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Once more unto the breach : Comments
By Bruce Haigh, published 26/9/2014Abbott imbued with the history and heraldry of mother England, and steeped in the tradition and atmosphere, if not the scholarship, of Oxford, appears inspired by Shakespeare's Henry V.
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Posted by runner, Saturday, 27 September 2014 9:07:26 PM
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54 year old woman gets beheaded in US by muslim. CNM are not sure whether the man's religion played a part in it? Soon you will be able to earn a degree at uni in denial or can u already? Posted by runner, Saturday, 27 September 2014 9:19:55 PM
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Dear Rhosty,
I never said that Australian men with iron-clad testes, or without, should ignore the plight of women and children being terrorised by the men of ISIL did I? All I am suggesting is that running in like a bull at a gate like last time Australia raced in to 'save' the people of Afghanistan, and failed, is a bad idea. I am also asking why we failed to race in and save the millions who have been displaced or dying at present from the conflicts in Africa or other war torn countries? Aren't their women and children just as worth saving as those in Iraq and Syria? Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 28 September 2014 12:32:05 AM
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It's a "workplace incident", like the Fort Hood shootings. Black on White crime doesn't fit the narrative so there won't be anything but the most muted response by the media but can you imagine the hysteria if a White man had beheaded a Black woman? More excuses from John Elder: Runner it's all our fault, these poor little "special snowflakes" are only turning to crime because we White, patriarchal, cisgendered males oppress them and drive them to "hyper masculine" forms of self expression....and he's not talking about playing league and chasing skirt at the pub afterwards. Elder's point about Negroe males is valid but it doesn't transfer across to other races, Muslim males are supposedly "Hyper Masculine" yet they appear so effeminate, that's why they're laughed at, they're like pitbulls in floral dresses. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 28 September 2014 6:55:54 AM
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It is not unexpected that the same ultra left whinger that warned us of a possibility of "War with Indonesia" if we turned back the boats, is the same prophet of doom warning of apocalypse in Iraq.
Firstly, this is not a new technique, the same air power destroyed Qaddafi's army in weeks, and unlike Afghanistan the landscape is flat and devoid of cover. The point of the air strikes is to cut off their sources of revenue, destroy their transportation which severely limits their ability to attack or defend positions, and finally to take out their heavy weapons so that they are constricted to close quarter conflict in which mobility is essential. Bruce, the answer to your queries about what the coalition will do if any of your wildly improbable scenarios evolves, is that they will deal with them then. Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 28 September 2014 10:33:23 AM
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Air power also destroyed the infrastructure of National Socialist Germany and Japan and it was every bit as scientific and intelligence dependant as it is today. As I said earlier, when faced with enemies armed who carry modern weapons it's too much to ask of the Iraqis and Peshmerga that they go into battle without close air support, we wouldn't expect Australian troops to do it. Yes it's up to the Arabs to sort out their own mess but there won't be too many of them left if they're thrown at ISIL in some grotesque re-run of the "kindermord" in Flanders 100 years ago. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 28 September 2014 9:22:47 PM
Isis is not Islamic