The Forum > Article Comments > The American betrayal of the Assyrians > Comments
The American betrayal of the Assyrians : Comments
By David Chibo, published 1/8/2014In The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, Brzezinski put forward a vision of creating a 'global-zone of percolating violence', leading to the break-up of the Middle East,
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Posted by halduell, Friday, 1 August 2014 8:30:22 AM
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<<It is increasingly clear that the chaos across the Islamic Crescent is down to US meddling...>> Baloney --and halal baloney at that! Posted by SPQR, Friday, 1 August 2014 8:47:14 AM
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[Deleted for obscenity.]
Posted by dozer, Friday, 1 August 2014 9:53:04 AM
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Hi David,
Sometimes the progressive rhetoric in the form of narrative theory reaches the point when all rational thought abandons you. It becomes so overwhelming in its complexity, so meaningless in its relevance and so self serving in its creativity, that the only place such words can exist are in your own self referential world. If your meanderings had any merit, then those who are slitting throats, chopping off heads and shooting Islamists, Christians and anyone else upon whom they can vent their savagery, would be using your confected excuse for their behavior. But they don’t. What is just as evil, is the constant appeasing and excusing of their behavior by Western progressives in the pursuit of every perception with which they disagree. Such people have moved from being part of the problem to being a primary cause. That David includes people like YOU. Posted by spindoc, Friday, 1 August 2014 10:56:10 AM
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Ignore people Spindoc David, they don't like the truth.
Perhaps the truth will go mainstream as OLO seems to printing more of it. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 1 August 2014 12:31:16 PM
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It's always easy to play "Blame America", and goes down well with the frootloops everywhere.
Unfortunately the Americans made the same mistake that the frootloops do, they think of the Arabs/Muslims as normal people, and they plainly aren't. Theirs is a violent and Medieval culture that doesn't sit well in this or the 20th century, and until such time as they change that significantly we will all pay the price. Posted by G'dayBruce, Friday, 1 August 2014 3:02:10 PM
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Hi halduell,
Our community is currently investigating these war criminals for their numerous crimes and compensation claims. We are very much interested in joining with the other Iraqi communities internationally - including Sunni, Shiite and Kurds to take this to the ICC where justice can be done. Posted by David_Chibo, Friday, 1 August 2014 6:23:39 PM
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Please state which part is "baloney" with detailed sources and I will be glad to edit the article. If however you throw a monosyllabic word and run for cover then its very hard to take you seriously. Posted by David_Chibo, Friday, 1 August 2014 6:24:17 PM
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Hi spindoc,
My editor Graham and I aren't stupid. We realise that corporate funded think tanks pay unemployed IT guys like you to scour forums where public discourse takes place and deliberately debunk any rational opinion. Judging by the history of your posts you are a corporate funded internet shill - albeit with an extensive thesaurus - intent on faking public support for what are the illegal actions of your paymasters. Here's a passge from one of your US colleagus: INTERNET SHILL If a poster wrote something close to “X,” we were supposed to respond with something close to “Y.” “You have to mix it up a bit, though,” said my trainer. “Otherwise it gets too obvious. Learn to use a thesaurus.” This section also contained a number of hints for de-railing conversations that went too far away from what we were attempting. These strategies included various forms of personal attacks, complaining to the forum moderators, smearing the characters of our opponents, using images and icons effectively, and even dragging the tone of the conversation down with sexual innuendo, links to pornography, or other such things. “Sometimes we have to fight dirty,” or trainer told us. “Our opponents don’t hesitate to, so we can’t either.” Source: Posted by David_Chibo, Friday, 1 August 2014 6:24:58 PM
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Hi Arjay,
I don't want to ignore them. I like debunk them one at a time. They are unemployed IT qualified Aussies, whose jobs were outsourced to 457 Visa holders, and who now embarrassingly shill on the internet for these same corporates who outsourced their jobs. I ask that they join us and possibly make Australia and the world a better place. Follow in the footsteps of Snowden and Assange and copy as much confidential files and information as you guys can and release it to the world. These leaks may just redeem your current actions. Posted by David_Chibo, Friday, 1 August 2014 6:29:33 PM
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<<To SPQR, Please state which part is "baloney" ...If however you throw a monosyllabic word and run>> Baloney is monosyllabic! ROFLMAO --not a good start. I'll get back to you on our points of difference. Posted by SPQR, Friday, 1 August 2014 6:54:43 PM
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David Chibo is an Iraqi Christian who has sought refuge in the West from Islamic terrorism, and Muslim hatred of minorities, and now sits around condemning the societies who helped him. David Chibo is a shining example of how too many "refugees" hate the people who give them succour, and why we should be leery about who we import into this country.
