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Men in trouble : Comments

By Andee Jones, published 24/10/2014

It isn't just the Barry Spurrs of the world. The male of the species is in deep trouble and he doesn't seem to have the foggiest notion why.

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Hi Phanto,
Each of us will believe whatever we wish. However I find your reasoning full of holes.

You appear to have had repressive parents. I'm assuming this from your references to children being controlled by parents until they are old enough to escape.

You appear to believe empathy is intrinsic and develops regardless of how the child is treated. Why then do the parents, who also would have had innate empathy presumably, behave badly to their child?

Regardless of your experience there are many children trapped in homes with abusive parents. It's only in recent years abuse has become socially visible although it's hidden in plain sight. Homes for people fleeing family violence were only established in the 70s and child sexual abuse is only coming out into the open now.

"I do not think the problem of men’s violence has anything to do with empathy. You can be the most empathetic person in the world and still give way to violence." Where is your evidence for this?

"If an abusive man involves himself in child discipline, he has rigid expectations, low empathy and an angry style of "power-assertive" (i.e. verbal and physical force) punishment. Discipline is a quick fix to an immediate problem, not a thoughtful strategy based upon reasonable and age-appropriate expectations."

Sounds like repressive parenting to me.

The removal of empathy towards certain groups is also manipulated for social and political ends. Witness the demonisation of asylum seekers and Muslims. Women are also continually treated with far less consideration than men. If we truly had empathy for each other we would not behave like this. If you disagree please provide evidence other than your personal opinion.
Posted by lillian, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 10:41:08 AM
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"The removal of empathy towards certain groups is also manipulated for social and political ends. Witness the demonisation of asylum seekers and Muslims..."

Yes, indeedy...

Are you telling me that women in the Australian community are not getting on board with the govt's demonsiation of asylum seekers...Muslims et al?

Entire blocs of the Oz demographic reckon Morrison's sadistic "Border Protection" policies are a jolly good idea - and those blocs consist of both men "and women".

How do you explain the fact that women can jettison empathy in such a case just as fulsomely as men?
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 10:57:33 AM
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Hi Poirot
"Are you telling me that women in the Australian community are not getting on board with the govt's demonsiation of asylum seekers...Muslims et al?" That's what political manipulation is all about.

"How do you explain the fact that women can jettison empathy in such a case just as fulsomely as men?" Is it a fact? Why do you seem to expect all women to be perfect? There are lots of women (and men) who will be working against the propaganda machine. Since you have previously argued that encouraging empathy does no good why do you seem to object to encouraging its opposite, dehumanisation?

Hi Squeers
I haven't said anything is a miracle cure but think how we treat ourselves and each other is vital. It is through this discussion that I have realised how important empathy is, so thanks everyone. I have also constantly stated, with evidence and examples, how important social and cultural norms are. You have ignored or dismissed the research and successful projects linked to by me and others by using generalisations and stereotypes to support your arguments rather than contrary evidence. You are entirely entitled to hold whatever views you like but they appear based on emotion not reason
Posted by lillian, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 5:02:58 PM
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I'm not familiar enough with lillian to know if this observation fits in her (or his) case but I do have a view that often those who have a lot to say on empathy and or social justice are often very selective about where that empathy or social justice is directed.

Most (probably including most psychopaths) do well when it's causes we agree with, the real telling for both is how we do when it's things that we are no so fond of. How we do when the issue not so black and white in our minds and we are juggling conflicting views.

I've probably seen more of it from those who tout their passion for social justice where that social justice concern is very selective and quite willing to ride rough shod over those who don't fit some preconceived category of those who deserve justice.

Empathy is important, if it's not real though and rather a cover to try and give greater credibility to some pet cause then it adds nothing.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 8:40:58 PM
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Sorry Lillian but can't let you have the last word. You've ignored the rigorous argument I've offered and tried to pass it off by misrepresenting it. Or perhaps you just can't think that deeply?
In the context of what I've been arguing your research and position are necessarily "of" the system. Your position only addresses symptoms.
Posted by Squeers, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 8:43:44 PM
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sorry, I meant to say your "evidence", not "research".
Posted by Squeers, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 8:44:53 PM
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