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The Forum > Article Comments > Fear is not necessarily bigotry but we need to overcome it > Comments

Fear is not necessarily bigotry but we need to overcome it : Comments

By Rivka Witenberg, published 28/7/2016

In psychology we recognise at least five basic threats with the fear of extinction being the most prominent one.

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I take it Rivka unlike most the other leftie academics does not fear Donald Trump becoming president.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 July 2016 10:43:07 AM
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According to 'The Guardian', the French media is thinking along the same lines as you are. The are thinking about refraining from publishing photos of dead terrorists to avoid "the effect of posthumous glorification".
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 29 July 2016 12:19:31 PM
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“When it comes to overcoming fear of others who are different from us, psychological studies suggest that acknowledging it is the first step and important step followed by exposure to the fearful event or situation.”
So Sonia and others only want to ban Muslims because they are different?
Well there are twice as many Buddhists in Australia as Muslims. And those ‘different’ people don’t even eat meat. So how many people voted for the ‘Don’t let Buddhists migrate to Australia’ party at the recent election?
Posted by Edward Carson, Friday, 29 July 2016 6:28:55 PM
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Well said Vox Unius.
Posted by Edward Carson, Friday, 29 July 2016 6:30:42 PM
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Edward Carson, “When it comes to overcoming fear of others who are different from us, psychological studies suggest that acknowledging it is the first step and important step followed by exposure to the fearful event or situation.”

Do people have a fear of "others" who are different from us? I don't really think so. Well not in the main. Of course there are DH's everywhere., but on the whole there are very few of thee people. I feel most people are inclusive of others regardless of what they are. Foreign, Gay, Female, Black, White, Brindle, Purple or Mental, etc,. Generally people don't really care one way or the other.

The Academics & Media like to make a mountain out of a Mole Hill when something not very nice happens to someone who is the flavour of the month. It sells papers & Academics can get another Grant based on the issue. "They" don't solve any problems, in fact, I feel, a lot of the time they create a problem where none existed before. It sells papers.

All Advertising is Fear based as is the Media. As a famous American once said about "Products" Don't try to sell the product, sell the hype." If anyone has been foolish enough to click on one of those ?American Computer Ads. They sell everything from weight loss to Free Energy. You get subjected to three Quarters of an hour of Hype & still don't know what they're selling. But, if you don't immediately take advantage of their offer because your neighbour will & you'll miss out. (fear)
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 29 July 2016 8:15:14 PM
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There are things to be genuinely afraid off. Terrorist attacks by a fanatic is one that really cerates fear in people. There wasn't this fear 20 years ago. So, what has changed.

The wholesale immigration of Islamic peoples from various ME Countries. I have known & worked with a lot of them over the years. Granted most of these people are nice in themselves. It's their personal & private attitude to Australian Culture & People that isn't so nice.

While most of these Islamic people are peaceful now in public their private views are something else. While most will never act against Australians or our Laws they do harbour a resentment towards it & would prefer to be under a Sharia Law System.

This does make me fearful for the future. We may end up like Europe at the moment, one day.

There is no way to over come that. The Greens, PC people, The Latte Set, Academics want us to give in to Islam so the Terrorist won't bother us. I don't believe that that would bring Peace as the Islamist fight among themselves even more than they fight with the West, at the moment.
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 29 July 2016 8:15:49 PM
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