I think we as a Christian based country do have some responsibility towards fellow Christians who, one supposes thinks like us, and that we should help them escape from Muslim tyranny. But if David Chibo's opinions represent he majority "Assyrian" view, then as far as I am concerned, the Muslims can do what they like with them. We already have too many imported people in this country who endlessly criticise the society that they chose to flee to without importing more of them. One wonders why they always flee to the West if they hate us so much? If the Muslims are persecuting you and killing your people, David, then one would have thought that you would be criticising Islam, not the USA. Reality check, David. The USA does not persecute "Assyrians", Islam does. The problem is Islam. The only problem that the USA has, is like you, it has a bit of trouble figuring out that Islam is the enemy. Perhaps you have live in dysfunctional Islamic countries for too long, where everything that goes wrong is blamed on the Americans? Everything you have written smacks of a peculiar worldview that could only germinate in an environment where propaganda and group think replaces common sense. Most of what you have written about the USA is so ridiculous it is laughable. The best thing the USA could do for itself is to once again withdraw into Isolation and let the rest of the world kill themselves off without the yanks trying to figure out who the bad guys were, and trying to stop them. Then you could complain about how the yanks were withdrawing from their responsibilities as a world leader. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 2 August 2014 5:13:35 AM
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Note also David the Zibigniew Brezezinski in 'The Grand Chessboard' said before 911,"What we need is a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." That threat was terrorism. Others echoed this saying what they needed was a new Pearl Harbour ie to get the USA into war for power and profits.
It was Brezezinski who sucked the USSR into Afghanistan for what he termed their Vietnam. Now we are being labelled as the terrorists for protesting the looting of our economies via money printing and note the growth of the term "home grown terrorism" The New World Order is all about a Global Fascist Dictatorship run by Corporate interests and they see over population as the main obstacle to their plans. Russia and China jumped ship and formed the BRICS Nations which is rivalling their Central Bankers. This is why Putin is being demonised. Gordon Brown tried to label Iceland a terrorist state for arresting and kicking out criminal central bankers. At the next G20 meeting high on their agenda will be "Bail in" ie a Cyprus style confiscation of our bank accounts. Sign the petition to stop this being passed through Parliament. They will try and sneak it through attached to other legislation. The CEC have sent letters to every Politician and senior public servant about this scam, so there are no excuses for being ignorant. Note also that in 2012 the Malaysian War Crimes Tribunal prosecuted by Prof Francis Boyle found George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld guilty of war crimes. This could help explain the Terrorist attacks on the mostly Govt owned Malaysian Airlines. I suspect that some of your critics are paid Trolls used to discredit the truth. They have gotten away with their crimes until now because they have effected crimes so monsterous, that few would believe that such evil could exist, until they study their history of treachery through false flag events and lies. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 2 August 2014 8:19:02 AM
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Pro Michel Chossudovsky is a very credible write who researches his work well. Here is another lie.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 2 August 2014 8:22:58 AM
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Hi David,
I’ll take your response in two parts if I may. Firstly I’d like to address your “judgment” as a basis for attempting to shoot the messenger, then move on to your “diversions” from your own hypothesis of blame America. << My editor Graham and I aren’t stupid>> Is this a reference to Graham Young? If so I might remind you that he is also “our editor”. I can assure you that GY is not stupid. I’m not sure that GY would actually appreciate your implied partisanship, other than approving your article for publication. If your reference is not GY, can you please explain further? In your judgment you << realize that corporate funded think tanks pay unemployed IT guys like you (me), blah, deliberately debunk any rational opinion, blah. a corporate funded internet shill, blah, faking public support for what are the illegal actions of your paymasters”, blah, blah. I’m not unemployed, I’m retired and have been since 2002. OLO is my home base and have only ever written one article outside OLO and that was for the Menzies Institute about four years ago. I do not accept your article as “rational opinion”, I have never received payment for any article. Your