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Fear is not necessarily bigotry but we need to overcome it : Comments
By Rivka Witenberg, published 28/7/2016In psychology we recognise at least five basic threats with the fear of extinction being the most prominent one.
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Posted by phanto, Thursday, 28 July 2016 9:37:16 AM
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There are certain facts which make Kruger's comments valid. These are:- 1. Mohamed "married" a child when she was 6 and penetrated her when she was 9. 2. He conquered a tribe of Jews, sold all its children and women into slavery and beheaded every male adult. 3. In the Koran, Mohamed specifically authorises the killing of prisoners of war, who will not convert, and treatment of their women as booty. 4. Mohamed specifically requires the discrimination against non- Jews Muslims and women- court evidence differentiation, Christians and Jews wearing specifically identifying clothes, special taxes on non- Muslims etc This is not a matter of "interpretation". It is straight translation from the Arabic of the Koran and the "ahadith". ( Islamic texts depicting Mohamed's life and teachings-singular "hadith" plural"ahadith"). If young people are reared from childhood in reverence of such a man, a man who, if he were in Australia today would be gaoled as a paedophile and war criminal, the chances are slim of such a person being a worthy, citizen worthy of a vote in a civilised society. There is a probability of a significant proportion of children so raised ( particularly males) being dangerous lethal costly drags on society. Certainly many Muslims will grow up to be productive good citizens. It would be entirely reasonable to believe that such productive citizens will be outnumbered by lethal drags on their society. In fact our current history is proving that to be the case. This is unfair to Muslims who strive to be good citizens, but it is their belief system which is the problem not ours. Why should we have to cope with a problem brought in , uninvited, by the very people who have to flee their own countries because of the problems created by the belief system they refuse to abandon ? Is it reasonable to require us to be tolerant of a people whose belief system requires them to be shockingly intolerant? Posted by Old Man, Thursday, 28 July 2016 10:17:22 AM
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When your done teaching the Islamic Extremists about fairness and empathy, then you may have your two cents with Sonia Kruger, if you're convinced that punishing the victim is the right course.
Why should Sonia Kruger have to spend time with Muslims? Is it some kind of politically correct punishment or re-education? She doesn't owe them anything. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 28 July 2016 10:43:32 AM
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Why is it that we are being subjected to a tsunami of academic, pro-Islamist, commentators presently? Are they afraid of something? And why do they write in a tone appropriate to an audience of high school girls? Is that their usual audience?
Anyway, Rivka Witenberg writes: a. "[T]here are people who are fearful about terrorism which seems to them to be intimately connected to Islam..." -- Rivka, it is connected to Islam. Remove the academic veil of fog from your eyes. Islamists are attacking the free world. It's really true. Go read the news and their religious doctrine. b. "Every day we wake up to new atrocities..." -- Yes, perpetrated by Islamists. c. "If we ignore tolerance then we also jeopardise social harmony and cohesion..." -- Go tell the Islamists. d. "The message here is that you cannot expect tolerance and acceptance without practicing it as well...” -- Go tell the Islamists. e. "Reciprocity is about respect between people from diverse backgrounds accepting that every person has equal rights, whether politically or legally irrespective of belonging to either a minority or majority group..." -- Again Rivka, go tell the Islamists. f. "How can we reduce genuine fear in a world where geopolitical realities are changing so rapidly?" -- Here's a hint from Shakespeare, "... take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them." It's a war Rivka, they hate us. They hate the free world. They've declared war on us. They are desirous of converting us all to Islam, enslaving us, or killing us by shocking, horrible, nasty ways. I find that sentiment somewhat intolerable and that's not through fear of extinction - it's plain unemotional logic. Posted by voxUnius, Thursday, 28 July 2016 10:44:54 AM
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Scientific Studies have shown that the best recommended method of banishing a fear is to find out what you can about the cause of the fear then remove the source of that fear.
Sounds reliable to me. Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 28 July 2016 10:50:35 AM
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Fear my eye! Personally, I do not fear Islam as Sonia Kruger says she does; I loathe it and totally object to its presence in my country, as I loathe the politicians who allowed and, in fact, encouraged, these barbarians to come here in the name of poisonous multiculturism, which could see the death of our own culture, and the installation of the vile Islamic culture, unless we elect people who will reverse the situation. Islamophobia, meaning fear of Muslims is a stupid word - an ignorant put-down suggesting that Islam is not the problem, it is just our "irrational fear". Rubbish!.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 28 July 2016 11:39:49 AM
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The author, being an Israeli, has experienced much higher levels of terrorist-fear than Australians. Yet the objective fact is that in any given calendar year, even during the worst phases of the Palestinian intifada and when Israel was involved in wars with Gaza and Lebanon, there was more carnage on Israel's roads then all terror+war casualties taken together.
Australian drivers are not much better, so I suspect that if any rational person is afraid of Muslims then they should be terrified of driving or riding in a car! Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 28 July 2016 12:46:24 PM
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I'm sorry, but this is simplistic lecturing by an academic, who doesn't understand how inculcated belief, even if based on fiction, makes various cultures completely incompatible!
