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The Forum > Article Comments > Shame effects: the risks from public debates and bigotry about the Safe Schools program > Comments

Shame effects: the risks from public debates and bigotry about the Safe Schools program : Comments

By Rob Cover, published 3/3/2016

Through its diversity education training, the Safe Schools Coalition program makes some small headway into trying to make a broader range of sexualities and genders seem normal.

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You are wrong to say the program does not discuss specific sexual activities. I was fortunate enough to visit the Safe Schools website before public opinion caused the removal of the most controversial material and what I saw there really concerned me. A discussion on virginity, and how it can be anything you want it to be. Anal sex and oral sex don't count as sex. Giving kids tasks like imagining they are 11 years old and have no genitals, or imagining they are attracted to someone of the opposite sex. How would they feel?
There were links to websites teaching kids how to bind their breasts and tuck their penises, which I had never even heard of before and apparently can cause serious damage to reproductive organs.
But by far the worst message that comes from the lesson is the belief that feeling transgender is normal. I have read all the lesson plans and nowhere does it say anything about the mountain of research that shows that 80% of kids who feel this way will revert to their normal gender by the time they reach adulthood if they are left alone.
Nor is there any mention of the fact that Gender Dysphoria is listed as a mental health disorder in theDSM5 which is the psychiatric diagnostic manual.
These classes try to normalise the abnormal and this is where it is so damaging.
And don't even get me started on the book recommended for four year olds called " the Gender Fairy"
Posted by Big Nana, Thursday, 3 March 2016 9:05:40 AM
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As Big Nana points out and as Dr Clover refuses to acknowledge, despite all his education, is that no-one is objecting to the concept of this program as such. The problem is the explicit content and shoving sexual information about the issues of those who are still tiny minorities in our schools in the face of quite young students.

Some counselling for those who have gender or sexual orientation issues may be appropriate, and bullying - which can occur for a range of reasons - should be stopped. But why pester the whole student body over this specialist issue? It is also worth noting that the people pushing these views seem to have wildly different ideas about what is permissable - whatever genders may be involved - than parents, including the increasing number of gay parents.
Posted by Curmudgeon, Thursday, 3 March 2016 9:41:02 AM
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I've said this before, and I'll say it again.

"At what point did a smart intelligent doctor become Joseph Mengler?"
Some of these researchers become so focused on their little "bubble" view of the world that they lose touch with reality.

I remember an article on here not too long ago on domestic spying where the author was bragging about how he looked forward to going through all our private metadata and I likened him to some sick pervert who secretly wanted to peep into peoples windows at night and go through their rubbish. Sick IMO.

This guy here probably never did a hard days work in his life.
Farms and factories mate, if you really want to contribute something useful to the country.

Sitting in air-conditioned University office telling everyone else how they should live, all in support his own agenda, a likely result of his own sexuality.

Is this all about you and your friends Rob and YOUR queer lifestyle and of wanting to be free to go about your perverted ways without any pushback?

He's filled mind mind with all sorts or crap bouncing it all off other like-minded queer idiots until they all believed their own rubbish, at which point he turned into a Joseph Mengler.

My Issue:
He says there's a NEED to teach kids about the range of sexualities and sexual behaviors from Grade 3.
His ENDS (of equality) are used to justify his MEANS to decide that MY KID needs to be indoctrinated at age 7 or 8 with a LGBTI sexual agenda suitable to HIM (as he's the Uni expert).

You have NO RIGHT TO ADVOCATE FOR THIS when its supposedly against the law for ANYONE to have sex with a person under age 16 as they are considered minors.
Are you saying that those rules don't apply if minors are having sex with other minors and that this is all standard accepted education today?
Where exactly are we at on this issue?

Even his name is fitting since you are trying to 'ROB' my children of their innocence and sexualise them.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 3 March 2016 9:52:11 AM
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'Safe Schools' is everything BUT safe; it is perverted Marxism, instigated by an avowed Marxist freak. Once again, an Australian government has opted out of its main role - protecting Australians, particularly young Australians.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 3 March 2016 10:13:26 AM
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Its not my fault that someone else feels shame about themselves.
They own the problem.

You even try to say that because people there aren't sex scenes on 'Home and Away' this is sex shame.

No its not, its the time families including kids are watching TV and eating dinner you sick excuse for a human being.
You can be gay all you want but in the real world, families don't want to watch gay sex scenes over dinner, you fool.

I told you this guys lost grip on reality...

Don't assume its ok to teach children about sex when they are not legally allowed to do so.
Firstly its my job to teach my kids about these things not yours.
You teach your own kid, if your capable of having them and not adopting someone else's.

Otherwise DON"T EVEN ENTERTAIN the idea they you have any right to even SUGGEST that you have a right to teach my kid about sex until THEY ARE OF LEGAL AGE.

Let alone working to make it legislated.

Maybe you have some catholic priests that would like to teach these kids your curriculum. SICK IMO

You don't necessarily need to teach kids about sex other than teach them TO BE RESPECTFUL OF OTHER PEOPLE.

And also kids will be kids, you are in some ways trying to dumb them down and brainwash them into going against human nature and its messed up.

Kids will pick on others who are different.
Many species do and I think its a part of our DNA.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 3 March 2016 10:15:05 AM
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Lol Armchair critic, if you think any kid doesn't know about sex before the age of 16 these days, then you are seriously deluded! The Internet has become a huge learning tool for this subject, whether we like it or not.