assertion that I’m a << corporate funded internet shill >> is self evidently wrong and I do not have any legal or illegal paymasters, although as a retiree any extra cash would be welcome. Now that we have established that part of your response to be factually incorrect and a diversion from your inability to respond to your own content, we can now move back to your topic content. If I have you right, your hypothesis is that the persecution and elimination of all forms of Christianity and all minorities in the ME is the fault of Banking, Britain, CIA and the USA? Basically external causes. The persecution of minorities exists throughout the ME, North and Central Africa, Horn of Africa, Russia, China and right through the sub-continent to the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. Cont’d Posted by spindoc, Saturday, 2 August 2014 11:23:30 AM
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Persecution includes but is not limited to abuse, vilification, disenfranchisement, sectarianism, rape, female mutilation, sexism, racism, throat slitting, beheading and being shot in the back of the head whilst tied and blindfolded. Each of these victims exist under a totalitarian regime ruled by despotic dictators under the banner of religious dictatorships, military dictatorships or benign dictatorships (Royal Families). The common denominators are not the USA, Bankers or the CIA. The only common element is Islam. It is Islam that is demonstrating utter intolerance of even its own sectarian Islam and happily slaughters and butchers its own let alone other minorities. The USA, EU and much of the West have now signaled their refusal to again directly engage the various protagonists in these conflicts. We have gone full circle from the rejection of the “coalition of the willing” to now seeking once again the partisan involvement of the West. How quickly things change. The geo-politics have changed, energy security has changed and potential solutions have changed. It is now up to these nations to solve their own problems, to deal with the slaughter of innocents, to define their borders and to find and implement solutions for themselves and by themselves. Blaming the USA has lost all value except amongst those who have neither the education or the interrogative capacity to even try to come to terms with modern reality, conspiracy theorists. Unless you are willing to broaden your understanding of what you perceive as reality, you might as well give up on your thesis and get a job at Woolies stacking shelves. Since as you say, you like “debunk them one at a time. They are unemployed IT qualified Aussies, whose jobs were outsourced to 457 Visa holders, and who now embarrassingly shill on the internet for these same corporates (sic) who outsourced their jobs”. Now you have the chance to “debunk” as you put it and avoid choking on your own bile. Be my guest. Or as Clint Eastwood might put it, “Go ahead punk, make my day”. Over to you David Posted by spindoc, Saturday, 2 August 2014 11:24:08 AM
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Spindoc our Western oligarchs are using extreme Islam as a pretext for war. You seem to have a very blinkered view of the nature of this New World Order. The lunatic Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was backed by Western money.This ISIS group is financed by the Saudis and Israel. Problem, reaction and they provide the solution. They are trying to suck Iran into conflicts in Iraq.
The original Ukraiane Govt though corrupt, were elected but the USA financed the Nazis and over threw it. Russia does not want the USA anti-nuke shields in the Ukraine anymore than the USA would allow Russian ones in Canada or Cuba. Most wars are bankers wars since they have always financed both sides for power and profit. It did not matter that the USA lost the Vietnam War. Bankers had shares in the weaponry and all the medical to treat the thousands of wounded and probably even got a share in burying the 50,000 dead soldiers. In Iraq their corporations make profits from the oil and rebuilding infrastructure. Time to awaken spindoc. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 2 August 2014 11:57:31 AM
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'I think we as a Christian based country do have some responsibility towards fellow Christians who, one supposes thinks like us, and that we should help them escape from Muslim tyranny '
thats the problem Lego we are no longer a Christian based nation. We sold out to the deviants who masquerade as those who are tolerant and compassionate but really are snakes. That is why we are more and more picking the wrong sides to support. The silence of the slaughter of Christians throughout much of world is drowned out by screams for 'gay marriage' or selfish feminist demands. Look at the adoration for the likes of Assange and other traitors of the country. The Government does not even have the guts to stop our National Broadcasters from promoting their filfth. Posted by runner, Saturday, 2 August 2014 1:05:50 PM
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Onya Spindoc. Go get him, Fang.
