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Men in trouble : Comments
By Andee Jones, published 24/10/2014It isn't just the Barry Spurrs of the world. The male of the species is in deep trouble and he doesn't seem to have the foggiest notion why.
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Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 25 October 2014 4:34:08 AM
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Hi Andee,
please don't concern yourself about references, clearly you've done your research. It's a massive problem, yet your few snippets paint an even darker picture than I imagined. My family and I suffered shocking psychological and sometimes physical (but never sexual) abuse from a violent father who himself suffered horrors in childrens' institutions. When one has been schooled in violence it is very hard to eradicate in one's turn. Even when the behaviour is successfully suppressed, the mechanism remains active and anger can unreasonably boil up when provoked. It's a sad reality that we're subject to this kind of tenacious "enculturation", but then as you say, we can just as easily replicate decent behaviour when that is role-modelled. It bothers me a little that you seem to be drawing a "structuralist" picture of the psyche which I remain skeptical of (including post-structural variants). I take the view that our "consciousness of" behavioural mechanisms, implicit in self-reflexive examinations conducted even by offenders, indicates executive awareness above enculturation. This is bad news in that compulsive behaviour may thus have other determinants and/or withstand formative and generational intervention, but it's the best hope of addressing male psychopathology. The final point, however, is that given my view of our "meta-social construction", if you like, individuals are just as likely capable of self-correction over lifetimes, rather than generations. Though a) this cuts both ways and implies the essentiality of the "sadistic savant". And on the other hand b) this cuts close to foucault's perhaps paranoid concept of the internal police state. Education's the key, but may not stop the Hannibal Lecters of the world! All this jargon will no doubt get up the noses of the alpha males here : ) Posted by Squeers, Saturday, 25 October 2014 6:24:46 AM
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You say that it is up to men to put the pressure on violent men to change their ways. Why are these men violent in the first place? Why wait until they are fully developed adults to try and change their behaviour? Perhaps it is up to psychologists, who study human behaviour, to tell us why men become ‘monsters’. Perhaps the millions of dollars we spend on academic institutions which study human behaviour is a complete waste. It does not take a rocket scientist to suggest that men should encourage other men to stop being violent. If anyone has failed us in this problem it is the psychologists who pussy-foot around the problem because they are afraid of the answers they may find and the effects it may have on them personally. They may find if they delve too deeply that they too have a propensity to violence which has its roots in their upbringing. Boys are not violent when they leave the womb – they become violent because of factors related to their early development. If men are predisposed to violence then why are all men not violent? Killarney: What exactly is ‘violent masculinity’? I know what violence is and I know what a violent man is but ‘violent masculinity’? It seems you often hide behind this kind of language which attempts to bamboozle people and perhaps even to patronise them with your superior understanding. Suzeonline: “One thing is for sure, it will never be acknowledged by most on this manly masculine site!” If most men on this site are beyond hope then why bother entering the discussion and if there are a few who are worth the bother then why not focusing on bothering instead of on bitching? Squeers: “All this jargon will no doubt get up the noses of the alpha males here : )” Why do you need to patronise the alpha males(whatever one of those might be)? Or are you trying to impress us with your learning. You sound insecure about it. Posted by phanto, Saturday, 25 October 2014 8:15:21 AM
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There have been a number of articles like this one about "Men in Trouble" fixated on the favourite subjects such as violence and sexual abuse etc.(50 shaded of grey) as if some how "magically curing" these problems/issues by trying to change 'cultural beliefs' will solve the worlds problems.
Well it won't. because culture alone is not the issue. Disorders such as Austism, Aspbergers, more males that females have these disorders. I understand that the percentage of psychopaths, that there are more male psychopaths than female. <In 2012, 1,901 males (16.8 per 100,000) and 634 females (5.6 per 100,000) died by suicide, < a total of 2,535 deaths (11.2 per 100,000), - See more at: Males are far more likely than females to be killed in a work place accident. Males are much more likely to be killed in a motor vehicle accident. Substance abuse affects males more than females. Substance abuse is extremely strongly associated with violence. Males make up a larger number of the prison population and in particular in Australia the prisons have become the defacto mental health institutions, added to that, around 60% of the male prison population shows signs of having had an acquired brain injury. <Decades of research has demonstrated that both genetic and environmental factors play a <role in a variety of behaviors in humans and animals (e.g. Grigorenko & Sternberg, 2003). Posted by Wolly B, Saturday, 25 October 2014 9:13:43 AM
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"Are men necessary?" asked Maureen Dowd, a question nobody would dare ask if 'women were necessary?'
The masculinity Crisis. Differences in communication between the genders The Masculinity Conspiracy Just on this website alone there are numerous "opinion" articles about male physical violence against women it really gets extremely depressing. Posted by Wolly B, Saturday, 25 October 2014 9:58:43 AM
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Why is it that whenever anyone asks about domestic violence and all other forms of violence in our society, suddenly we can't mention that it is men who are involved in the vast majority of this violence?
We can't even begin to have a reasonable discussion about this subject without carrying on about any other subject than the one at hand! Yes women can be violent, yes men are more likely to die as a result of violence or work accidents or road accidents or suicide or any number of other reasons. So why aren't we all up in arms about this violence against men by other men? Because men don't want to address this part of the problem. Until they do, nothing will change. Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 25 October 2014 10:26:43 AM
Here's hoping you didn't lay those Doc Martens into the cat as well.
A cold shower dear and a walk in the park. When you are in your moods even the shadows might avoid you.
Must be off, I've got to sort some morning teas and a lunch bbq, a few of us have a job to do this morning. Actually Suseonline your scorching tongue could come in handy as a paint stripper on some play equipment we are restoring. - Only joking, you have a chilled lemon juice and don't let those awful 'mens' haunt you now.