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Islamic lifelines can prevent Islamic State dead lines : Comments

By David Singer, published 15/10/2015

Our faith teaches to withhold our hands from the breaking the branch of a tree, let alone taking the life of a human being, which equates to taking the life of humanity...

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Hi Bazz,

At the time of the Arab invasions of what is now Iraq and Syria, most people were Jews, Syriacs, Christians and other groups like Yazidis, and ethnically Iraq tended to be Kurdish and Persian. Of course, Saladin, Salah-ud-Din was a Kurd, from Tikrit.

From faulty memory, I think I checked out once the latest information on the genetic makeup of Iraqis and it seems that the mitochondrial DNA, i.e. of the women, tended 80 % to be Kurdish and Persian, while the male DNA, the Y chromosome, tended to be 80 % Arab.

I guess that that's what 'invasion' means.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 17 October 2015 3:13:32 PM
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Dear mhaze,

You wrote;

“Well, when a Jew or a Christian or a Buddhist or a Scientologist or a Zoroastrian or whatever commits an act of terrorism in Oz then I'll start to worry about that group. But at the moment the only group in Oz killing innocents in the name of their God is the Islamists and these are the people we have to confront.”

That is completely understandable.

Let me pose a question along the lines of Loudmouth's first post.

What is instead of our government coddling up to genocidal regimes, either by giving them warships (Sri Lanka) or failing to vote with a UN motion condemning their continued occupation (Israel), we decided to militarily intervene to stop the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of civilians. How long do you think it would be before we faced reprisals from resident Jewish or Buddhist people?

For instance Israel was born via the terrorist bomb and ethnic massacres. Why would they disavow themselves of such a successful program if their backs were to the wall.

Since Gulf War 1 we have spent the last quarter of a century dropping bombs on Muslims in the Middle East, with progressively less and less legitimacy, particularly after the couple of hundred thousand Iraqis we helped slaughter because of a wee 'oops' moment around us believing a lie about weapons of mass destruction.

Australian aircraft are even now dropping bombs from altitudes that keep them safe from retaliation. Is it any wonder the group on the receiving end would seek other means to do our citizens harm?

My point is this, just as the actions of a heavily Christian Germany slaughtering Jews by the millions, or the genocidal slaying of tens of thousands of Tamils by the Buddhists in Sri Lanka, or the massacres of thousands of civilians in the Gaza strip by Jews from Israel, should not drive us to stereotype these faiths, neither should the actions of Islamic extremists, particularly in war torn areas, permit the tarring of all Muslims.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 17 October 2015 3:21:08 PM
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Not sure this has bearing on your DNA stats, but from what I understand the Ottomans historically used to take Christians as slaves.

The boys would be trained to fight and armies of such would be sent back to kill the Christian relatives from where these boys came.

And the girls would be put into harems for the Sultan to breed with.

Not sure how widespread this practice was in the region at the time but from what I understand it was done so that Muslims and Christians would always hate each other.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 17 October 2015 3:47:50 PM
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Hi Armchair Critic,

Yes, I think there was a sort of annual levy on Christian communities up in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Rumania and Serbia, that so many boys had to be given up to become meat for the Janissaries, and so many girls had to be given up as meat for the various harems. For that reason only, I have a smidgen of sympathy for the Serbs in their brutal war against Kosovars. But at the time, the conquered people probably saw it as just the cost of being conquered people, no big deal, that's how life was. And some Janissaries became very powerful and wealthy.

Hi Steele,

I had become anti-China long before the brutal attacks on Tamils in Sri Lanka got going. Without Chinese support, the Rajapaksa clique would have had a much harder job. We'll see now how it goes now.

As for 'Gulf War 1', I was 100% on the side of the Yanks back then and regret only that the earlier Bush didn't go right to Baghdad, as under international law, he had every right to do.

Of course by 2003, none of us believed the idiot claims that Saddam was supporting Islamists or his own self-inflated BS that he had all manner of dreadful weapons - that's the usual puffery of dictators [note the Wizard of OZ behind his screen: that movie's on again tonight by the way], so I marched against the upcoming invasion in early March 2003. I thought the planned invasion was a distraction from the legitimate war in Afghanistan against Al Qa'ida and the Taliban, and I still do.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 17 October 2015 5:30:28 PM
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I don't know that Nazis were particularly Christian (more like Gothic-Nordic-Aryan), or that the Rajapaksa mob was particularly Buddhist, any more than any of them were left- or right-handed. But Islamists are - perhaps when they singing out 'Allahu Akbar !' gosh, that might be a clue - just might be signalling 'Islamist'.

Put a flag up in the window and that might be a vague signal, but call me paranoid. Perhaps when you walk around in 'traditional' clothes after blowing some bloke's head off calling out 'Allah Akbar!', and perhaps when you ram a knife into an old woman's back calling out 'Allah Akbar!', I don't know but just maybe there might be a connection between the action and the declaration of faith.

You know, Steele, if there were some crazy Italian drug-oriented gang which carried out multiple random killings all over Australia, and each killer had, say for argument's sake, a 'Ndragheta' tattoo and could easily be linked back to Calabria and Griffith, you may be inclined - without being all that anti-Italian - to conclude that Mafia drug gangs were trying to terrorise the Australian populace and break the determination of the AFP (i.e. the Australian Federal Police).

Thankfully, the Italian-Australian population have been hard-working and generous people, contributing so much to the enrichment and prosperity of Australia as a whole. But just suppose: if that hypothetically was going on, week after week, wouldn't you have the tiniest suspicion that something wasn't right within that community ?

And why on earth should it be the ask of the 'whole community' to patch up the problems of the Islamic community ? What, the Chinese community ? The Indigenous community ? The Dutch community ? Why the hell should it be their task ? Why on earth shouldn't it be obviously MAINLY the obligation of the Muslim community, or communities, to patch up the problems which their own members are causing for so many others ?

Of course, we should give them a hand, but the primary responsibility is still with the Muslim communities, nobody else.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 17 October 2015 5:32:19 PM
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Loudmouth, I am afraid Steele is one of those "Useful Idiots" that
please and help the moslems in their works.

Everywhere they exist making all sorts of excuses to confuse what
should be the main effort against the Islamic political threat.
If they every get control it is always the "Useful Idiots" that get
the chop first as they have demonstrated their uselessness.

The Islamic threat is as much a political campaign as a religious one.
Make no mistake there would be no parliaments or parties or courts.
No constitution all that is Haram (forbidden) to moslems.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 17 October 2015 8:38:09 PM
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