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 2 August 2014 1:05:55 PM
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Yep! Have to echo Lego --good stuff Spindoc.
Posted by SPQR, Saturday, 2 August 2014 1:18:15 PM
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Ditto to LEGO and SPQR. Well said Spindoc
Posted by Prompete, Saturday, 2 August 2014 4:53:49 PM
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David the trolls are out in force. They can't refute any of your logic.
Just cling to your ad hominem and cognitive dissonance Trolls as the people of the world are moving towards truth, with the reality of bankers' theft and oppression via debt. Another good site for money matters is Greg Hunter's USA Watch Dog. Gerald Celente predicted the last crash of 2007 and says that was just the warm up. When all else fails they take us to war. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 2 August 2014 6:14:56 PM
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<< David Chibo is an Iraqi Christian who has sought refuge in the West from Islamic terrorism, and Muslim hatred of minorities, and now sits around condemning the societies who helped him. David Chibo is a shining example of how too many "refugees" hate the people who give them succour, and why we should be leery about who we import into this country.>>
My parents came here during the 70s and weren't forced to flee because of the recent US invasions and occupations of the region. Back then there were no fundamentalists because the US and its bankers had its dollar backed by gold and not black gold. Only after 1973 did they start agitating the "arc of Islam" turning the entire region into a charnel house. As for you, we have given you and your corporate bosses succor through our taxdollars which allow tax loop holes for the rich while forcing the unemployed, pensioners, health and medicareto be cut back. It is your bosses and you parasitic kind that is not wanted in Australia agitating the middle class to hate the lower class while the rich class gets richer. << I think we as a Christian based country do have some responsibility towards fellow Christians who, one supposes thinks like us, and that we should help them escape from Muslim tyranny. But if David Chibo's opinions represent he majority "Assyrian" view, then as far as I am concerned, the Muslims can do what they like with them.>> Thank you for outing us. You sentence says it all. You want everyone to think like us. you and your bosses' totalitarianism shines through. << The USA does not persecute "Assyrians", Islam does. The problem is Islam. The only problem that the USA has, is like you, it has a bit of trouble figuring out that Islam is the enemy.>> You need to reread my article. It's not Muslims that are persecuting us it is CIA death squads using radical Islam as a cover that are responsible. Funny how this "refugee" needs to correct your comprehension. Posted by David_Chibo, Sunday, 3 August 2014 10:28:56 AM
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<< The persecution of minorities exists throughout the ME, North and Central Africa, Horn of Africa, Russia, China and right through the sub-continent to the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. >>
Correct, the CIA through its Saudi proxy has agitated the 'arc of Islam' funding extremist mams and printing extremist material ever since the 70s.During the 70s US Aid was even printing extremist literature for madrasas in Afghanistan. They have since then become a lot more sophisticated so that they can use the plausible deniability Jedi mind trick that works so well on people of a lower intellect. <<The common denominators are not the USA, Bankers or the CIA. The only common element is Islam. It is Islam that is demonstrating utter intolerance of even its own sectarian Islam and happily slaughters and butchers its own let alone other minorities.>> Correct again, it IS CIA agitated Islam that is to blame for the see extremists. Isn't it surprising that these extremists are only targeting the Shiite crescent that resists paying petrodollar tribute such as Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon? Your ad hominem attacks expose you better than I ever could. No one gets this passionate and personal about a subject unless they stand to financially gain from it. And why aren't you colleagues joining you in attempting to debunk my numerous points on this Saturday? Let me guess you're their team leader and your think tank doesn't like to authorise overtime. :-) Posted by David_Chibo, Sunday, 3 August 2014 10:46:31 AM
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The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is a public policy think tank based in Melbourne, Australia.