And where one culture has an inculcated obsession to not only be the dominate culture, with the dominant "truth", but is culturally obsessed to the point of removing everyone who doesn't agree with their culturally inculcated religious belief! We practise freedom of expression, religious belief and tolerance as part of the dominant culture! And at complete odds with entirely incompatible Islam which seems to need to dominate the world? And not too fussed about how that's achieved? When religious fanatics were burning Joan Of Arc at the stake, we should have told her, there's nothing to fear but fear itself! And when a mass murder drives a ten ton lorry into a crowded boulevard, hop up onto a crate to deliver the same message. Perhaps the wrong folk are receiving this parsimonious sermon, which would be better directed at those folk a war with the rest of the world and normalcy, rather than normal decent Australians! We are not the problem! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 28 July 2016 1:08:21 PM
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One news organisation found 4o in Australia living in fear after leaving Islam What Australia should be doing is making sure people can leave Islam without fear. Islam is not a religion, but a system of indoctrination and mind control. "The doctrine of Islam completely crushes the individual's personality, detaches off his liberty and then directs his thinking and skills in a particular pattern ... it fully tames him just like a circus animal" In 23 countries it is a criminal offense to leave Islam, and a public inquiry should be held to determine how many people in Australia are coerced or forced into Islam, and are then fearful of leaving. Posted by interactive, Thursday, 28 July 2016 3:17:08 PM
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People used that old mot about more people being killed on the roads during the Vietnam War, as if that nullified the slaughter of young men, chosen in a raffle, to face death in a totally unecessary bloodbath that we lost anyway. It also started the illegal immigration racket, which continued with each unnecessary nasty little war that Australian politicians stupidly involved us in. We still can't keep our noses out of Iraq, Allbull recently having upped our effort, even though small. I thought we had already lost that one, too, but seems that Allbull and other Western cowardly leaders mistake that as helping fight against terrorism, when it hasn't made an iota of difference to the terrorists. I got carried away there, and off the subject. But, we all know you have quite few ideas the are way off the norm - left, right, or centre; I think we all respect your right to be that way, but comparing the threat and past results of Islamic terrorism, or conflict which results in death, with the dangers of travelling on roads, where deaths are the fault of individuals, is way beyond the pale. I once lost a customer because I didn't let him get away with such a stupid, unfeeling comment. It was well worth the loss in the name of common decency and feeling for the young bloke actually being blown to bits. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 28 July 2016 4:47:26 PM
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Dear Ttbn,
Yes, some people are killed or injured on the roads due to their own fault - but many others are killed or injured due to the fault of a stranger. While the dead cannot speak, what comfort would someone who lost an arm or a leg or an eye, find in the fact that the stranger who did it was not an Islamic terrorist? The motive of terrorists is to create terror. Road accidents are reported in the hope that it will deter drivers and encourage them to be more careful. Reporting terrorist acts on the other hand, only encourages the terrorists and potential terrorists - it deters nobody. The media are therefore enablers of terror. The solution for terror is to stop reporting it, certainly not to fuss about it! Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 28 July 2016 5:34:16 PM
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I suggest Rivka, you go do you preaching to the people of Nice.
With any luck they will be kind & won't lynch you, although I can't imagine why they wouldn't want to. Stupidity does appear to be breeding in academia, at a faster rate than ever before. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 28 July 2016 6:03:18 PM
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There's no doubt about it. OLO would be worse off without you. Whatever you say or think, the way you go about expressing it will never raise the ire of others - even mine. I don't think that a lack of publicity would have any effect on Islamic terrorists because of the suggested motives and agendas I have mentioned elsewhere. Regards. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 28 July 2016 6:04:10 PM
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Another wishy washy puff piece by an out-of-touch academic who is dancing with the fairies at the bottom of the garden.
For God's sake get on Youtube and look at how bad things have become in Europe with Islamic immigration. The French police are demanding armoured cars to patrol Muslim areas and the head of French security is warning of a civil war. 55 no-go zones in Sweden where police, ambulances, firefighters, and even mailmen fear to enter. Sweden now the rape capitol of the world. Hundreds of German women in Stockholm and Stuttgart sexually assaulted. Hundreds of British schoolgirls raped by Muslim race hate rape packs. Madrid, Nice, London, Paris. And Rivka Wikenburg has the audacity to say that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Oh, I get it Rivka. You just got off a spaceship and you don't know what is going on. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 28 July 2016 6:05:21 PM
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There may be a limit to how many attacks the people in Europe will
tolerate before military rule will have to be put on the streets instead of the police force. It seems to be the height of stupidity to keep bringing in people whom harbour amonst them enemy agents. Muslim immigration has become a trojan horse. Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 28 July 2016 6:47:27 PM
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Thank goodness Australia has a tendency towards centre leaning right wing Governments.
