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The American betrayal of the Assyrians : Comments
By David Chibo, published 1/8/2014In The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, Brzezinski put forward a vision of creating a 'global-zone of percolating violence', leading to the break-up of the Middle East,
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Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 2 August 2014 8:19:02 AM
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Pro Michel Chossudovsky is a very credible write who researches his work well. Here is another lie.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 2 August 2014 8:22:58 AM
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Hi David,
I’ll take your response in two parts if I may. Firstly I’d like to address your “judgment” as a basis for attempting to shoot the messenger, then move on to your “diversions” from your own hypothesis of blame America. << My editor Graham and I aren’t stupid>> Is this a reference to Graham Young? If so I might remind you that he is also “our editor”. I can assure you that GY is not stupid. I’m not sure that GY would actually appreciate your implied partisanship, other than approving your article for publication. If your reference is not GY, can you please explain further? In your judgment you << realize that corporate funded think tanks pay unemployed IT guys like you (me), blah, deliberately debunk any rational opinion, blah. a corporate funded internet shill, blah, faking public support for what are the illegal actions of your paymasters”, blah, blah. I’m not unemployed, I’m retired and have been since 2002. OLO is my home base and have only ever written one article outside OLO and that was for the Menzies Institute about four years ago. I do not accept your article as “rational opinion”, I have never received payment for any article. Your assertion that I’m a << corporate funded internet shill >> is self evidently wrong and I do not have any legal or illegal paymasters, although as a retiree any extra cash would be welcome. Now that we have established that part of your response to be factually incorrect and a diversion from your inability to respond to your own content, we can now move back to your topic content. If I have you right, your hypothesis is that the persecution and elimination of all forms of Christianity and all minorities in the ME is the fault of Banking, Britain, CIA and the USA? Basically external causes. The persecution of minorities exists throughout the ME, North and Central Africa, Horn of Africa, Russia, China and right through the sub-continent to the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. Cont’d Posted by spindoc, Saturday, 2 August 2014 11:23:30 AM
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Persecution includes but is not limited to abuse, vilification, disenfranchisement, sectarianism, rape, female mutilation, sexism, racism, throat slitting, beheading and being shot in the back of the head whilst tied and blindfolded. Each of these victims exist under a totalitarian regime ruled by despotic dictators under the banner of religious dictatorships, military dictatorships or benign dictatorships (Royal Families). The common denominators are not the USA, Bankers or the CIA. The only common element is Islam. It is Islam that is demonstrating utter intolerance of even its own sectarian Islam and happily slaughters and butchers its own let alone other minorities. The USA, EU and much of the West have now signaled their refusal to again directly engage the various protagonists in these conflicts. We have gone full circle from the rejection of the “coalition of the willing” to now seeking once again the partisan involvement of the West. How quickly things change. The geo-politics have changed, energy security has changed and potential solutions have changed. It is now up to these nations to solve their own problems, to deal with the slaughter of innocents, to define their borders and to find and implement solutions for themselves and by themselves. Blaming the USA has lost all value except amongst those who have neither the education or the interrogative capacity to even try to come to terms with modern reality, conspiracy theorists. Unless you are willing to broaden your understanding of what you perceive as reality, you might as well give up on your thesis and get a job at Woolies stacking shelves. Since as you say, you like “debunk them one at a time. They are unemployed IT qualified Aussies, whose jobs were outsourced to 457 Visa holders, and who now embarrassingly shill on the internet for these same corporates (sic) who outsourced their jobs”. Now you have the chance to “debunk” as you put it and avoid choking on your own bile. Be my guest. Or as Clint Eastwood might put it, “Go ahead punk, make my day”. Over to you David Posted by spindoc, Saturday, 2 August 2014 11:24:08 AM
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Spindoc our Western oligarchs are using extreme Islam as a pretext for war. You seem to have a very blinkered view of the nature of this New World Order. The lunatic Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was backed by Western money.This ISIS group is financed by the Saudis and Israel. Problem, reaction and they provide the solution. They are trying to suck Iran into conflicts in Iraq.
The original Ukraiane Govt though corrupt, were elected but the USA financed the Nazis and over threw it. Russia does not want the USA anti-nuke shields in the Ukraine anymore than the USA would allow Russian ones in Canada or Cuba. Most wars are bankers wars since they have always financed both sides for power and profit. It did not matter that the USA lost the Vietnam War. Bankers had shares in the weaponry and all the medical to treat the thousands of wounded and probably even got a share in burying the 50,000 dead soldiers. In Iraq their corporations make profits from the oil and rebuilding infrastructure. Time to awaken spindoc. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 2 August 2014 11:57:31 AM
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'I think we as a Christian based country do have some responsibility towards fellow Christians who, one supposes thinks like us, and that we should help them escape from Muslim tyranny '
thats the problem Lego we are no longer a Christian based nation. We sold out to the deviants who masquerade as those who are tolerant and compassionate but really are snakes. That is why we are more and more picking the wrong sides to support. The silence of the slaughter of Christians throughout much of world is drowned out by screams for 'gay marriage' or selfish feminist demands. Look at the adoration for the likes of Assange and other traitors of the country. The Government does not even have the guts to stop our National Broadcasters from promoting their filfth. Posted by runner, Saturday, 2 August 2014 1:05:50 PM
It was Brezezinski who sucked the USSR into Afghanistan for what he termed their Vietnam. Now we are being labelled as the terrorists for protesting the looting of our economies via money printing and note the growth of the term "home grown terrorism" The New World Order is all about a Global Fascist Dictatorship run by Corporate interests and they see over population as the main obstacle to their plans. Russia and China jumped ship and formed the BRICS Nations which is rivalling their Central Bankers. This is why Putin is being demonised.
Gordon Brown tried to label Iceland a terrorist state for arresting and kicking out criminal central bankers.
At the next G20 meeting high on their agenda will be "Bail in" ie a Cyprus style confiscation of our bank accounts. Sign the petition to stop this being passed through Parliament. They will try and sneak it through attached to other legislation. The CEC have sent letters to every Politician and senior public servant about this scam, so there are no excuses for being ignorant.
Note also that in 2012 the Malaysian War Crimes Tribunal prosecuted by Prof Francis Boyle found George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld guilty of war crimes. This could help explain the Terrorist attacks on the mostly Govt owned Malaysian Airlines.
I suspect that some of your critics are paid Trolls used to discredit the truth. They have gotten away with their crimes until now because they have effected crimes so monsterous, that few would believe that such evil could exist, until they study their history of treachery through false flag events and lies.