Since the early 1980s, the Institute has argued the case for a range of free-market and libertarian public policies, such as: lower taxation; deregulation of the Australian economy particularly as affecting industrial relations and trade unionism; privatisation of government businesses and reduced government spending; greater transparency in government; opposition to perceived left wing ideological bias in Australia's public broadcaster the Australian Broadcasting Corporation; a free market approach to environmental problems, and criticism of aspects of climate change science; the elimination of existing programs of welfare targeted at Indigenous Australians, with the aim of encouraging transition to work, self-reliance and high incomes. The IPA has affiliations with think tanks in the U.S., Canada, UK and Asia. It has a close relationship with the American Enterprise Institute, a right-wing US think-tank. Posted by David_Chibo, Sunday, 3 August 2014 10:52:20 AM
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<<It's always easy to play "Blame America", and goes down well with the frootloops everywhere.>>
It appears as though the CIA's Jedi mind tricks work well on some. <<Unfortunately the Americans made the same mistake that the frootloops do, they think of the Arabs/Muslims as normal people, and they plainly aren't.>> Struth Bruce that's very politically incorrect of you. Crikey cobber, you don't see me making ad hominem attacks on your ancestry do you? Your foolish attempt to side track the main points made in my article show the desperate attempt to muddy the water for the readers. <<Theirs(sic) is a violent and Medieval culture that doesn't sit well in this or the 20th century, and until such time as they change that significantly we will all pay the price.>> Suggest you get your team leader to review your posts before you post here. You are very obvious in your attempts to personalise the argument. Posted by David_Chibo, Sunday, 3 August 2014 10:59:53 AM
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Sorry DC, just because you're a paranoiac it doesn't follow that anyone who disagrees with your flakey conspiracy views is working for "the enemy".
I'm just an ordinary citizen with a fairly good grounding in history and politics. You seem to see the Americans as some sort of evil geniuses manipulating the entire Islamic world for their own ends. Given their poor track record world-wide in every other attempt to have their own way, let alone actually keep secrets, nobody with any rationality can accept your fantasy, sorry. Islam is currently going through what the Christians did during the Medieval period, and will hopefully achieve the same result, a divorce between religion and secular power, unlikely as that seems at the moment. There really are NO "black-hats" lurking in the background exercising mysterious powers for nefarious ends, it's just the usual human snaffu mixture of greed, ignorance and violence. Posted by G'dayBruce, Sunday, 3 August 2014 12:01:22 PM
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To David Chibo.
Oh Bullshiit there was no Muslim fundamentalists. Islamic countries are a disgrace to civilisation because they have always been under the thumb of the mullahs and the Ayatollahs. The reason why Islam is on the march today is because it is a failure and it needs somebody else to blame for its own dysfunctions. The Jews usually cop the blame, but the yanks and the CIA are a good standby. Instead of doing some well needed introspection and identifying why they are doing so poorly, the stupid Muslim buggers think that they are failing because they are not Islamic enough. That is why they are going fundamentalist from Afghanistan to Turkey. But no, I presume you went to uni and got involved with the loony left who had a pat answer to everything, and that satisfied your reflexive Arab need to always blame everybody else but yourselves. You gave the game away when you started ranting about "your bosses totalitarianism." Got a hard on for Socialism, have you, comrade? Well, just in case you haven't noticed, Socialism failed miserably everywhere. Every nation that had socialism imposed on it by force could not wait to become a free market society. Don't laugh at Flat Earthers and Creationists, Chibo, because you think just like them. Perhaps you would be better off in North Korea or in Castro's Cuba instead of free market Australia? But no, I don't think you will go and live in these Socialist workers paradises. You may dream of socialist economies and socialist multicultural societies, but you prefer to live among the white capitalists. As for US "persecution", did you hear about the "Silly Party" in NZ? Since the best thing that happened to Germany and Japan was being invaded by the USA, the Kiwis after Britain joined the common Market had an idea. The "Silly Party" wanted to declare war on the USA, surrender the next day, and reap a fortune from the occupation troops and from a US Marshal Plan. Which just goes to prove that Kiwis are smarter than Arabs Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 3 August 2014 6:46:19 PM
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LEGO, our Western Oligarchs are using the Sunni fundalmentalists to divide and conquer the West. The banksters and the Royals see too many people as their enemy.