Most Kids already know about gay and transgender kids, but because of their parents and others, they don't understand that it is not alright to be nasty to them because they are different.
Hence the Safe Schools program. scary for some adults though, because they don't want to face their own bigotry, nor have their kids question their nasty ideas.
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 3 March 2016 11:06:56 AM
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oh dear the nuts are loose again, its no longer the 1950 people. We want or kids to learn about sex in safe and informed environment.

Gone are the days where..
Kids are taught anything or worst taught to hate through religious bigotry.
Nor do we want your priests to show the them.

Big Nana how convenient for you that the website has changed didn't take a copy of it did you? or maybe the misinformation your spreading comes form somewhere else?
Posted by Cobber the hound, Thursday, 3 March 2016 11:28:26 AM
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The old suicide card is pulled in order to make people who believe kids should be allowed to be kids to feel guilty when they oppose sexualisation of kids. The simple reality is that the more perversion and pornpgraphy a kid is exposed to, the risk of suicide increases dramatically. The regressives are in denial, demonise anyone not wanting to accept their failed dogma and are more interested in their agenda than the bullying of kids.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 3 March 2016 11:36:14 AM
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Thanks for the comment Runner. It is precisely because of pornography that such programs as Safe Schools are necessary. Leaving aside any debate on whether pornography is valuable or not, it is there and it is not going away and in many cases a non-discerning (i.e., some but not all younger people) reading of that porn produces overly-narrow views on sex/gender roles and behaviours. It is VITAL we have programs like Safe Schools to help counteract that with knowledge; to help people see the REAL diversity of sexual and gender behaviour that really is really, factually out there. We simply cannot shut this away, pretend it doesn't exist, or (to Armchair Critic) say nothing about sex until a kid is an adult!

Thanks also for you comment Big Nanna. Likewise, it is because there is a LOT of wrong information available online to young people (who may not have developed the digital literacy to be discerning about what they read) that we need programs like Safe Schools. It is an opportunity to provide "correct" information (on breast binding, penis tucking etc.) that minimises harm. I don't think we can argue that preventing harm to genitals by correct information is any more sexually-explicit than teaching children correct genital hygiene.
Posted by RobCover, Thursday, 3 March 2016 12:16:02 PM
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You are one of those who completely missed the points made on the article. Its nothing to do with transgender or whatever, but in the design of the program. It seems to want to take over the whole discussion on sexuality over issues that affect a tiny minority of students, and thrust explicit material in the face of very young Children.

While I agree that almost anything is available on the internet, the children at least have the choice of not looking, and not looking at at material that does not interest them.
Posted by Curmudgeon, Thursday, 3 March 2016 12:24:22 PM
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Cobber, and Rob. Firstly I didn't take screen shots of this material because as an inherently honest person it didn't cross my mind that people would try and hide material that could be seen as evidence against the program. However, a group against this program have got copies of all the material and will be presenting it to the official review. And I'm not the only person who has reported reading all this material. Many other people have reported seeing it.
Rob, as a nurse I am horrified that anyone would promote dangerous physical procedures like chest binding and penis tucking by recommending web sites. These type of procedures should only be done under medical supervision to prevent permanent damage and any child who is at that stage of gender change should be getting counselling anyway.
All that is necessary in sex education is teaching kids about conception, contraception, safety and the importance of emotional input in sexual relationships. They should be taught that porn does not represent normal sexual behaviour and that all people should be treated with respect, regardless of their sexual proclivities.
Anything more is indoctrination. More indepth discussion should be done with parents or another trusted adult, not in a classroom.
Posted by Big Nana, Thursday, 3 March 2016 12:29:38 PM
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yes Rob it wasn't long ago that the regressives argued that porn was harmless and what you watch has no affect on you. The filth on sbs and other stations were justified on this basis. NOw the regressives want to fix a problem they are largely responsible for creating. Please give us a break. Certainly confusing kids with perverted behaviour will only increase issues not decrease. I would say it is those pushing this agenda that deliberately have their heads in the sand not those parents with genuine concerns. The reality is that promoting sex of all persuasions to young kids with no boundaries is as dumb as giving them needles filled with herion. Surely someone with Dr before there name can't be that stupid they can't see that.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 3 March 2016 1:46:37 PM
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Big Nana how can you teach kids about contraception without discussing the types and when it should be used. You also need to teach them about STD... the Pill is a great contraceptive but not so good at protecting against STD.
You also have to be clear with kids what sexual acts are and what appropriate protection people should use. You know "tell me were the priest touched you"

As for Porn not representing normal behavior well that is debatable, what Porn are you talking about?

I'd even take issue with this "importance of emotional input in sexual relationships" why? these is nothing wrong with casual sex it might not be something that I would do but many do do.

It's a fine line what i would call a neutral explanation and exploration of sexual practices, you clearly are calling indoctrination. I guess that's based on the idea that if you show anything other then what you think of as normal then your somehow corrupting the kids. When the reality is if we are honest about it normal encompasses and very wide range of experiences and feelings.

Anal sex in hetro's couples is very common should we be teaching kids one that it happens and two how it can be performed safely?
Posted by Cobber the hound, Thursday, 3 March 2016 2:08:42 PM
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'Anal sex in hetro's couples is very common should we be teaching kids one that it happens and two how it can be performed safely?'

