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Once more unto the breach : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 26/9/2014

Abbott imbued with the history and heraldry of mother England, and steeped in the tradition and atmosphere, if not the scholarship, of Oxford, appears inspired by Shakespeare's Henry V.

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Thank you, Bruce Haigh. This is a timely and well argued reminder that we are being swept up into another highly suspicious and manufactured 'war of choice' with little or no debate, with both majors in Canberra singing from the same song sheet and with a tame MSM doing what it can to make us all willing accomplices.
It was with a sense of astonishment that I watched the opening footage in the latest round of missile launches followed by the usual shots of buildings exploding. Have we learned nothing is the last decade? This approach didn't work last time, it didn't work the time before that, and it's dollars to doughnuts it won't work this time either.
Wake up, Tony. You're being played like a piano. You are being walked into another never ending war with a guaranteed outcome of more, and more determined, enemies for us all.
This is not our fight. It is not our military's fight, just as it is not our disaffected citizens' fight. The contribution of neither will come to any good.
Posted by halduell, Friday, 26 September 2014 10:10:27 AM
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Tony is playing the Pied Piper role so he can further ingratiate himself with the imperial Yanks in Tanks.

Like all members of the U.S. organized and led Coalition, Tony leaves himself open to a sucker punch. For example, why are our planes and troops already over there? Doesn't it suggest indecent, thoughtless haste?

Bruce, you have done well to remind us of past failed policies and failures. Phoney Abbott, a consummate liar, is our latest leader without a brain. He joins a Conga Line of fools who don't understand what American Imperialism means or heralds!

Australia is aiding and abetting America, the duplicitous enemy of the free world.

A world controlled by the U.S. will be engaged in constant war for profit and for the benefit of the 1% of the world's Oligarchs and the Capitalists.

Big Brother is here! Support him at your peril!
Posted by David G, Friday, 26 September 2014 10:28:39 AM
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Yes, Tony has gleefully followed the U.S. Into another useless, expensive war, all the while bleating about not having enough money for our aged and disabled people.

There is nothing a PM likes better than a war with the Middle East.
He can play on the minds of all the racist bigots in our country, and whip them all into a fervent Liberal-loving nation because they think Tony is going to protect us all from Islam.

More votes for Tony will follow from the unintelligent among us,

This approach has never worked before, and won't work this time.
We will lose Aussie soldiers, and have the usual mental health problems for life in many soldiers who do return home.
And still, the terrorists will remain with us...
Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 26 September 2014 10:37:05 AM
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Bruce you need to go see a chiropractor. Perhaps if you had your neck straightened you would be able to see the world as it is, rather than only being able to see/think left.

Your ridiculous statement, "Abbott imbued with the history and heraldry of mother England and steeped in the tradition and atmosphere, if not the scholarship, of Oxford", tells us more about your enduring sole membership of the Bruce Haigh admiration society, & your greatly inflated opinion of that particular persons ability, than it does about your subject.

As with most lefties, your ability to understand anything is greatly restricted by having only one eye available to see it with.

Just why you keep producing this garbage, & showing yourself to be so limited in your understanding, is a bit of a mystery. Perhaps it brings you admiration of the other dills, & that is enough for you
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 26 September 2014 10:42:01 AM
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Maybe not Bruce.
Maybe he's inspired by thousands forced into sexual slavery, or the mass rape of entirely innocent women and CHILDREN; or maybe by the barbarously hacked or bullet riddled bodies of people, who just didn't/weren't bother(ing) anybody!
Maybe you personally could walk among that "inspiring" carnage booming, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou?
Or "You shall have your pound of flesh Shylock, but not a single drop of blood!"
But no normal human, with normal human empathy could actually do so.
The real surprise here, Bruce, is the fact that this stone age brutality; not only just doesn't seem to bother you, but (judged by your very own words) you wouldn't lift a tiny pinkie, to help end it!?
I mean it's not like the victims of this stone age brutality were firing thousands of rockets into Isil territory, just to provoke an over the top response!
In your (getting a little touch personal their mate) arguments Bruce, you reveal much about yourself, rather than Mr Abbott.
I'm no Abbott fan, but believe we have reached a point, where standing and doing nothing about this medieval butchery, is simply not an option, nor is silence, which is considered consent!
If it were up to me Bruce, I'd put a couple of dozen drones aloft, flying around the clock in 24 hour shifts; and any time Isil raised its ungodly head, rain down on its parade with a metal storm, from all sides.
Bruce, if you don't yet understand, that this is a pernicious entirely evil cancer, that has to be completely excised, if only to save the rest of the body of humanity, then thank the lord and pass the biscuits, you're not in charge of anything; or indeed, have advice anybody important still listens to!
You'll have a nice day now, y'hear.
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 26 September 2014 11:02:15 AM
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Yes, Suse...are you aware that the Abbott govt completely cut off Iraqi aid in the budget.

That was before the masterminds came up with the ISIS trump card.....(which can be deployed domestically too!)

"To top off Abbott's silly and alarming sabre rattling, we have heard little from the immature government he leads regarding the far greater threat to the world posed by the Ebola plague."

Regarding Ebola, the Abbott govt also cut funding to Australian scientists researching this virus.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 26 September 2014 11:02:57 AM
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