So far we have managed to scotch the homosexual lobby devoid of sensible reasoning, in a remarkable advance towards capturing the howling masses and pinning them to their band wagon: But alas now the howling masses descend on a community in Australia, who apart from a dedication to an unpopular God among many other Gods in their midst, are guilty of nothing more than loyal devotion to their God of choice, and now a desperate clinging to a belief system which marks them as superior amongst the heathen. What have they to fear? Naught, I would suggest. The storm will pass, and the descendants of the ancients will again tend their flocks in a new land, and prosper in peace, for which they have suffered for their cherished God; ignoring the evil which moves on the land around them! Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 28 July 2016 9:38:56 PM
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Im not talking about the muslims already in Australia.
People seem to constanly defend the muslims slready in Australia when it is suggested we limit new Muslim immigration There are unknown enemy agents coming in with them and the only way to stop them coming in, is to ban all new immigrants from known problematic areas, at least until peace once again descends on the world. Fat chance of that happening I suppose. There never has been peace in the world. Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 28 July 2016 9:57:42 PM
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Social class is the great divider.
The author, no doubt comes from a nice middle class Jewish background, she might have met a few nice, middle class Muslim people, doctors and academics perhaps. Many of us, however, come from poor roots, we're uneducated and move exclusively among workers and the social underclasses. Many of us have never met an intelligent Arab from that slim minority in the middle classes and we most likely never will. We've only encountered the dumb, violent, irrational and dishonest people who make up the vast majority of Australia's Muslim population. We only see the drug dealers, religious nuts, junkies, thieves and dole bludgers so our overall impression, as the people most put upon by the criminal Muslims of the underclasses, is that Muslims, on the whole are no good. It's simple maths, if the vast majority of people from the middle east, north Africa and west Asia are no good even in the third generation removed from migration then there's something about those people which renders them incompatible with other ethnic groups. The Australian managerial castes have a choice, they can stop importing predatory imbeciles from those countries or they can keep going as they are and face ever increasing ethnic tensions, religious violence and spiralling crime rates. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 29 July 2016 10:34:04 AM
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I take it Rivka unlike most the other leftie academics does not fear Donald Trump becoming president.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 July 2016 10:43:07 AM
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According to 'The Guardian', the French media is thinking along the same lines as you are. The are thinking about refraining from publishing photos of dead terrorists to avoid "the effect of posthumous glorification". Posted by ttbn, Friday, 29 July 2016 12:19:31 PM
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“When it comes to overcoming fear of others who are different from us, psychological studies suggest that acknowledging it is the first step and important step followed by exposure to the fearful event or situation.”
So Sonia and others only want to ban Muslims because they are different? Well there are twice as many Buddhists in Australia as Muslims. And those ‘different’ people don’t even eat meat. So how many people voted for the ‘Don’t let Buddhists migrate to Australia’ party at the recent election? Posted by Edward Carson, Friday, 29 July 2016 6:28:55 PM
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Well said Vox Unius.
Posted by Edward Carson, Friday, 29 July 2016 6:30:42 PM
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Edward Carson, “When it comes to overcoming fear of others who are different from us, psychological studies suggest that acknowledging it is the first step and important step followed by exposure to the fearful event or situation.”
Do people have a fear of "others" who are different from us? I don't really think so. Well not in the main. Of course there are DH's everywhere., but on the whole there are very few of thee people. I feel most people are inclusive of others regardless of what they are. Foreign, Gay, Female, Black, White, Brindle, Purple or Mental, etc,. Generally people don't really care one way or the other. The Academics & Media like to make a mountain out of a Mole Hill when something not very nice happens to someone who is the flavour of the month. It sells papers & Academics can get another Grant based on the issue. "They" don't solve any problems, in fact, I feel, a lot of the time they create a problem where none existed before. It sells papers. All Advertising is Fear based as is the Media. As a famous American once said about "Products" Don't try to sell the product, sell the hype." If anyone has been foolish enough to click on one of those ?American Computer Ads. They sell everything from weight loss to Free Energy. You get subjected to three Quarters of an hour of Hype & still don't know what they're selling. But, if you don't immediately take advantage of their offer because your neighbour will & you'll miss out. (fear) Cont Posted by Jayb, Friday, 29 July 2016 8:15:14 PM
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There are things to be genuinely afraid off. Terrorist attacks by a fanatic is one that really cerates fear in people. There wasn't this fear 20 years ago. So, what has changed. The wholesale immigration of Islamic peoples from various ME Countries. I have known & worked with a lot of them over the years. Granted most of these people are nice in themselves. It's their personal & private attitude to Australian Culture & People that isn't so nice. While most of these Islamic people are peaceful now in public their private views are something else. While most will never act against Australians or our Laws they do harbour a resentment towards it & would prefer to be under a Sharia Law System. This does make me fearful for the future. We may end up like Europe at the moment, one day. There is no way to over come that. The Greens, PC people, The Latte Set, Academics want us to give in to Islam so the Terrorist won't bother us. I don't believe that that would bring Peace as the Islamist fight among themselves even more than they fight with the West, at the moment. Posted by Jayb, Friday, 29 July 2016 8:15:49 PM
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Self declared moderate Muslims speak and display just how moderate and non extremist they really are. If these are the moderate Muslims, God help us from the the extremists. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 30 July 2016 11:36:19 AM
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You are too narrow minded. Add this thought to your ant-arsenal . Australia is destroying its own middle class, and replacing them with Chinese; buying up prime real estate,buying up critical industries and critical infrastructure; swamping prime educational institutions and relegating Australians to the bottom rung. Do you see Muslims doing that. Open your eyes! Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 31 July 2016 7:12:41 AM
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I am aware of the problems associated with Asian immigration, Mr Dan. But I am more concerned with the problems associated with continued Islamic immigration. Please stay on topic.