Yeah Cobber I am sure all those 11 year old girls can't wait. Sick!
Posted by runner, Thursday, 3 March 2016 2:48:52 PM
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The people that want to promote this kind of material to primary school students are little more than mental paedophiles.

They do not mess with the bodies of children but the minds and emotions and it is just as damaging to impressionable young people who trust the adults in their lives. Just as sexual paedophiles create terrible doubt in children about what their bodies are for and who has rights over their bodies these people create doubts in children over what it is necessary for them to know in order to survive and be happy in their childish world.

When kids are abused by a paedophile they are shocked. No one has prepared them for being used as a sex object. It comes totally out of the blue. It violates their child like scope of the world and makes them wonder what else lies round the corner that they have not yet been prepared for. They immediately become wary and defensive and lose all their sense of wonder. They no longer trust adults because now they know that adults can spring things on them without warning and which cause a great deal of confusion and stress.

We have things like censorship in order to protect children from being exposed to realities that they are not yet ready to cope with. Education programs are geared towards what kids can handle and not what adults can handle. They are given information at a pace that is in keeping with their maturity. You also make the learning logical. You explain to them how such knowledge fits into the world as they see it from a child’s perspective not an adult’s.

When you begin telling primary school kids that some people tuck their penis or bind their chests you also have to tell them why you are giving them this information. When you are explaining the facts of life to a child you give them as much information as they need to know as a child – you do not give them the Kama Sutra or a password to adult sites.

Posted by phanto, Thursday, 3 March 2016 3:09:18 PM
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These programs violate children for the gratification of adults and that is paedophilia in any language. These adults are not trying to stop bullying. They have already learnt that all bullying is wrong and bullying kids with sexual issues comes under the umbrella of all. If the aim is to stop bullying then you should just say that all bullying is wrong and that is all any kid needs to know. All this other information is not necessary except for the paedophiles who introduce it. They only want to introduce not for the sake of those being bullied but to reassure themselves that such behaviour is valid.

If they truly believed what they are teaching is reasonable behaviour they would wait until kids ask about it but they don’t because they are trying to convince themselves that it is reasonable behaviour and they are prepared to abuse children just for that reason.
Posted by phanto, Thursday, 3 March 2016 3:10:44 PM
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Rob Cover:

“I don't think we can argue that preventing harm to genitals by correct information is any more sexually-explicit than teaching children correct genital hygiene.”

Well some of us can argue – you do not speak for everyone.

Primary school kids need to know about genital hygiene because they have genitals that need to be kept hygienic. They do not need to know the correct method of penis tucking because they do not need to tuck their penis. When they are ready to tuck their penis there should be information available to them. Tucking your penis is a sexual thing – cleaning your penis is a matter of good bodily hygiene. Why teach sexual techniques to people who have no inclination for sex?
Posted by phanto, Thursday, 3 March 2016 3:43:11 PM
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'Primary school kids need to know about genital hygiene because they have genitals that need to be kept hygienic. They do not need to know the correct method of penis tucking because they do not need to tuck their penis. When they are ready to tuck their penis there should be information available to them. Tucking your penis is a sexual thing – cleaning your penis is a matter of good bodily hygiene. Why teach sexual techniques to people who have no inclination for sex?'

but Phanto its all about bullying!
Posted by runner, Thursday, 3 March 2016 3:46:15 PM
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Big Nana: Every school is populated by responsible teachers, and they act as filters on any material not suitable for the classroom or age group.

Even so, the greatest objection to this information, I believe, are folks busy trying to indoctrinate kids, to believe anything other than hetrosexual sex is abnormal and a product of perverse choice, not nature?

And their real concern is how they'll look when their kids are exposed to the truth?

As for objections to so called porn, kids can be exposed at home when online and doing their homework, and even there, kids need to know some of the stuff they've been exposed to, isn't any part of a loving adult relationship!

And given forewarned is forearmed, they really need to know there are some sick priests out there and paragons of chest thumping/bible bashing street angel activists with assumed virtue by day and home devil, kiddy fiddling phedophiles by night?

And given loss of innocence at the hands of any one of these monsters, can and does result in suicide or lifelong harm! Our kids need to be able to discern genuine religious teachers and others from sick and the self identifying deviants who would harm them?
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 3 March 2016 5:15:26 PM
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Cobber, I don't know what sort of society you live in but anal sex is not very common in my area, in fact it would be rare. And I have never met a woman who has enjoyed it.
Anal sex has its origins in the past when pregnancy was almost a death sentence and raising children past infancy was not guaranteed, nor was there any welfare to feed all those unwanted children. So a minority of women accepted anal sex as the best of the worst alternatives.
Porn has driven this current culture of anal sex and I have had discussions with young girls asking me why their boyfriends are trying to force them into this practise.
As for porn, I have never heard of any material presented that doesn't involved force, or multiple partners or anal sex combined with a total lack of emotional involvement, which believe or not,is what most females look for in sex.
You may hope the world is full of nymphomanic women who enjoy random casual sex but the truth is most women equate sex with emotional connection.
As I said the world of porn is fantasy, despite what you wish to believe, and it is leading to a problem of hypersexuality in young children,even primary school age. As the
recent media article disclosed.
Posted by Big Nana, Thursday, 3 March 2016 5:43:45 PM
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That a member of Socialist Alternative, Roz Ward, has been the main instigator of this appalling program should be warning enough. She is culpable on several grounds. The first and by far the most important is that she and her supporters, such as Rob Cover and others, are prepared to damage the great majority of normal, heterosexual children under the guise of protecting the small deviant minority from "bullying".

