The Forum > Article Comments > United Nations must end Hamas and PLO stranglehold on power > Comments
United Nations must end Hamas and PLO stranglehold on power : Comments
By David Singer, published 13/9/2016The United Nations has allowed the conflict between Hamas and the PLO to career out of control for the last 10 years.
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Posted by david singer, Thursday, 15 September 2016 11:48:31 PM
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In your quote, the Court confirms that the state acts illegally as claimed. Did you notice the words used in Art 6, 80 and for area C ? "Suitable" and "Palestinian" are not , repeat not, a type of Israeli howitzer. Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 16 September 2016 7:01:56 AM
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You state: “I and many like me have spoken up for your people in the past, but it becomes harder ever time I read posts from people like you.” What upsets you by my exposing posts from people like #Geoff, “Thomas O’Reilly and #nickname” as lies and distortions designed to denigrate and delegitimise Israel and the Jewish people? If not answered they become accepted as fact and then repeated. #nicknamenick 1. Neither the words “suitable” nor “Palestinian” appear in Article 80. 2. Again you refuse to acknowledge that Israeli Courts rectified what were found to be illegal actions. Why? 3. The meaning of the term “suitable conditions” was set out in the Peel Commission “THE CRITERION OF ECONOMIC ABSORPTIVE CAPACITY. 64. Under the Mandate it is the duty of the Administration of Palestine, “ while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced “, to ” facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions “. In other words, immigration is to be facilitated, but its flow must be subject to control. In practice the Administration has imposed such control by the application of the regulative principle of economic absorptive capacity. 65. This Principle was clearly enunciated in the Churchill Policy of 1922 as follows : - “For the fulfilment of this policy [the Government’s policy with regard to a Jewish National Home] it is necessary that the Jewish community in Palestine should be able to increase its numbers by immigration. This immigration cannot be so great in volume as to exceed whatever may be the economic capacity of the country at the time to absorb new arrivals. It is essential to ensure that the immigrants should not be a burden upon the people of Palestine as a whole, and that they should not deprive any section of the present population of their employment. Hitherto the immigration has fulfilled these conditions. The number of immigrants since the British occupation has been about 25000.” You will say anything to denigrate and delegitimise Israel. Why do you continually seek to deceive and mislead in this way? Posted by david singer, Friday, 16 September 2016 10:15:48 AM
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Quotes by David Singer: 14th- blind Jew-hatred, Jew-hating columnists, Jew-hating web site, Jew-haters like you, enormous Jew-hatred, repeat and spread canards and lies that have no factual substance whatsoever, az me shloft mit hint shtait men oif mit flai!, hatred of Jews, your Jew-hatred.
15th- Jew-haters, your Jew-hatred, the Jewish Agency and the JNC (= un-elected un-democratic un-constitutional MURDERING TERRORIST Swill), The members of the JNC formed the provisional government of the State of Israel (AND a band of happy Irish Catholics also formed the PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT of the IRA too = so what?), Besides being a Jew-hater, you are a complete ignoramus. 15th v2- with the ravings of, The weapon of the Jew-hater, Spoken like a true Jew-hater, Jew-hating mates, Jew-haters, ignoramuses - now fraudsters. Oh David, my David, cry me a river! You're all "class" and are such a fanatical religious creep that I suspect you were taught how lie in the womb. For the record I am a 'Jew Lover' of many sultry babes, got photos to prove it, wanna see? People's religious beliefs are of no concern to me. But I do draw the line when the religious freak show tries to shove down 7 billion throats, with the force of nuclear weapons and big brother's protection in $billions per year for 60 years, selling the LIE that G-d gave these narcissists the land of Israel - horseshit she did! Uou know why the Dinosaurs went extinct? They were too big to get on board Noah's Ark. So are your lies, 3 year old insults, false public accusations ie Defamation, and an Ego too big to fit on Noah's Ark either. In modern usage, sophism, sophist and sophistry are redefined and used disparagingly. A sophism is a specious argument for displaying ingenuity in reasoning or for deceiving someone. A sophist is a person who reasons with clever but fallacious and deceptive arguments. Even at 'Sophistry' and a Hasbara Clone you are incompetent David Singer! Please collect your ticket into 'Psychopath Heaven' on your way out. - Posted by Thomas O'Reilly, Friday, 16 September 2016 11:13:52 AM
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What is wrong with your posts, is that you never accept you are ever wrong,you accuse anyone who criticizes you as being a Jew hater, and you never believe your military are behaving in the same way as an occupying military force. I really feel sad for Jewish people because you have suffered at the hands of the enraged mob for thousands of years.After the last time in Germany, there was a huge amount of sympathy for you and willingness to help.Even the likes of Oswald Mosley had to publicly hide his true feelings toward the Jewish people. However that support has now vaporized and it is only those in high places (like US politicians) who verbally support the state of Israel with lavish monitory hand outs. However throughout Europe and the US Jews are on the receiving end of rising anti antisemitism again.I even saw in Thailand a club for Jews, which had a guard at the door, in an area where no other club had one. So David if you want to write posts that I think would help your people in the long run then I suggest you start by accepting that Israel's military are behaving in many cases like rabid dogs. And finally you need to stop calling Israel a democracy, as by all the defornitions in the dictionary it clearly is not. Chris Posted by LEFTY ONE, Friday, 16 September 2016 12:44:02 PM
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15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war in Palestine transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states, following the Israeli Declaration of Independence the previous day.