Rivka Wittenberg has written a book called "Tolerance, the Glue Which Binds Us." That is a good place to destroy her entire socialist humanitarian mindset. What holds every society together, Rivka, is not a fundamentalist advocacy of total tolerance, it is the shared values that is the glue which holds every community together. And the knowledge that the people who live around you are no threat to yourself, your family, or the values which have maintained peaceful social cohesion for generations. Rivka's assertion that tolerance alone will bring about a utopian society, where supposedly a homosexual couple and a Muslim man with his four child brides will live next door to each other in perfect harmony, if easily refuted by considering one thing. If western societies are noted for a high degree of tolerance, why on earth would Rivka want to import a religion who's own religious leaders quite openly declare that the mission of Islam is to destroy western tolerance and replace it with Sharia? Rural small towns are almost crime free, not because of any concept of absolute tolerance, quite the opposite, in fact. Rural small towns have unique social cohesion, where every individual knows what the community expectations on their behaviour are, and that they have a personnel stake in the welfare of the entire town population. Those that engage in anti social acts had better get out of town. Because if they don't amend their ways they will be socially ostracised. Crime rates soar and terrorism exists in multicultural societies where social cohesion is impossible, because the different ethnic and religious groups have differing and mutually exclusive concepts of right and wrong, they read different newspapers, have different associations, different loyalties, and their kids go to different schools. The lesson of history is clear. If your white European society is working just great, then be selective about who you import and don't balkanise it. Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 31 July 2016 8:24:41 AM
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Hey Diver Dan,
It seems we're under attack from numerous enemies vying for global conquest. This is the most informative video about Islam I've ever watched. What The West Needs To Know About Islam | William J. Federer Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 31 July 2016 1:36:53 PM
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Armchair Critic...saw that ok...if you wish to comment on the video I'll be interested. And Lego: your admonition to stick to the topic, (and not discuss Asians), is amusing. Where do Muslims immigrate to Western countries from? Try South Asia! That makes them Asians son!
And this thread is discussing the subject of fear, I'm on target discussing the real and relevant threat to Australian society from wealthy middle class Chinese. That's legitimate fear! Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 31 July 2016 5:25:05 PM
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DD: I'm on target discussing the real and relevant threat to Australian society from wealthy middle class Chinese. That's legitimate fear!
Yes, possibly, If the Chinese own land It's considered as a part of China. Not the Country they brought it off. True. I know that. The Chinese Mapped a lot of Australia back in the 14th. Century & before. I remember when I went to Hong Kong back in 1966, in a Conversation with an old Chinese bloke, he said that the Chinese discovered Australia & it was their Great Southern Land. I suppose, just like the South China Sea belongs to them. China has laid claim to every Country in the World since the 14th, Century. It all revolves around Beijing being the Centre of the World. But, as far as individual attacks by the Chinese population of Australia on Australian Citizens. I don't give that much credence. Unlike the chance of an attack by some individual "lone Wolf" egged on by the local moderate moslems. I see that as a much greater risk, both in the short & long term. In fact, as time goes by the greater the risk if the importation if moslems isn't stopped dead in it's tracks. If Indonesia threatens not to trade with Australia then we can just cut off all the Aid, Government & Private. As it is now Australia gives them money to pay for the Commerce they buy from Australia anyway. Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 31 July 2016 7:35:00 PM
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**. But, as far as individual attacks by the Chinese population of Australia on Australian Citizens. I don't give that much credence. Unlike the chance of an attack by some individual "lone Wolf" egged on by the local moderate moslems. **
Since I did not elaborate on the subject, you are excused for misunderstanding my concern Jayb. I alluded to the fact that transplanting a complete foreign middle class into a Country such as Australia, is cultural suicide: not murder! Quite frankly, I am not a convinced believer in the threat from the Muslim population. Any threats from any direction, Muslim or otherwise, should be an easy fix if the political will is not subjugated by fear! That was the problem that befell Britain in the late 50's when non white immigrants began to arrive from abandoned Commonwealth countries. It took ten years for political action that would remove the inherent right of commonwealth citizens that were "assumed" automatic British citizenship. How inept was that oversight Politically. The problem for Australia in the current climate of fear, is Political ineptitude! Ineptitude , a lack of dialogue with Australians on immigration issues and how the general population feel about their impression of being swamped by immigrants. Refusal by Politicians to include Australians into dialogue on foreign ownership, and a raft of other applicable subjects such as my concern above; one which ties into foreign ownership of real estate, having virtually no boundaries . Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 31 July 2016 8:18:50 PM
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DD: I alluded to the fact that transplanting a complete foreign middle class into a Country such as Australia, is cultural suicide: not murder!