The "Safe Schools" program has NOTHING to do with bullying and everything to do with wilful psychological damage to small children. If bullying were the issue, the program would be about bullying, not sexual deviancy.

Where is there any evidence of due diligence by the politicians and bureaucrats responsible for handing over $8 million for this abomination?

The casualties of such a program will be the psychologically damaged young people who will emerge from the education system. Most of the politicians now defending the program are Labor Left, as you'd expect, but there is a clear stream of Liberals, equally to blame under the baleful influence of the current progressivist prime minister.

Meanwhile, there will be no diminution of real bullying, which as we know has caused suicides.

Most astonishing of all, is that the same hypocrites wring their hands and form lynch mobs, supposedly outraged by the findings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, while continuing to promote the exposure of young children to this nauseating material.

The originator, Ward, as Merv Bendle has pointed out on the Quadrant site, has no relevant qualifications in psychology or psychiatry or medicine. She is a charlatan. Indeed, her academic record barely makes it to mediocre, given her MA in "Gender Studies".
Posted by calwest, Thursday, 3 March 2016 5:46:38 PM
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If kids are taught that all bullying is wrong then why do they have to be told that bullying of kids from sexual minorities is wrong?

All means all – without exception. How does education about sexual minorities make all anymore all than it already is? Kids do not need to be educated about Islam to know that bullying Muslims is wrong because they have already been told that bullying anyone is wrong. Kids do not need to be educated about eating disorders to know that bullying fat kids is wrong because they already know that all bullying is wrong and that is the only information they need in regard to bullying behaviour.

This claim that you have to be educated about specific differences before you can grasp the notion that it is wrong to bully someone who is different is a complete smokescreen. Bullying is wrong full stop. It doesn’t matter what you say or who you say it to it is wrong and should be stamped out. No means no and kids understand that. If an adult tells a child not to put his fork in the toaster he will not do it. He doesn’t need a course in electronics. He will just take your word for it simply because you are an adult.

If you tell a child that bullying is unacceptable behaviour then that is all he needs to know and if he does anything that is unacceptable he suffers the consequences. Kids already have the information they need and programs like this are giving information which is totally unnecessary in order to stop bullying. If a kid with sexual issues is bullied they go to the teacher and report it. The kid who is guilty of bullying is punished. The bully already knew what he was doing was unacceptable. If he has not taken it in by that stage then he is not going to change after lessons in diversity.
Posted by phanto, Thursday, 3 March 2016 8:32:03 PM
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Hey Suseonline,
I know that kids know everything these days and some of them are having sex at age 11, I know times have changed..

I think if you wish to teach your kid explicitly about anal and oral sex at age 7 then that's your business.
I don't particularly like the idea that your well-informed deviant kids would be influencing mine, but I take serious offense to any other adult who thinks its ok and that its their duty to teach mine about that kind of stuff behind my back and without my consent at that age.

Its wrong and unacceptable.

If your kid is different that's your issue to deal with.
My 7yo kid doesn't need to be taught about bum-sex just because your deviant 7yo needs understanding for their weird sexual feelings.
And if your 7yo kid truly does need understanding for some sexuality problem then I'd question how you raised him/her.

Simple. Kids of that age don't need it shoved down their throats.

They talk about suicides on the one hand and that most 80% revert to normal heterosexual behavior as they grow up.

Those stats tell me that this LGBTI agenda is screwing kids up that may otherwise never have questioned their sexual identity or been pushed to suicide in the first place.

Sex shame?
What about the shame of being easily lead as a kid or talked into some underage gay experience when its not who you really are?
Maybe that's their angle. Stop the discrimination by talking kids into gay acts before they become adults.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 3 March 2016 8:50:51 PM
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People can live however they choose so long as it doesn't affect others in a bad way, unfortunately that doesn't include you or any other adult teaching and influencing my kid with discussions on anal sex when they are under the legal age.

As far as I'm concerned its sexual assault of a minor and borderline pedophilia.

If my kid's questioning their sexuality and initiates a discussion with another adult, I should be informed and its my job to discuss these issues with my underage dependent.

In no way whatsoever do any other adults have the right to initiate these discussions and influence my underage kid behind my back and without my consent.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 3 March 2016 8:51:06 PM
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Big Nana, I can't imagine you have spoken to many women about anal sex?
You do know that it was common back in the good old days that some strict Catholic couples did have anal sex to get around not having too many children?
Their religion didn't allow contraception and were happy for the poor women to just churn out more little Catholics every 9 months of their fertile lives. But the men needed their 'release', so there you have it....

Armchair critic you have your views about this subject and so do I, but you don't call my children deviant. You are a nasty, disgusting individual. Shame on you.
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 3 March 2016 11:58:55 PM
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There's some very good posts here criticising the 'safe schools' program. The anger needs to continue or the Marxists will keep pursuing it.

As others have pointed out, this has nothing to do with bullying. This program cannot be understood outside the broader context of the 'culture wars'. 'Progressives' are driven by their hatred of Western civilisation (all the traits that made the West successful) and their self-righteousness, and the breaking down of gender norms and acceptable sex acts is part of this ongoing war. This part of the culture war began with 'free love', then normalising homosexuality, and now with normalising transexuality and the sexualisation of children. I shudder to think of what the next step is in their 'sexual revolution'.