Prince Philip," If reincarnation is possible I want to return as a deadly virus and wipe out humanity." Sharia law is fascist law which subjugates the masses. Why did our Govts during the 1980's bring extreme Muslim Sunnis to live in the West? Divide and conquer is the answer. While we are fighting amongst ourselves the elites enslave us in wars and debt. It is all a big game called 'The Grand Chessboard' authored by Zbigniew Brezezinski. Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 3 August 2014 8:10:54 PM
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Hi Arjay.
I don't usually stoop to reply to your potty posts because they are so over the top that you are one of the best arguments that us right wingers have. Please keep up your stupid conspiracy theories. But since I am on this topic, I will answer your post in the hope that I may get you to start thinking straight. I know that is a big ask. Your claim that "western oligarchs are using Sunni fundamentalists to divide and conquer the west" is so ridiculous that even David Chibo would probably look askance at you for that one. It just goes to show how people who are totally paranoid can make the most peculiar connections in their befuddled brains. Prince Phillip's quote is more attuned to a left wing green point of view than any sort of royal attitude. He has become a green advocate and has even sucked up to Islam. He tried to build a bridge between Islam and the west when he proposed at an Islamic conference in Britain, that the "moderate" Muslim religious leaders at that conference display how humane and peaceful they were, by submitting a unanimous statement declaring that apostates should not be murdered. Surprise, surprise, the "moderate" Muslim leaders refused to do it. This is a dangerous religion. But you are so obsessed with your USA hatred that it flies right over your head. And the reason why western governments brought Muslims into this country is because they are run by left leaning bureaucrats who are just as thick as you are. They believe in the great God of Equality with all their hearts. They think that all races are equal, all cultures are equal, and all religions are equal. No amount of self evident reality or reasoned argument can change them from that view. We have to thank the Muslim religion in the west for giving the smart ones among them a reality check, because I am happy to say that the more intelligent ones are finally waking up. That does not include you or David Chibo, of course. Posted by LEGO, Monday, 4 August 2014 6:52:00 AM
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LEGO the elites right throughout history have always conspired for unfair advantage. What do you think many of our Shakespearian plays are about?
The evidence is there for all to see. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 4 August 2014 8:15:32 AM
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Hi David Chibo,
For a Conspiracy Theory to exist there needs to be a void. Missing, undiscovered, badly researched information or information sourced only from a self referential network, the latter being borrowed or adopted opinion of another. (Like CT Web sites) If you have a Tutor assigned for your thesis and I suspect you have, you need to review with them the basis for your research and investigation processes and techniques. I can recommend Kepner Trego, Entity Relationship Analysis, BPE, Enterprise Mapping and the age old hypothesis, test and repeat as an iterative process. Your adoption of the opinions of others via CT web sites is not a substitute for critical thinking, research or analysis, which I might add are prerequisites for any University Education. If you would like an example just read your responses here on OLO. When challenged to think for yourself and offer a rational explanation, the only thing you have done here is offer us more and more of your borrowed opinions. This a very serious flaw in your thinking or lack thereof. It is a pre cursor to illness. Much analysis into explanations of CT have resulted in scholars concluding that conspiracy theories have chiefly psychological or socio-political origins. Proposed psychological origins include projection; the personal need to explain “a significant event [with] a significant cause;" and the product of various kinds and stages of thought disorder, such as paranoid disposition, ranging in severity to diagnosable mental illnesses. In looking at your response to the evidence I offered you agreed with me, then immediately withdrew into your CT that it is all the fault of the USA? Is this a fine example of thought disorder or what? In accepting and acknowledging the evidence I offered, you demolished your own theory without even noticing, then went back to your CT. I would embrace the opportunity to assist you in developing your absent skills, I would love to debate the issue of the USA with you and I would love to hear some original thoughts from David Chibo. So please, no more CT Web sites, OK? Posted by spindoc, Monday, 4 August 2014 12:02:16 PM
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Hi David Chibo,