I suppose it also depends on just how many arrive over a particular time period. Too fast & the Cultures won't mix. The Chinese that arrived for the Gold Rushes moved into to European Communities quite well even considering the "Class Status" at the time. The have integrated very well into Rural & Larger Town Communities, maybe not so much into the Big Cities. Quite frankly, I am not a convinced believer in the threat from the Muslim population. Any threats from any direction, Muslim or otherwise, should be an easy fix if the political will is not subjugated by fear! I think the big problem is the PC, Green & Latte Set Groups. The Government seem to be afraid of them & they are a Vocal Minority in the Community. I think the big problem with the moslems Community will come for Australia in 10 years. Then it will be like France now. their attitude is, "Give into Islam or we will kill you." & smiling all the wile crying Peace. Death of Australia by Subterfuge & the Government sticking their heads in the sand. "We don't want to know." Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 31 July 2016 8:47:25 PM
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if the fear is justified by circumstances, terrorist attacks,
then why do we need to overcome it In the circumstances, fear is a logical defensive reaction. Theres a reason humans have lived in tribes since the beginning of history and those reasons are for the protection the tribe around us gives us,because we are their kin or bloodline. That protection does not extend to other tribes. in fact we are justifyably suspicious and hostile to other tribes on our land and territory. because we rightly suspect that they pose a threat to our control of the land and resources. The reality of that threat is manifesting itself already, even with relatively low numbers what will happen when they number in the millions. Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 31 July 2016 11:23:53 PM
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Fortunately, there is a psychological solution to fear, which excludes the necessity to act against the source negatively. Posted by diver dan, Monday, 1 August 2016 7:17:35 AM
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Hey Diver Dan,
It seems to me that Islam is just another New World Order type recipe for global conquest, that involves religious, political and military doctrine. The idea that 'Islam is a religion of peace' is actually better described with 'there will be peace when everyone is converted to Islam'. And just like I previously said that Islam is an issue that democracy cannot easily fix because of freedom of religion it uses that goodwill to gain a foothold and take areas over. Make treaties when you are weak, have lots of babies and then take control and wipe them out when you get strong. I'm not saying that's what all Muslims are about, (I don't know) but that's what the belief system of Islam is all about, from what I can understand. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 1 August 2016 10:43:16 AM
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Interesting Link.
The Author explains the train of thought that an untrained mind goes through. (Civilian) My Military Training has served me well in this regard. One of the first things you learn is if you get caught in an Ambush the safest way out of it is through the Ambush. Think of it this way, “Deal with the situation immediately.” Running out of an Ambush only increases the opportunity & time the enemy has to shoot at you. Or, “If you run away from the problem it will only catch up with you.” But let’s deal with the train of events. Anxiety: Being trained well & knowing the threat the fear is reduced. Anxiety does heighten but can be used to an advantage. You become acutely more aware of your environment & notice things that you would not normally notice. Fear: A strange feeling when the hairs on your neck stand up for seemingly no reason. Strangely when this happens & you look around & everybody has had exactly the same feeling at the same time. Panic: In a trained Soldier this doesn’t happen. Immediate Reaction is similar to but not the same as Panic. Training automatically takes over & learnt Drills come into play. Something that doesn’t even have to be thought about. Depression: After Action Reaction immediately after an action (fire fight) is when the Adrenaline reduces to a pre action level. Returning to a Civilian type level takes much longer for military Personal, sometimes years. Story.: Three mates & I got off a Tram in Brisbane not long after we got back from Vietnam. We were walking down the footpath of the City when there was a gun shot. All four of us hit the Deck rolled, ended up under cars & behind things & wondering where our weapons had gone. It was a Ramset Gun on a building site that we were passing. We ended up pretty pissed that afternoon at the Belfast Hotel... Posted by Jayb, Monday, 1 August 2016 11:19:16 AM
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What has happened in France is an example which we dare not ignore.
I note today that France has decided to recruit an official vigilante corp. They just do not have a big enough army to protect the public to the level expected. Chereful said; There may be a limit to how many attacks the people in Europe will tolerate before military rule will have to be put on the streets instead of the police force. They had already almost done that but they have realised it will take a civil force to protect the French people. This move must surely be the first sign that a civil war will occur if the moslems push back against this new force on the streets. Fear of moslems is real and no one can deny the reality. We are all aware that the risk driving on the road may well be greater, but the fear is not so much for ourselves but for what it will mean for the country if a major attack takes place here. It would not longer be the same country. Have a look at any moslem country. Do you think Australia would be any different to those countries if moslems got control ? Of cause not, that is they way they are. They come here because we have done all the work over the last 200 years and they want a piece of it also. They would spoil it because that is the nature of their religion and government. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 1 August 2016 6:07:48 PM
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Over in Europe, where a justifiable fear of Islam is now manifest, Dutch, German, and Danish men have been driving to Austria to stock up on guns and ammo. Austrian gun shops are almost out of stock. Civil war anyone?