Marxist deviants won't stop unless they're threatened with legal action (or maybe violence).
Posted by Aristocrat, Friday, 4 March 2016 6:50:01 AM
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Oh no, not another old 'Marxist' tragic!
It is all too boring now...
Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 4 March 2016 10:19:03 AM
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I find it rather strange that it's the religious
people who are the ones talking about Marxists
agendas and repeating attacks claiming that the
Safe Schools programs are a part of a political
ideology to promote "queer sexuality."

Leaving aside the irony of the religious right crying
out about "indoctrination" in the classroom while
they happily champion taxpayer-funded religious schools
and a $245 million chaplaincy scheme. Lets look at the

The Safe Schools Coalition programs are voluntary. They
were not pushed upon an unwitting education system by
"gay activists." The program was set up in Victoria in 2010
in response to requests from Principals and teachers.
The program has the backing of organisations of - BeyondBlue,
The Australian Secondary Principals Association, the
Australian Council of State Schools Association, to name
just a few.

It is difficult to understand people having issues
with children being taught acceptance and tolerance.
The program contrary to the misinformation that's being
spread does not link or recommend web content, sex shops,
adult online comments, or sex links on its website or in
any of its matieral.

It is so easy to condemn something - when one does not
know the full facts. Our Prime Minister has ordered a
Review of the program. People should surely wait after
the review is published before making their judgements.
Of course those who are bigoted can't wait.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 4 March 2016 2:30:54 PM
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Armchair Critic:

Inspiring posts! Great stuff! We need more people to let their anger come to the surface about these issues.


‘But the men needed their 'release', so there you have it....’

What men need is their problem – what women give to them is their problem. If women allow men to stick their penis up the woman’s anus then they have little respect for their own bodies. Anyone who allows that has little respect for their own bodies. They would not let anyone do that if they were not emotionally insecure. Some people will put up with the greatest of abuse in order to keep emotional attachments to their abuser. Why else would they allow it to happen? There is absolutely no pleasure in it since there are no nerve endings in the anus which can stimulate the sexual part of the brain.

It has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with desperate insecurity.

“Oh no, not another old 'Marxist' tragic!
It is all too boring now...”

Not as boring as posts which have nothing to contribute to the topic and are only meant to denigrate the other person.

“It is difficult to understand people having issues
with children being taught acceptance and tolerance.”

They don’t – those things were taught in schools, in homes and other places long before the Safe Schools program was devised. They are not new concepts. People have difficulty with the discrimination in favour of kids with sexual issues.

“Of course those who are bigoted can't wait.”

So anyone that has an opinion based on what we so far know is bigoted? It may turn out that they are right too!
Posted by phanto, Friday, 4 March 2016 4:06:39 PM
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Thank you Phanto and Critic, you have stolen the words from my mouth.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 4 March 2016 6:08:45 PM
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Yes indeed Yuyutsu, you all have very similar mouths, that's for sure : )
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 5 March 2016 1:05:56 AM
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Big Nana

I also read the same info on Minus18 website. Regarding details about concepts of chest binding, penis tucking and cross dressing. Huffington Post did also.

Huffington Post – 17/2/2016
I quote – “Mr Bennett said concerns have also been expressed by child psychiatrists about the age-appropriateness of this material, with the head of child psychiatry at the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists being quoted as saying that teaching about gender diversity may not be appropriate for eleven year olds.

“The Education Minister must review this program as a matter of urgency,” he said.

“The review must look at why there is secrecy about the program in Queensland. In every other state, parents and members of the community can look up a website for an up-to-date list of the schools that are teaching the program, yet in Queensland, the names of the schools has been blocked.”

He said children were being referred to the website of an organisation called Minus18, which provides details about concepts such as chest binding, penis tucking and cross dressing.” (End quote)

Also, like you I didn’t take a “screen shot” to prove my point and note details (info) of penis tucking now removed..wonder why?

I also didn’t take a screen shot (and should have) on “chat sessions” with children who are discussing ways to “chest bind” all stating to one another their parents don’t know!

One girl also discussing how she almost passed out as she binded her chest incorrectly!

These young children’s faces on display for all to see – this chat session now removed...wonder why?

Minus 18 are obviously removing content from their website in order to obtain Government support as a “safe site” for our youth.

If Minus18 have nothing to hide why keep removing content from your website?

There is nothing safe about this site – just sneaky with continual removal of content when further inappropriate content on their website is referred to and discussed.
Posted by SAINTS, Saturday, 5 March 2016 9:28:17 PM
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Under the Safe Schools Program – do we use the term Boys and Girls – anymore – if not, why not. Terminology used being – “students”.

Does that mean those students (boys and girls) who aren’t one of the L-(?) new people category – have no “identity”?

A Senator recently made the following statement – “We’re queer, we’re here #get over it”.

Yep - says it all with the "attitude".

The Safe Schools project – I believe – was to initially address bullying within schools.

The program has now been hijacked by the “minority” to wish to “peddle their own cause” at the expense of the majority.

A Safe Schools program should ensure - zero tolerance for bullying of any type (on any person, for whatever reason, being race, colour, religion, or L-(?) gender) will not be accepted in any school.

It’s called respect ….. pure and simple.

End of lesson in Safe Schools Program.
Posted by SAINTS, Saturday, 5 March 2016 9:30:23 PM
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Good lesson on the Safe Schools program.

