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Fear is not necessarily bigotry but we need to overcome it : Comments
By Rivka Witenberg, published 28/7/2016In psychology we recognise at least five basic threats with the fear of extinction being the most prominent one.
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Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 28 July 2016 12:46:24 PM
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I'm sorry, but this is simplistic lecturing by an academic, who doesn't understand how inculcated belief, even if based on fiction, makes various cultures completely incompatible!
And where one culture has an inculcated obsession to not only be the dominate culture, with the dominant "truth", but is culturally obsessed to the point of removing everyone who doesn't agree with their culturally inculcated religious belief! We practise freedom of expression, religious belief and tolerance as part of the dominant culture! And at complete odds with entirely incompatible Islam which seems to need to dominate the world? And not too fussed about how that's achieved? When religious fanatics were burning Joan Of Arc at the stake, we should have told her, there's nothing to fear but fear itself! And when a mass murder drives a ten ton lorry into a crowded boulevard, hop up onto a crate to deliver the same message. Perhaps the wrong folk are receiving this parsimonious sermon, which would be better directed at those folk a war with the rest of the world and normalcy, rather than normal decent Australians! We are not the problem! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 28 July 2016 1:08:21 PM
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One news organisation found 4o in Australia living in fear after leaving Islam What Australia should be doing is making sure people can leave Islam without fear. Islam is not a religion, but a system of indoctrination and mind control. "The doctrine of Islam completely crushes the individual's personality, detaches off his liberty and then directs his thinking and skills in a particular pattern ... it fully tames him just like a circus animal" In 23 countries it is a criminal offense to leave Islam, and a public inquiry should be held to determine how many people in Australia are coerced or forced into Islam, and are then fearful of leaving. Posted by interactive, Thursday, 28 July 2016 3:17:08 PM
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People used that old mot about more people being killed on the roads during the Vietnam War, as if that nullified the slaughter of young men, chosen in a raffle, to face death in a totally unecessary bloodbath that we lost anyway. It also started the illegal immigration racket, which continued with each unnecessary nasty little war that Australian politicians stupidly involved us in. We still can't keep our noses out of Iraq, Allbull recently having upped our effort, even though small. I thought we had already lost that one, too, but seems that Allbull and other Western cowardly leaders mistake that as helping fight against terrorism, when it hasn't made an iota of difference to the terrorists. I got carried away there, and off the subject. But, we all know you have quite few ideas the are way off the norm - left, right, or centre; I think we all respect your right to be that way, but comparing the threat and past results of Islamic terrorism, or conflict which results in death, with the dangers of travelling on roads, where deaths are the fault of individuals, is way beyond the pale. I once lost a customer because I didn't let him get away with such a stupid, unfeeling comment. It was well worth the loss in the name of common decency and feeling for the young bloke actually being blown to bits. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 28 July 2016 4:47:26 PM
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Dear Ttbn,
Yes, some people are killed or injured on the roads due to their own fault - but many others are killed or injured due to the fault of a stranger. While the dead cannot speak, what comfort would someone who lost an arm or a leg or an eye, find in the fact that the stranger who did it was not an Islamic terrorist? The motive of terrorists is to create terror. Road accidents are reported in the hope that it will deter drivers and encourage them to be more careful. Reporting terrorist acts on the other hand, only encourages the terrorists and potential terrorists - it deters nobody. The media are therefore enablers of terror. The solution for terror is to stop reporting it, certainly not to fuss about it! Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 28 July 2016 5:34:16 PM
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I suggest Rivka, you go do you preaching to the people of Nice.
With any luck they will be kind & won't lynch you, although I can't imagine why they wouldn't want to. Stupidity does appear to be breeding in academia, at a faster rate than ever before. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 28 July 2016 6:03:18 PM
Australian drivers are not much better, so I suspect that if any rational person is afraid of Muslims then they should be terrified of driving or riding in a car!