Since European governments have abrogated their responsibility to protect their own citizens, Maybe Europe needs a Second Amendment, and the yanks were not so stupid after all? There seems to be a unholy alliance between 60's era Politicians, the Police, the Press, and the leftist Prats, to stop anyone looking at thee truth. Obama and Malcolm won't even say the word "Islam" when referring to the latest Islamic atrocity. The French Premier warns the French to "get used to terror." The German press's now famous headline of "Syrian Refugee Killed in Berman Blast" will go down in history as a prime example of some form of collective insanity. While Muslims and North Africans run riot, the German Police is using ex-Stasi operators to track down any German using the internet to post any derogatory statements about Muslim refugees raping and robbing Germans. But perhaps the funniest example of the fundamentalist tolerance mindset is the fact hat the Swedish bureaucrat responsible for stamping out "Islamophobia" in Sweden went to Syria and joined ISIS. Not a joke. It really happened. Leftists apparently love Islam because they both hate democracy and love totalitarianism. The head of French security is now talking out outright civil war. 'Aux Barricades!" French people are singing "La Marseilles" Citizens arise! Form battalions! Let us irrigate the fields in the blood of our enemies! (Catchy, isn't it?) Meanwhile, back at he ranch, Rivka Wittenburg writes a puff piece so out of touch with reality that you can only shake your head in pitying wonder that people can actually think that way. Her utopian world is crashing around her head and she still tries to solve everything by crooning "All You Need is Love." Just remember that we racists said, "We told you so!" Posted by LEGO, Monday, 1 August 2016 8:29:55 PM
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I don't wish to sound too critical of your attitude to the fear of Muslims displayed consistently on these pages; but I feel you display a mindset which is simply not coping with fear! What should we fear the most, an IED in a shopping centre, or an atomic bomb detonation in a city centre? Which event do you have the most control over, in the pre-detonation period? I would suggest neither of those scenarios can we control as individuals. If I were to be constantly fearful of shark attack, I would simply stay out of the water. And that is what most people do. A few weeks ago, I was the lone diver in a salvage operation, raising a sunken fishing trawler in bull shark infested waters. Best way to deal with fear is ignore it, invariably fear is simply panic in the making! I have mastered the fear of sharks over many years. Fearing sharks is very normal, mad if you don't! As Jaeb nominated, go forward into the ambush; brilliant strategy. To extrapolate that point, when dealing with sharks in close proximity, never take your eyes off the shark! But on the other hand, when dealing with a crocodile, engaging eye contact ensures your chances as the crocodile breakfast! (Never smile at a crocodile). And so, fear needs a strategy. The official response of Government to quell the fear of Islam in the community, to sensible people, is a sign of brilliance, not weakness. One war front is enough to deal with. Dealing with a "panicked" public is a far worse problem than Islam. That situation would best be described as Civil War. The crowd will always take fear to the next level; panic! Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 2 August 2016 7:02:53 AM
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Diver Dan
They can keep dampening down the reactions to terrorist attacks but for how long. Really, I guess, they have left themselves no choice It's either dampen it down or we'll be fighting the muslims in an all out civil war, here as well as in the middle East. By the way, thats what Osama Bin Laden tried to do, when he commanded all muslims to rise up in Western countries in Jihad. He could clearly see the opportunity. But he made his move too soon, the muslims in Western countries didnt have enough numbers at the time to risk it. Maybe they can keep a lid on it for a long time but at any point in coming years or decades, that underlying hostility simmering just below the surface can explode into civil war, no matter what anyone does to stop it. We warned them about this, but the pompous, academic,political elite in this country, told us we were wrong, because we were only the ignorant, bigoted underclasses, unlike their amazing intellectual selves. Still, they deny whats happening in the world all around them, desperately attacking those who were right all along while they cling to their utopian, left wing hippy, new world order view. The ABC and Q&A, being a prime example of so called intellectuals having lost the plot. Meanwhile the fabric of Europe and Western society, is in danger of crumbling around their ears Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 12:04:40 AM
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To Diver Dan
Once again, you are implying that fear of Islam is an irrational fear. By what convoluted logic you came to that conclusion you did not bother to enlighten us with. Unlike yourself, I will demonstrate clearly why western people should fear Islam and not allow it to gain any further purchase in this country. Islam is a "religion" invented by a genocidal warlord to both justify military expansion and to make his warriors invincible in battle. For over 1000 years that formula worked a treat and Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian cultures were driven back by an ever expanding Islam. The religious scriptures of Islam are clearly offensive to non Muslims and they order Muslims to kill, mutilate, humiliate and rape non Muslims. None of their religious leaders today renounce those offensive scriptures and whereas their polished spokesmen will make statements in the most general terms condemning terrorism, they never specifically condemn the actions of those terrorists who are doing exactly what their god, prophet and scriptures order them to do. Even a person such as yourself, who is obviously suffering from serious oxygen depletion of the brain caused by your work, should be able to make the connection that the amount of social strife and terrorism in any society hosting Muslims is directly proportional to the numbers of Muslims within it. What we are witnessing in Europe today is what is going to happen in Australia in twenty years time. We must make the intelligent choice to ban Muslim immigration now. We may be able to integrate the ones we already have, but even that is doubtful. In the name of a misplaced tolerance, we have imported an entire population of people who are dedicated to our own destruction. We can keep on deluding ourselves that Islam is just like every other religion, or we can use our non oxygen depleted brains, and use our eyes, to see that it most clearly is not like any other religion. Other than, of course, the Japanese Aum, the Thuggees, or the Ananda Marg. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 6:43:32 AM
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Your very entertaining Lego LOL...