My question is why is there a need for a ‘program’ to combat bullying in schools? Surely by the time kids are nine or ten they should know that every human being has a right to live in peace. They should know what it feels like to have your peace disturbed by other kids and that it is not a nice feeling. They know how that feels long before they go to pre-school if they have siblings. So surely it is a simple thing to say to a child ‘you do not like it and neither does anyone else, so don’t do it to others.’

They know how to hurt other kids because they have been on the receiving end. That is why they do it because they know they can do damage.

The adults only need to tell them of the consequences that will happen to them if they try to hurt other kids and to go through with those consequences if they do. If the consequences are severe enough kids will stop hurting each other. It’s not rocket science.

If a kid vandalises the school classroom you make sure he doesn’t do it again by handing out appropriate punishment. You do not have special programs which explain to him the improprieties of vandalising school property. It is not something that has to be taught – it is something that kids already know to be wrong. It is not education that is lacking but reasonable consequences for behaviour which everyone agrees is unacceptable.
Posted by phanto, Saturday, 5 March 2016 10:48:33 PM
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Just found this thread. Gobsmacked.

I would have thought that, if 1-2 % of kids in secondary school have some doubts about their normality, then it should not be difficult to bring in a counsellor every so often. Problem solved.

But why inflict all these doubts on much younger children ? Why the hell should young kids be exposed to information about the need for contraceptives until they are much older, fourteen or fifteen ? Or to question their very nature ? Why even talk about virginity to young kids who wouldn't have a clue what is meant by it ? Why give young kids the notion that sex is not only of no account, but that all manner of unusual sex is the norm, long before it has ever entered their heads ? Christ, it probably hasn't entered many adults' heads.

And as for putting young kids onto porn sites, what pervert dreamt that up ?

For Christ's sake, (and no Foxy, I'm not religious) why can't young children be left alone until they are genuinely starting to experience a need for proper sex education in mid-secondary ? The world will crowd in on them soon enough. Teach them about capital and labour, how people earn their living, how production is organised, the importance of trade, the role of technology. Surely those are more important than some pissy doubts of 1-2 % of mid-secondary kids over what they think they 'are' ?.

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 7 March 2016 10:09:53 AM
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ABC news – “New Labor MLA Jayson Hinder moved a motion today calling for support for the program and rejecting "homophobic and transphobic discrimination". (end quote)

Then why does Safe Schools Programme support links to Minus18 - instructions on how to “hide” or cover your tracks, while searching online. Children therefore also could be seeking info about drugs, porn, and many other unsavoury websites. Where is the integrity with this programme?

How is this article “relative” to preventing school bullying? The following article reproduced from Minus18 site.

Mr Hinder there are many concerned parents out here who aren’t homophobic and/or display transphobic discrimination as you suggest. We (as parents and family members) have a duty of care and obligation to protect our children.

The first sentence in article – says it all!

Reproduced article from Minus 18 - Cover Your Tracks

"Making sure no one sees what you're searching for online is kind of an important thing when you're not out. Nothing worse than having someone see that your last google search was for "Gay teens Melbourne" Am I right?

Fear not, cause we have some handy tips for you on keeping stealthly while browsing online.

How do I work out which browser I'm using?

If you know what browser you are using, then skip to the relevant instructions below. If you do not know the type of browser you are using, click on Help on the toolbar at the top of the browser screen. A drop down menu will appear, the last entry will say About Internet Explorer, About Mozilla Firefox, or something similar. The entry refers to which browser type you are using - you should then refer to the relevant instructions below.

Internet Explorer
Stop. Update Internet Explorer or download another browser now. If you're on a computer where you can't do this then:
Click on the Tools menu and select Internet Options. In the General page under Browser History, select the Delete... button. Either select and Delete each section:
Posted by SAINTS, Thursday, 10 March 2016 8:56:42 PM
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Temporary internet files; Cookies, History; Forms data and Passwords; or select the Delete all... button at the bottom to clear everything.

Click on Tools and then Options, then click on Privacy. At private data select settings, ensure that all boxes have been selected and then click on Clear Now.

Click on Tools and then Preferences. Click on the Advanced tab and then the History section on the left-hand side. Click the Clear button to the right of Addresses and the Empty Now button to the right of Disk cache. Opera does not have an easy wasy to clear all Cookies.

Resetting Safari clears the history, empties the cache, clears the Downloads window, and removes all cookies. It also removes any saved user names and passwords or other AutoFill data and clears Google/Yahoo search entries.To do this go to the Safari menu at top left hand screen. Choose Reset Safari, and click Reset.

Google Chrome
Click on the spanner icon at the top right corner of your browser. From the menu select “History”. You can either select the “Clear all browsing data…” button to delete your entire history. You can also delete individual pages that you have visited by ticking the box that appears next to the time and title of the page you have visited.

Private Browsing
A lot of the newer browsers let you browse without the website appearing on your browser or search history as soon as you close the program. Score!

Toolbars like Google and Yahoo keep a record of the search words you have typed into the toolbar search box. In order to erase all the search words you have typed in, you will need to check the individual instructions for each type of toolbar. For example, for the Google toolbar all you need to do is click on the Google icon, and choose "Clear Search History". (end of article)

Yep - nothing to see hear, nothing to see at all!
Posted by SAINTS, Thursday, 10 March 2016 8:58:31 PM
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ABC NEWS - 26/2/2016 - Info leads children to 'potential harm'

Quote - The Safe Schools program is supported by mental health organisations beyondblue and headspace, as well as the Australian Secondary Principals Association and the Foundation for Young Australians.

