the real Muhammad, peace be upon him!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 8 March 2017 4:23:31 PM
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