Hope the big bad Muslims don't get you! I happen to be dining out with my favourite Muslims tonight! Halal at the pub, you might say! Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 9:03:10 AM
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Cherful...I have another view on why the west is in the state it is. It's a moral issue.
If we are to countenance the immoral as the normal, by ticking off street parades celebrating homosexuality ; celebrate atheism as the new God, (which is actually Godless), then the righteous, who no longer are Christains, will fight for the void! Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 9:18:21 AM
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DD: then the righteous, who no longer are Christains, will fight for the void!
& I take it you option is to turn moslim? I like the book. "Just say No." by Far Koff. Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 9:25:59 AM
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Diver Dan, are you a moslem ?
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 9:26:55 AM
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Diver Dan
What harm do the poor old homosexuals do you. Nature throws down the genetics, and a lot of humans are not absolute in their combination of male and female. At the top you get the real Alpha male macho man, then you get a lot of skinny wimpy unalpha males who whilst undoubtedly being male,look like they have a bit more percentage female in their make up. While the Alpha male is genetically 100% male, the weaker males look more like 70% male,30% female. The poor old homosxuals are right out on the edge of the genetic combinations and so their difference is obvious to those around them. so they get persecuted. On the female side you have the 100% alpha female, she is voluptuos in her femaleness, and just oozes sex appeal. Then you get more androgenous females, say like Margaret Thatcher, the ex primminster of Britain. I think she was 60%female and 40%male. Then you get women with very athletic builds who could beat most male apponents in tennis, etc.if they were allowed to compete against them. These women obviously have more male attributes, you can see it in some of them. not all female athletes but there have been some who had a strong masculine look to them. Nature churns out homosexuals in the millions, there is perhaps a biological survival advantage to communities to have these sexual crossovers in times of massive deaths like most of the males in a community being wiped out in a war or something. They have that male ability side. Likewise if the mothers of babies in a community were all kidnapped or killed the homosexuals could stepx into the nuturing gap temporarily. Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 4:54:35 PM
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Diver Dan,
Why is it that religions as a whole view anything sexual as the worst sin in the universe where people must be stoned to death or belted if the wind blows uo and shows a slight bit of ankle. Mostly the males who commit sexual sins (your so called moral decline offences) receive no punishment, the women go to prison if they are raped. There are tremondous acts of torture and barbarity, but religions seem ok with that they save the death punishments and stonings for sex offenses Really its about male control of womens bodies. More accurately the priests and imans of ant religion on earth, gaing their poer and wealth by the number of people under their rule. Therefore to hold onto that power these men at the top of religions want womens wombs churning out evermore followers to prop up their power, and yes the monetary luxury that is provided by their religious dictatorship of countries. Its just like Woolworths ensuring they have millions of paying customers, the religious leaders must control women and their wombs to do the same. Western Nations have built wonderful societies, whereas take a look at the muslim nations around the world. They have built their societies, on so called sexual sin punishment. But they dont punish the main sexual perpetrators, the men. How many young boys are abusd by the imans. Theyd kill you or throw you in prison if you dared speak up about that. How many young girls or boys are raped by their uncles or fathers in muslim households again that is never spoken og or punished Male moral decadence or downright criminal sexual behaviour by males is probably rampant in muslim societies because the one who speaks up about it is punished and silenced. No moral superiority in those societies,only enslavement of women and youn girls Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 5:30:37 PM
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To Diver Dan.
