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A nation of victims : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 24/12/2014

Owning any object for the purpose of self-defence, lethal or non-lethal, is a criminal offence. Those trapped within the Lindt café were left helpless, as carrying items for self-defence is not allowed under State law.

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Hasbeen, LEGO
You see, it's impossible to have a discussion with Rhrosty, if you talk about Black crime in the U.S.A he wants to talk about a grown Australian man getting upset because a thirteen year old girl said The word "Ape", Catholicism and South Africa.
Everything Rhrosty believes in is wrong and his posts get swatted down every time but up he comes again like Boppo the clown.

There was no "repression" in Apartheid South Africa, the Nationalist government found a way to stop black crime,it was a much safer country for both Blacks and Whites between 1963 and 1994 than it is now:
In Summary:
The Apartheid government killed something like 7518 black people during the 46 years of Apartheid. Thus white on black.
The liberation movements were responsible for 13482 politically motivated killings. Thus black on black.
From 1950-1993 south Africa averaged 7,000 murders a year:
By contrast there were 16,259 murders in S.A in the 2012/13 financial year:
73 people died in SA police custody from 1963 to 1990:
73 people in a 27-year-period averages out to 2.7 deaths a year.
by 2012 under the ANC-regime, 900+ people died in police custody in just ONE YEAR...
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 28 December 2014 1:09:10 PM
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Hi there JAY of MELBOURNE...

I've been a bit of a student of South African politics for many years now, and I must truly confess I don't know which way's up or down ? Driven mainly by the fact my paternal grandmother was born in Pretoria, of (white) English parents. Her father was a contracted 'civil servant' to the S.A government, from the UK Govt.? And it's my understanding, she (her father claimed on her behalf) claimed British nationality ? Yet she possessed a South African birth certificate ?

She married my grandfather at the expiration of the Anglo-Boer war. He had come to S.A. with the British Army Contingent, to fight in that war ? By all accounts in those days, he was permitted to 'de-mobilise' in South Africa and they married, and came to Oz about 1904/06, and as they say, lived happily ever after ?

I spent about six weeks over there in 1971, trying to trace the whole nationality business. The then (apartheid) government were most cordial and very helpful indeed, but because of the Boer War (they claimed) some records were either incomplete or mislaid or whatever ? Even though my grandmother would've been 17 or 18 years of age, during the time of the war ? So essentially I came away none the wiser so to speak ?

As a footnote JAY of MELBOURNE...

We travelled everywhere during daylight hours, and periods of darkness. Safety and security were NEVER an issue. I still have friends (very distant relations actually) who say South Africa is a complete basket case and Jacob ZUMA is the most corrupt, and least educated President, on the entire African Continent ! Go figure ? Another resounding illustration of the benefits of self-government ?

Rhodesia is even worse, under the 'part' leadership of that African tyrant, little 'Bobby MUGABE' who parenthetically, is the best educated of all African leaders ? Thank you Malcolm FRASER, you big blundering 'goof' !
Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 28 December 2014 2:20:52 PM
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Yes o sung wu, those two long streaks of misery, with their heads in the clouds, Whitlam & Fraser both stuck their idealism in where some common sense would have done much more good.

Apart from doing our aborigines a great deal of harm, one effectively destroyed the prospects of generations of Rhodesians, & the other those of Papua New Guineans.

Perhaps we should have a height limit for PMs, although that did not kept the last couple any closer to reality.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 28 December 2014 2:47:42 PM
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< Guns are bad and people should not have them other than Army, and police and
<special people who protect other people should have them no one else at all I think.
<People who say a lot about guns are strange? Almost like a sickness, guns kill nothing
<good about guns. I know everything about guns there is, my life was ruled by guns <small guns up to very big guns on trucks, people who lifed near us all family shot by
<police with guns evil Is Mise?? No more talk on guns unless say they are very bad. My
<country is Albania Elbasan Albania. You no nothing about guns I know everything about
<guns, and all the death near my house by police and army police and others people with
<guns. You no nothing about them because they are very evil and kill many.
Posted by misanthrope, Sunday, 28 December 2014 12:52:58 PM

As an Australian, I do not know what it is like to live in terror, with a constant anxiety about who will die or go missing.

Guns make bullies make worse.
Posted by Wolly B, Sunday, 28 December 2014 3:26:04 PM
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G'day there WOLLY B...

This MISANTHROP has a point I guess ? We all live in relative safety here in OZ so I suppose people from other countries and cultures have an entirely different perspective on F/A's and violence ?

Still if we don't watch ourselves this proliferation of illegal F/A's could well overcome us here, as well ? I hope not I really do !


I'm a LNP voter through and through, but Malcolm FRASER was probably the most nauseating of any Prime Minister I can ever remember. On several occasions I drew duty, 'close protection' on the bloke (an elevated threat assessment) not me personally, my entire squad. I've met, and worked for many politicians in my time, but PM FRASER was amongst the rudest, most arrogant of all ! Even for him to return your perfunctory 'good morning sir' was a supreme effort ? And the thought of 'stopping a bullet' for him, well forget it ! Another, not quite as rude, rather indifferent, was John HOWARD, but his wife was very nice no matter how tired she might be ? Mate, I could tell you a few curious yarns about some of these pollies I've had to work with believe me. Most don't have much ability to hold their liquor too well either, which makes observing their behaviour really quite amusing too - if only I had a camera ?

Before closing, I remember 'extracting' a certain high profile Ambassador from a rather ah...? Shall we say, a rather 'sticky situation' ? Had it become allowed to continue, it could've easily caused quite a serious incident ? This individual continued to thank me, over and over again, writing to the Commissioner, sending me photo's of him, his family the whole nine yards ? He was an absolutely fantastic bloke he really was. It's this sort of thing that makes the job worth doing sometimes, and this type of response is all too rare, I'm afraid ?
Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 28 December 2014 5:18:53 PM
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o sung wu, Sunday, 28 December 2014 5:18:53 PM

I believe once the shearing was done, an other bale of wool containg the dags were sent from a certain, farm by a certain person.
Posted by Wolly B, Sunday, 28 December 2014 5:33:56 PM
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