Mr Shelton said ACL's concerns about the Safe Schools program were shared by feminists including Germaine Greer and RMIT's Dr Caroline Norma.

"Young people often have a period of confusion as they go through adolescence, and the research shows that by the time they go through puberty it's not an issue for most," he said.

"To introduce this [information] at a time when there's, perhaps, a natural confusion and questioning going on, I think could lead young people down a path of potential harm.

"I think a lot of parents would want to ask questions about whether or not they want their children exposed to this sort of material." *end quote*

I have seen several programs with youths stating - as above. These youths now are ashamed of their actions, and lament losing and experiencing puberty, they believe they were led by others (the mobs) into thinking/believing they were trans or whatever persuasion, they have now grown to adulthood as straight men and women.

I guess this is the "other" side of the impact on lives those L_(?) supporters don't want to hear from.
Posted by SAINTS, Thursday, 10 March 2016 9:23:50 PM
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Yep you see?
Everything I said I'm not the only person who said it.
And remember this guy WASN'T TALKING about 11 year olds.
He was talking about teaching anal sex to children in Grade 3 lets not forget that.

I thought I was right and SAINT'S comment reinforced my assumptions -
When I said they're trying to stop the discrimination by talking kids into gay acts before they become adults.

Also phanto made a good point that 'They only want to introduce not for the sake of those being bullied but to reassure themselves that such behaviour is valid.'

It simply proves more and more to the contrary of 'their' internal voice trying to tell themselves that they are normal and for everyone else to accept it.

No you people are not normal.
You are messed up in the head.
Its not normal to teach kids in grade 3 about bumsex.
Not now, not ever.


Ultimately I've tried to be reasonable on this topic but I don't really care anymore, I think the needs of the majority completely outweight the needs of a minority and therefore, discrimination and equality aren't nearly as important as protecting kids from this kind of sick agenda.

The people like 'Rob' have pushed this issue too far, so quite honestly I could care less about whether your weird children with weird sexual issues get bullied or not anymore.

Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 13 March 2016 7:45:58 AM
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Toddlers to be taught about cross-dressing in controversial sex ed program. Herald sun - March 6, 2016

Dr Anne Kennedy, chairperson of Community Childcare Victoria, said the material would be handled sensitively.

TODDLERS will be taught about sex, sexuality and cross-dressing in a controversial national program being rolled out at childcare centres and kindergartens next month.

Educators will be encouraged to use dress-ups to explain cross-dressing to kids and may even take group tours of the opposite sex’s toilets as part of the Start Early initiative.

Teachers will use material provided by Early Childhood Australia, and books such as the book Children’s Sexual Development and Behaviour: Pants Aren’t Rude, by Pam Linke.

Suggestions in the book include teaching about sexuality in a positive way as a healthy part of life, ensuring children aren’t forced to kiss anyone they don’t want to and letting children know that “all parts of their body are good”.
Posted by SAINTS, Sunday, 13 March 2016 6:46:51 PM
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Early Childhood Australia spokeswoman Clare McHugh said the program would reduce domestic violence because “rigid views on gender” were associated with violence and domestic violence.

“Children are sexual beings and it’s a strong part of their identity, and it is linked to their values and respect,” she said.

It comes after the federal government ordered a review of a Safe Schools program for secondary students including lessons on how to bind breasts and tuck in male genitalia.

Ms McHugh said the program was designed to “use everyday moments and interactions” to teach respect, ability and making choices.
“The underlying message is to value difference and be open to difference,” she said.

Dr Anne Kennedy, chairperson of Community Childcare Victoria, said there would be a “wide take-up” in Victoria.

She said the material would be handled sensitively and parents would be consulted.

“Educators deal with these issues all the time and the resources help them do better in the way they respond — in a developmentally and culturally responsible way,” she said. (end of article)

“Early Childhood Australia spokeswoman Clare McHugh said the program would reduce domestic violence because “rigid views on gender” were associated with violence and domestic violence”.

Are you for real Ms McHugh? So according to you, gays (and/or other persuasions) don’t have ANY level of violence and domestic violence in their homes where children reside?

Whilst domestic violence occurs due to rigid views on gender – really, and that's the only issue? Please provide some national stats in evidence?

Is this the BS we (as parents, families and protectors of our young children) are to believe.
Posted by SAINTS, Sunday, 13 March 2016 6:50:16 PM
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TODDLERS – yes, Ms McHugh – ALL TODDLERS just want to make friends and play with other children at this age.

Their tiny minds aren’t broad enough to take in conversations about “sex”, cross dressing, visiting other sex toilets, etc.

Enough is enough – leave our TODDLERS alone. We want “our” children to enjoy their years of innocence, memories they will cherish forever, instead of filling their heads with inappropriate issues they not ready to cope with at such young ages.

This is a “minority” group pushing their agenda onto the “majority”.

Their “agenda” really isn’t all about bullying is it?

How about showing some level of respect to us as parents and families, who want our TODDLERS to enjoy their innocence.
Posted by SAINTS, Sunday, 13 March 2016 6:52:04 PM
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yes Saints child abuse at its highest order just so adults can feel better about themselves. They are one sick lot of cookies. The disgusting feminist/lesbians on Q&A were nothing but overpaid state sponsored bullies along with smirking Jones.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 13 March 2016 7:02:18 PM
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Thanks AC, Saints, and Runner,

"No you people are not normal.
You are messed up in the head.
Its not normal to teach kids in grade 3 about bumsex.
Not now, not ever.