I think you should be more particular about the company you keep. Your liberal humanitarian views are a credit to you. Sweden is place just full of people nice people like you. Did you hear about the 40 Swedish girls got raped or sexually assaulted recently at an anti racism pop concert, by Muslims and Africans? Those nice anti racist Swedish girls just learned the hard way that a bit of racism is not such a bad idea. Reality bites. And sometimes reality gropes and rapes. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 7:36:56 PM
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Dear Cherful,
I appreciate your intelligent questions to Dan and await his response. However, I must protest about your abusive and unwarranted attack on "any religion on earth". Those people which seek power and wealth through women's wombs are not even religious, mere pretenders. Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 9:39:10 PM
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Diver dan returns from his halal feast at the local hotel with Muslim friends: (cont.,)
Apart from sitting in the beer garden in torrential rain with wind gusts of 120k's , and arriving one hour before the restaurant opened, the night was a classic! Muslims; good Muslims, will not enter an area serving alcohol. We feasted on thick slabs of halal certified steak, copious coffee and an endless supply of deserts...fear not, it is a tough life for some! And conversed on numerous subjects applicable to most Australians, the condition of life. How were Abdul's children coping with a new school. The eldest son, who had previously attended a Muslim boys school, and now attends a co-ed public school * cause that's where the girls are*, rolled his father on the issue, and knuckled his way to his chosen position in the school yard, against fierce odds of racism. Abdul: I'm proud of my boy, the way he fights for what he wants! And his three daughters? All high achievers with their own story, attending Muslim private schools. We discussed the reasons people continue to live in Sydney and pay $800pw rent, and what an impossible strain this situation is on young families, and why he lives in a Sydney Muslim diaspora. We discussed the Muslim, Jewish and Christian diasporas in China, established along the ancient silk trails, where there are 20 million Chinese Muslims alone. No, we did not discuss the Muslim religion, but we did discuss the Jews, where armed guards secure their children in school compounds in Sydney. (At tax payers expense of course, amusement): Discussions on Abdul's friend who returned from Africa and established a two million dollar assistance fund, with donations from the Muslim community in Sydney, within a week. Cont., Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 4 August 2016 12:02:14 AM
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No, we did not discuss morality, but that is a given. We did not discuss psychopathic Muslims, nor psychopathic Christians for that matter, that's also a given: Nor the paths on offer for such miscreants to vent their sick fetish. Nor the gay Mardi Gras. All subjects designed to bring the conversation down! And no, I have no desire to convert to Islam, I'm a Christian, simply because (as with Muslim Abdul), fate designed it that way, why fear that? Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 4 August 2016 12:02:34 AM
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Thank you for your kind words. The money trail in most religions from what Ive observed leads straight back to the priests and imans. They drive their income that they need to survive, from their followers whether its payment for weddings,funerals,teaching in muslim schools, whatever. Therefore the more followers, the more income. No followers or very few, means they suddenly have to worry about how they are going to eat and pay their mortage. Like most of us, fear grips the heart when we suddenly have no way to provide for our survival needs. That means the men who suck off the teats of the church for their very existence will always try to control the fertility of women. One way they do that is making sure the male has the power in the marriage and that contraception is not easily available. Then they can breathe a sigh of relief and sit back with no money worries for the rest of their lives. I just belive, that there is most always a horse called self-interest, when you look at the reasons people do things. Im not attacking God, so much as the priests,imans and men who hold power in the church. There is nothing too godlike about a lot of them. As you say they are not the holy men they might like to be. especially when it comes to their income Even the Christian church, still has Gods law as not allowing contraception,even when someone asked the Pope if it was alright to wear a condom to avoid aids. The answer was no. The Pope wears ruby rings and lives in luxury, waited on by servants. That kind of lifestyle costs money. Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 6 August 2016 1:32:31 AM
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In a nutshell Cherful, religious institutions of all creeds, are subverted and corrupt to a greater or lesser extent.
Any social institutions with rule-governed behaviour, which have at their core, a power base, will be under the pressure of corruption: even the family unit is subject to this pressure, where the subtle, (and at times less subtle), pressure for control, is faught-out between husband and wife. These struggles are not confined to Muslims alone. Add in the Catholic Church, with its subversion by Pheidippides and homosexuals, as a stark example! Posted by diver dan, Monday, 8 August 2016 7:12:02 AM
The author says that tolerence is about accepting 'shared humanity'. We all share humanity but we are not attracted to people because they are human beings. We differentiate between human beings. We love some more than others and this is based on how closely their values resemble our own.
I don't think that fear of violence is the overiding factor in the questioning of things like Muslim immigration but I think it is about values. What is important to us is not what is important to most Muslims and that is what makes them Muslims. It is impossible for us to ever come to love Muslims because of this gulf. We cannot deny this without denying who we are. We want to have close relationships with Muslims but they do not want close relationships with us - they do not value love as much as they value Islam. Their hands are tied. They are too afraid of letting go of Islam and loving other people. They become defensive and insular to protect themselves from being attracted to values that they see in the west.
We cannot deny their inability to love. Sure they love their kids and families but they are only open to love to an extent that it does not infringe the basic tenets of Islam. Islam is the major priority and not love. Who would be happy to welcome people incapable of loving others and who are quite happy to parade that fact?
Love knows no boundaries but if Islam is your boundary then you are not capable of much love. I would want to move on to someone else if I was looking for genuine human relationships because as soon as I know you are Muslim I know you are not really capable of love.