The Forum > Article Comments > United Nations must end Hamas and PLO stranglehold on power > Comments
United Nations must end Hamas and PLO stranglehold on power : Comments
By David Singer, published 13/9/2016The United Nations has allowed the conflict between Hamas and the PLO to career out of control for the last 10 years.
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Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 10:50:48 AM
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Please explain what this hook is that I am on. 1. As this is an open forum that is not in Israel I am free to say whatever I want about any subject. The strength of my argument is determined by other posters, and there are no requirements to present evidence as this is not a court room, just a forum. As for telling me to shut up, I think you are starting to look really silly, and bombastic. 2. You just posted half of the link you sent me as evidence, so I posted the other half of it. Now you send another link from your government that has only half the information in it. Anyone still interested should check David’s link, and decide for yourself who is correct. David please stop telling me what I should do, it is not helping your position. 3 I was referring to the various treaties that created the state of Israel. As they have been discussed at length on this and other threads by many people, I see no point in listing them again. So David, do you want to continue this discussion with me? If so please answer my questions and stop trying to bully me. If you can’t do both of those, then this is goodbye. Chris Posted by LEFTY ONE, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 12:29:56 PM
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You now admit: "The strength of my argument is determined by other posters, and there are no requirements to present evidence as this is not a court room, just a forum." Oh yes there is - especially when I have gone at great pains to point out the lies, half-truths and distortions being peddled by the likes of #Emperor,#Geoff, #Toni Lavis", #nickname, #Thomas O'Reilly and yourself. Your refusal to withdraw your outright misleading and deceptive statement that only Jews vote for members of the Knesset is a perfect example - when I have pointed out that Israel's 20% Arab population also vote. If I had not exposed your duplicitous conduct some innocent reader would believe that Jews only voted in Israeli elections when this is patently wrong. Your decision to say good bye is welcomed. #nickname (post 16 September) You state: "3. The meaning of the term “suitable conditions” was set out in the Peel Commission. And the Jew-hating goyim ignoramus sane judge found this was breached." What do you claim was breached? #nickname (post 19 September) Quit the humanitarian crap about the European Union building illegally in Area "C" without Israel's permission or consent. Area C is under complete Israeli security and administrative control and the European Union has no case for building illegally there wthout Israel's approval. If the EU want to help the Palestinian Arabs they have ample empty space in Areas A and B which are under full Arab administrative control. Condemn the EU for its outrageous and illegal behaviour - not Israel. Imagine if Israel started building in France or Germany. Another crass effort by you to denigrate and delegitimise Israel. Perhaps you should just follow #LEFTY ONE and skulk off with your tail between your legs. Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 1:37:34 PM
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Emperor Julian
The figure of six families was given to me by a young Israeli, who was a guest at the cheap backpacker I used to run in Vang Vieng Laos a few years ago. I did not do any research on it, as I was just listening to what he said. I have now done a little research as you are interested and find that Israel is the no 2 in the world on the list of wealth concentration. The number of six may not be correct; however it appears that 34% of the whole economy is owned by eighteen men and their families. Rather than sending you links, you can find this information on the net in many places. I think your ideas would be a good, however I would start with joint programs with the children. Soccer matches where Jews and Arabs play on the same side. Art classes where children could express on paper their daily experiences and fears. I fear the adults on both sides are not likely to change their thinking. I think if David Singer wants Israel to have a future then he needs to focus more on the well being of the nation as a whole and stop focusing on the interests of the wealthy few. Chris Posted by LEFTY ONE, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 4:03:58 PM
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So you really want to continue this with me ok then. I wasjust pointing out the simple rules of this forum, that does not state we need to post proof to back up our statement. If there are any people that don’t already have a pretty clear point of view on the issue of Palestine/Israel, I am sure they are able to make up their own mind. The issue of who gets to vote for the Knesset seems to depend on which link you click on. I clicked on the link below which you quoted the first part of.I suggest you read the whole thing before posting again. It is one thing to cherry pick your links, but to cherry pick bits from a link to fit your story in something else. It would be good if an Arab from the west bank would help us out with this point. Until that happens, this will have to sit in the unproven basket. Final point to you is could you name a few people on this forum who support your particular point of view, having followed the various posting. I do understand how hard it must be for you dealing with so many who do not see Israel the way you do. Chris Posted by LEFTY ONE, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 4:43:31 PM
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Can you hear the sound of Himmler in your 'enunciations'? My 2nd post on p3 is in plain words from your judge which seem incomprehensible to you. Sure Israel has complete security and control ( France 1940) but your quotes show that area C is to become Palestinian. Israel knows it can't have lebensraum in east Jerusalem so uses dodgy words and loss of re-entry by travelling Arabs to force control. Why argue with us , you have the ammunition to speak for you. Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 20 September 2016 5:46:57 PM
Lefty One asked: "When will the population rise up against the 6 families that seem to own almost everything in the country?"
I'm not challenging this reference to 6 families, but as I've never herd of them I wonder if Lefty One would say a little more about the six - who they are and what property (stolen from the Palestinians as is the entire land covered by ultra-racist state) they hold.
I might or might not agree with Lefty One's statement that racist Israel should not be eliminated, just modified. But I'm intrigued by what modification he considers acceptable. Return of the exiles to their original property? A constitution that defines its borders? Law that excludes race as as criterion for settlement within its borders?