A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq forces entered Palestine as promised they would. It was NOT fought between the "Palestinian/Arab Population" versus "the Jews", most only recently illegally immigrated post-WW2. The then residents, "Palestinian Arabs" had lived there for hundreds of years. They were NOT responsible for the actions of other States! Not then not today! That is what true facts and logic looks like. 'Jewish Israeli' leadership immediately instigated 'ethnic cleansing' of Palestinians by destroying their villages and towns. aka a War Crimes against an innocent civilian population not involved in this inter-State war. More facts! The Palestinian Arabs have never been responsible for the words and actions of other nations, including Israel herself. If you imagine otherwise then I recommend you seek psychiatric intervention. You could be suffering from a temporary psychosis with associated delusions. Closest thing to this flood of 'Jewish refugees' is the ~1 million refugees from Syria etc who flooded into Europe last year. White Europeans are now singing the same chorus that the Palestinian Arab Peoples plus British Government / Military were singing across the 1940s -- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH already! Similar cries were heard about a few thousand 'boat people refugees' arriving here. Millions were turning up in Palestine (an impoverished people and undeveloped nation) over a much shorter period late-30s to mid-40s. A definition may assist here: HYPOCRITE noun 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. 2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements. AND LOGIC noun the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference. the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study. - Posted by Thomas O'Reilly, Friday, 16 September 2016 3:30:59 PM
You state:
“Did you miss the bit where I explained that telling people who aren't the UN what the UN needs to do is about as useful as tits on a bull?”
On the basis of that thinking every media outlet that publishes the views of analysts and commentators would probably go out of business.
BTW - you are yet to reply to my comments to you on 11 September in relation to our discussion at:
Is Daddy still busy with work or does he really have no answer?
Lots of countries support Hamas which has served to embolden it to hang on to power for the last 10 years with disastrous consequences for the Gazan Arabs. Breaking the Hamas stranglehold and giving the people a vote on Hamas’s performance is urgently required. Any UN declaration of support for the beleaguered population of Gaza to have their say is long overdue.
We have gone off topic enough with the ravings of #Geoff and #Thomas O’Reilly
It is nice to see that you have correctly reproduced Article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine and the definition of Area “C” in the Oslo Accords.
Any reason you did not set out Article 80 of the UN Charter?
What point are you trying to make?
The weapon of the Jew-hater – selectively quoting from outdated 2008 sources but not attributing your comments to Wikipedia as your source - rather attributing them to “the Jew-hating ignoramus goyim”.
Spoken like a true Jew-hater.
Even worse you selectively and deliberately excluded this sentence that put Israel’s case:
“According to Israel, the bulk of the land was vacant, was leased from the state, or bought fairly from Palestinian landowners.”
Building on private Palestinian land is wrong and if proved is being rectified by the Israeli Courts.
Ah - but why tell people this when your objective and those of your Jew-hating mates is to denigrate and delegitimise Israel and the Jewish people at every opportunity by deliberately misleading and deceiving.
Jew-haters, ignoramuses - now fraudsters.