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A nation of victims : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 24/12/2014

Owning any object for the purpose of self-defence, lethal or non-lethal, is a criminal offence. Those trapped within the Lindt café were left helpless, as carrying items for self-defence is not allowed under State law.

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Well I suppose there's another way to look at the issue of a viable means of physical defence in light of the Lindt café incident. There's the issue of providing a safe workplace. And for that matter a safe environment for customers.
In any other case adopting danger mitigating procedures and providing physical danger mitigation apparatus is generally a requirement to avoid liability.
If state laws are preventing the access to viable means of physical defence against an agressive person there may be an argument the state is preventing the provision of a safe workplace.
Posted by jamo, Sunday, 28 December 2014 12:16:05 AM
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Hi Rhosty.

Trying to decipher your sarcasm, I think that you are saying that you do not believe in racism, even though you made derogatory racist stereotypes yourself about Southern US whites.

I am a racist like yourself, Rhosty. But I am not racist against white people. I think it is self evident that races and ethnicities are not equal. They are not equal in personalities, physical appearance, physical abilities, or mental abilities either. Some ethnicities are generally more intelligent than others, and some are generally more prone to violent (criminal) behaviour than others. That does not mean that there are no smart and non violent blacks, or no dumb violent whites or Asians prone to criminal behaviour. It just means that whatever proportions of smart to dumb, and non violent to violent, proportions exist within ethnicities, are different.

The racist hypotheses that you and Susieonlike push, is that the reason why blacks communities are universally dysfunctional with very high rates of criminal behaviour, is because white people are racists who discriminate against blacks and keep them in poverty. This does not pan out.

To begin with, as my figures which you refused to comment on pointed out, blacks are far more racist than whites. Maybe you think that blacks are justified in their racist hostility towards whites? But if you think that way, then you have just crossed the Rubicon and admitted that racism can be justifiable.

And if blacks can justify racism, so can whites. White racism and discrimination directed at blacks is justified by the knowledge of whites who live the closest to blacks, that as a group, blacks tend to be very much more violent, hostile, dishonest, and unintelligent, compared to whites and Asians as a group.

And violent groups of any shade produce violent a culture which both illuminates their cultural values and reinforces them. The music of young black males is "gangsta" rap which glorifies criminality, drug abuse, misogyny, and some even sanction the killing of whites and police officers. Their culture is a window to who they are, and how they think.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 28 December 2014 6:13:54 AM
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Sorry LEGO but their culture is no window, but rather who they are and how they think.

Not all that long ago, Australian of the year, Adam Goode, was horribly and shamefully racially vilified by a gormless and incredibly insensitive young white girl!
And for no other reason than this was her inculcated or learned behavior, and the social norm in her family?

The color of your skin doesn't have any bearing on how you behave or react to others!
The content of your character may well do!

I served with some colored folk, and for mine and I dare say, every other man in the unit, they were as white as any other man, braver and smarter than many!

At the end of the day and covered in enough mud, it was impossible to know the difference!

Some of the finest white men I've known were as black as coal! They all bled the same color!

And some of the most brutal and uncivilized I've known, were white militants and pro Nazis; like the former Hitler youth, who beat my sister within an inch of her life!

He died quite young and from a massive heart attack!

Race doesn't decide these things, nor gender, just who taught you and inculcated your accepted customs during your formative years.

In Northern Island the Catholics were Europe's new blacks and so it goes.

South Africa has a similar violent history and selective repression, and all that you see that is wrong in either society, is the entire product of inculcated social norms and that officially sanctioned repression.

Nothing more nothing less.

Guns and dynamite/plastics in either case, just facilitated that behavioral norm!

And poor/less than adequate training produces inadequately trained solders, not racial stereotypes!

You can teach an man to shoot inside three months and march into battle, with a joint between his lips and a Ghetto Blaster on his shoulder; but it takes around three years to produce a professional soldier needing neither!
Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 28 December 2014 9:29:06 AM
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Rhrosty old mate, you picked a bad example there.

Holding up a racist AFL playing thug as some sort of victim is rather strange.

I do get very sick of Europeans with a trace of aboriginal blood in them, claiming they are aboriginal, because it pays. It's rather disgusting.

To make one, & a bully boy at that, Australian of the year just shows how far the ratbag left have got into control of our institutions.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 28 December 2014 10:34:45 AM
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You know about guns and stuff Is Mise so what does it prove? Guns are bad and people should not have them other than Army, and police and special people who protect other people should have them no one else at all I think. People who say a lot about guns are strange? Almost like a sickness, guns kill nothing good about guns. I know everything about guns there is, my life was ruled by guns small guns up to very big guns on trucks, people who lifed near us all family shot by police with guns evil Is Mise?? No more talk on guns unless say they are very bad. My country is Albania Elbasan Albania. You no nothing about guns I know everything about guns, and all the death near my house by police and army police and others people with guns. You no nothing about them because they are very evil and kill many.
Posted by misanthrope, Sunday, 28 December 2014 12:52:58 PM
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Sorry Rhosty, but just like you, I was inculcated by my culture to accept that all races were equal. I accepted without thinking that the reason why some ethnicities are chronically dysfunctional and crime prone, was becasue of white racism and discrimination. I was even an anti apartheid demonstrator against the Springboks.

But as I got older, I realised that those socialists who went on, and on, about the equality of man, were the biggest snobs around. What was more, was that these same people who's worldview I had unthinkingly accepted, reflexively blamed the white race for everything that ever went wrong in the world. I began to realise that they were racist against my race. Once I had comprehended that, I started thinking for myself instead of parroting the slogans of the trendy left.

Australian aborigines have a homicide rate 6 times that of the rest of the population of Australia. They are very disproportionately represented in criminal behaviour. If the entire population of a white town was on the dole or the DSP, if the residents were drunk every dole cheque day, if the uncles were screwing the kids, and the kids would not go to school, and if they bothered to go they did very poorly, and the teachers had to feed the kids because the parents could not bother, and if the police were sick and tired of breaking up family and clan fights, only to have both sets of combatants turn their violence on them, I think that any reasonable person would conclude that the entire population of the town were stupid white trash with low intelligence.

But with aborigines or any other dysfunctional minority group, we can't say that. We have to pretend that there is nothing wrong with them. It is always the white fellas fault.


Your belief in the equality of the races is based upon nothing more than peer pressure faith. You have never thought about it. Like every other person of faith, you simply believed without evidence because your momma told you so.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 28 December 2014 1:08:58 PM
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