The Forum > Article Comments > United Nations must end Hamas and PLO stranglehold on power > Comments
United Nations must end Hamas and PLO stranglehold on power : Comments
By David Singer, published 13/9/2016The United Nations has allowed the conflict between Hamas and the PLO to career out of control for the last 10 years.
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Posted by Thomas O'Reilly, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 1:22:24 AM
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//you cannot make such a serious allegation without substantiating the information you rely on. It is an allegation that denigrates, defames, and delegitimizes people without the slightest bit of evidence to support it. Put up your evidence or shut up.//
Yeah. Dave, let's see your evidence that I'm a Jew-hater. Note well that your personal distaste for my frequently facetious manner, or my failure to answer questions in the way your Lordship demands, does not constitute evidence of anti-Semitism. Are you willing to withdraw your offensive remarks and apologise? Or are we going to have to start flagging your posts for breaching forum rules every time you drag out that poor, dead horse for another flogging? Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 6:48:40 AM
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#Thomas O’ Reilly
You state: “Now regarding the repeated acclamation of Jew-haters: David cannot say such things about others. Why? Because you cannot make such a serious allegation without substantiating the information you rely on. It is an allegation that denigrates, defames, and delegitimizes people without the slightest bit of evidence to support it. Put up your evidence or shut up.” Here is some (not all) of the evidence of your Jew-hatred - based on your own statements: 1. "My comment in the other article went: "I saw that one day there would be one nation state upon the land of Palestine. A real functional democracy based upon a true Constitution under Law Equal rights for all citizens and it's name would not be Israel." 2. Quoting with approval statements of others such as: “Jonathon Blakeley: A guide to Hasbara trolls "...the vile and destructive impact of Sayanim and Hasbara agents on the social networks." 3. “My view is very simple: That the nation state of Israel is, and always has been, illegitimate. “ 4. “It is my informed view that those couple of dozen people sitting in a room in May 1948 who unilaterally declared statehood were illegitimate and legally represented no people at all. Not Mandate Jews, not Muslims, no one! There was never any election held to 'appoint this tiny group of fanatics' as leaders. There was never any Referendum held by bona-fide 'citizens' who Voted for any nation state on the land of the defunct British Mandate of Palestine. The people in the room acted OUTSIDE of the UN Process and as such it was ILLEGAL and IMMORAL. “ 5. “Just because the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the UN wasn't ratified until 7 months after the illegitimate declaration of Israel as a nation state, does not change the self-evident fact that 'Israel' never abides by those human rights from day one. 6. “the Jewish Agency and the JNC (= un-elected un-democratic un-constitutional MURDERING TERRORIST Swill),” #Toni Lavis Can you please point out where I have called you a Jew-hater? Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 8:33:41 AM
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In his commments on Thomas O'Reilly the ultra-racist David Singer has finally spelled out what he means by the libellous term "Jew hater". Not one of Thomas O'Reilly's statements that this ultra-racist cites as amounting to "Jew hatred" could be held by any stretch of the imagination to constitute hatred of Jews. In the light of history including Nazi history Jew hatred is rightly seen as a deadly form of racism which reflects devastatingly on anyone who holds it. To ascribe it willy nilly to every person who challenges racist supremacism is a sign, frankly, of being so far round the twist as to deserve to be shunned by society. It is Mr Singer's ultra-racism that has led him up this blind alley.
I use the terms racism and ultra-racism not as a tit for tat for Mr Singer's loose accusations of Jew hatred but as a pointer to a serious evil that threatens both social and international peace and justice. I've presented on this thread a strict definition which fits Zionism and Mr Singer like a glove and would be happy to respond to any rational criticism of it. BTW the term "Jew hatred" is an extreme form of the libellous term "antisemitism" which is what Zionists often deploy when their racism comes under challenge. Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 12:23:54 PM
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Most Diaspora Jews (Jews living outside of Israel) disagree with me and support the Jewish right of return, even though you can’t literally “return” to a place you’ve never been. [...] I live in Charleston, South Carolina, home of the oldest synagogue in continuous use in the United States. I prefer the words of its rabbi at a dedication ceremony in 1841: “This country is our Palestine, this city our Jerusalem….” Israeli Historians Expose Myth of Israel's Birth By Rachelle Marshall Every country has its MYTHS – stories that may have NO BASIS IN FACT but nevertheless serve as vital sources of national unity and strength. What sets the state of Israel apart is that its myths have become accepted as history, not only in Israel, but in much of the rest of the world as well. Thanks to the astuteness of Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, and his successors, the conventional view today is that the modern state of Israel was the creation of a heroic and beleaguered people who fled persecution in Europe and, rejected everywhere else, sought refuge in the land that had been historically theirs. There they were attacked, the mythology relates, first by local terrorists jealous of their success in making the desert bloom, and then by the powerful armies of surrounding Arab states. Against overwhelming odds, outnumbered Jewish soldiers fought off an enemy bent on their annihilation, and the Jewish people survived to build a thriving democracy on what had been an unpopulated wasteland. [...] Much of their research was made possible by the opening in 1978 of files from the British Public Record and the Israeli State Archives that had been kept closed for 30 years. The information contained in these files [...] has enabled Israeli scholars to present a NEW PERSPECTIVE on the ORIGINS OF A CONFLICT... A significant aspect of their work reveals the remarkable consistency of Israeli POLICY throughout those years and the use by successive Israeli LEADERS of the SAME STRATEGIES and DECEPTIONS to achieve their GOALS. - Posted by Thomas O'Reilly, Thursday, 22 September 2016 12:40:10 AM
@david singer pg7:
"Why? Because you cannot make such a serious allegation without substantiating the information you rely on. It is an allegation that denigrates and delegitimises Israel without the slightest bit of evidence to support it. Put up your evidence or shut up."
Now regarding the repeated acclamation of Jew-haters: David cannot say such things about others. Why? Because you cannot make such a serious allegation without substantiating the information you rely on. It is an allegation that denigrates, defames, and delegitimizes people without the slightest bit of evidence to support it. Put up your evidence or shut up.
A nation State is not a religion nor a faith nor a singular people. It's a State. Criticism of a State, it's government, it's system, it's constitution, it's borders, and it's actions are 'fair game' not only here on OLO but everywhere on the planet.
Be it the UK, Australia, North Korea, the USA, China, Indonesia re East Timor, Mugabe's Zimbabwe, Suddam's Iraq, or Israel.
Religion has got nothing to do with the original article nor criticisms of it.
But herein lays the ever present problem of 'Fundamentalism' on this planet across every era of human history to today.
The Fundamentalism Project was a multi-year study of world fundamentalisms which incorporated hundreds of experts on religion and culture from around the globe.
Five encyclopedic volumes on world fundamentalisms resulted from the project, all of which were edited by Marty and R. Scott Appleby and published by The University of Chicago Press:
Too Bad We're So Relevant: The Fundamentalism Project Projected
Vol. 49, No. 6 (Mar., 1996) - the universal traits of fundamentalism: "the envy of the modern, the tendency to foster a sense of crisis and urgency; the flair for the dramatic and the symbolic act; the shrewd, popular, and effective adaptations to modernity."
Fundamental Human Rights
30 Articles of Human Rights