"Ultimately I've tried to be reasonable on this topic but I don't really care anymore, I think the needs of the majority completely outweigh the needs of a minority and therefore, discrimination and equality aren't nearly as important as protecting kids from this kind of sick agenda."

As an old pruny, semi-Marxist, I can't believe where this idiotic 'debate' is going. Leave kids alone, you perverts. Marxists ? Marx would be utterly disgusted. He would give Gramsci a good kicking.

For Christ's sake, get back to reality. There's enough in the world to be genuinely worried about. The struggle between Islam and the Enlightenment - Marx's world - for example.

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 13 March 2016 7:24:20 PM
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Runner, Loudmouth

Referring Q & A two weeks ago. I recently read there was a transgender person in the audience who wanted to ask a question of panel. She/he most upset, she/he couldn’t ask a question, and stated that the evening was rigged!

Well, I don’t know if Q & A questions are allegedly “ rigged” not having attended any forums, maybe person should have taken their grievance direct to Mr Jones for response?

However, I must admit last week’s Q & A was a joy to watch. Questions and answers surrounding Science and Mathematics.

Daily Telegraph January 16, 2016 – Trinity Grammar parents rocked by “Sexual abuse among year one boys”.

Quote – “A six year old boy has been removed from prestigious Trinity Grammar School and at least eight others offered counselling after a string of sexual abuses among the Year One pupils.

The abuses involved the boys getting naked and performing sex acts on each other in the school toilets and playground while they were supposed to be supervised.

“Six-year-old boys should not be doing this to other six-year-old boys at school,” said one furious mother. “Clearly the playground and toilets were not supervised. Why didn’t they notice the boys were missing?”

It is alleged the instigator encouraged three other boys to engage in sex acts with at least four other victims in the school toilets and parts of the playground.

An investigation was begun but the main instigator was allowed to remain at the school’s Summer Hill campus.

In 2001 four Year 10 boarders were charged over sexual assaults on boys, including using a wooden dildo called the “anaconda”. They pleaded guilty to assault and were given bonds. Two of their victims were awarded settlements of $500,000 each by the school.

— Last year former Trinity teacher Neil Futcher was charged with multiple offences including the indecent assault of students as young as 11.

— As many as eight Year 8 students were expelled after an incident involving cannabis on the school grounds.” (End of Article)
Posted by SAINTS, Thursday, 17 March 2016 12:11:04 AM
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There have been some posters who have criticised others when discussing their concerns surrounding toilets, in context with Safe Schools Programme.

The above is a classic example of sexual abuse which could be occurring in other schools and school yards.

Wonder where these 6 year olds obtained info to commit sexual abuse on other 6 year olds?

Nah – nothing to be concerned about, nothing to see here! Sexual abuse occurring in toilets – Nah, of course not!
Speaking about the Early Childhood Australia Program spokeswoman Clare McHugh said the program would reduce domestic violence because “rigid views on gender” were associated with violence and domestic violence.

“Children are sexual beings and it’s a strong part of their identity, and it is linked to their values and respect,” she said.

Ms McHugh – “What is linked to their values and respect” – no value nor respect shown by above 6 year olds to - wonder why?

Maybe its time for time for these 6 year olds to go back and play a bit more in the sandpit.

Approx 2% of the population are “allegedly” L-(?) – therefore the rest those 98% are expected to change our parenting rights in protecting the innocence of our children, for the 2%!

Safe Schools Program should be about respecting all colours, creeds, religions, races etc. ONLY. The L-(?) are no different from anyone else, there’s also nothing “special” about them? They have a right to live their life as they wish/choose, and should be shown the same respect as anyone else….nothing new.

It’s up to each and every school to ensure their code of conduct rules – state zero tolerance level to any bullying. Respect goes both ways.
Posted by SAINTS, Thursday, 17 March 2016 12:13:26 AM
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Pushing the proverbial L-(?) wheelbarrow agenda – as an alleged “bullying” issue for 2%, on 98% of the population - has no place within our schools, and as such should be “withdrawn” by the Government.

The L-(?) agenda look to having the Safe Schools Program made compulsory for all schools to take up, plus a compliance check every 3 years. I respectfully ask – what about the schools who don’t wish to take up the Safe Schools Programme, as they already have their own strict Code of Conduct rules in place, and don’t believe the material contained in Safe Schools Programme is age “appropriate” in content for many reasons.

The excuse that some L-(?) students are at risk of endangering themselves if the Safe Schools Programme is not implemented – is a load of hog wash.

What about the rights of those students who “don”t wish to have the Programme introduced into their school?

Latest stats reveal 1 in every 15 students leaving school can’t read? Why?

These stats are appalling and may go to answer why students go down a wrong path, feel unable to cope, lack confidence, don't like life, take drugs, commit suicide, can’t get a job. One could go on and on with further effects on a young person’s life and self-esteem.

There is no excuse in this day and age for ANY student not being able to read, having passed through the education system? - totally unacceptable and a national disgrace.

The “Elephant in the Room” is obviously the fact that the education system is seriously failing our youth. With ownership taken by all schools addressing any instance of bullying via new Code of Conduct Rules, bullying will cease. Everyone is a human being, respect should be shown to all. Not hard to implement across all schools – and it’s free.
Posted by SAINTS, Thursday, 17 March 2016 12:14:39 AM
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