By way of further explanation for your condition, I draw your attention to the scholarly analysis by experts when they suggest one of the causes of CT is “the personal need to explain “a significant event [with] a significant cause;" I’m sure that your and your family’s experiences and history are tragic, this is very sad I and don’t wish such experiences on anyone however, I trust that you can now understand that your need to reconcile such events sits exactly within the CT assessment criteria that of “the personal need to explain “a significant event [with] a significant cause". In effect a trauma event. Your posts are riddled with the irrational assertions that those who engage with you on OLO are part of your conspiracy. I doubt that many posters on OLO are involved in paid publications? It is possible but I’m not aware of any. You keep referring to “Team Leaders”, “Jedi mind tricks”, Think Tanks affiliated with international right wing think tanks, “CIA death squads”, that OLO posters have “bosses”, and that our “totalitarianism shines through”. These references are characterized as “paranoid disposition”. Attribute number two. Check! Delusions of grandeur. “My editor Graham and I”. Check! Confusion and contradiction, “It IS CIA agitated Islam that is to blame for the such extremists. Isn't it surprising that these extremists are only targeting the Shiite crescent that resists paying petrodollar tribute such as Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon”? But didn’t you just write your agreement when I posted “The common denominators are not the USA, Bankers or the CIA. The only common element is Islam”. You said “correct again”? You are not in great shape David. I can be very sorry for your circumstances but you need professional help. Posted by spindoc, Monday, 4 August 2014 4:16:57 PM
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Hi Spinner, seems you're up to your neck in advising other posters to get "professional help"" ...again, & again & again. Along with your myriad 'management degrees', 'qualifications in business', 'experience' ad nauseum you evidently gained some valuable knowledge about the universe and all things psycho-babble.
Maybe it's you who is the CIA stooge...any connections to our friend Dr Rebecca Peters by any stretch ? C'mon mate we're all here to express an opinion, & denigration by association with mental illness is the first ploy. Please I'd love to see your qualifications on diagnoses of the neuroses etc you have accused other posters of...? Keep up the good work... the creeping fascists love your stuff ! Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 4 August 2014 6:03:45 PM
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He calls himself Spindoc for a good reason. The Doctor if Spin cannot address the truth by name and nature.
The Private US Federal Reserve took control of the US economy back in 1913.Initially Congress did have some control of it but the power of money creation so saw the USA totally controlled as it is today by a corporate culture that should have been allowed to go broke in 2007. Instead they were allowed to create debt from nothing and produce gigantic bubble just waiting to destroy the world's economies. This is why the BRICS nations were formed and why the Western Banking Oligarchs want war with Russia and China. Our insolvent system only has weapons of mass destruction to redeem their failed New World Order Empire. Spindoc ,try presenting some truth and facts to back up your flawed arguments. You could start with explaining the collapse of the 911 Towers and WTC7 which defied the laws of physics,coming down at nearly freefall speeds. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 4 August 2014 6:36:45 PM
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You and your corporate funded bosses are just upset that even we the Christian Middle Easterners see through your divide and conquer conspiracy theories and have now had enough of your repeated invasions of the Middle east. And you spindoc seem to have become very agitated at this thought.
No one takes it this personally unless they profit from it. And it is becoming glaringly obvious that the only thing you are trying to do is agitate me and to anger me so that readers ignore my main points made in the article. So please deal with the root of my argument. Is Snowden lying or the former Al Qaeda operative who was interviewed? Posted by David_Chibo, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 12:36:47 AM
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The US super empire run by the US bankers must be financially resisted from its extraction to transaction flow. All Middle Eastern nations need to join with the BRICS and destroy the US economic and military supremacy that they have used to subjugate the region.
Once that happens spindoc will be on Abbott's dole queue applying for 40 jobs per day and working for the dole. Posted by David_Chibo, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 12:40:46 AM
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The Coalition of the Shilling (That means you spindoc :-) )
6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint. Source: Posted by David_Chibo, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 12:47:45 AM
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The only thing I know about "Assyrians" is that there was a riot in Fairfield, Sydney, over the erection of a memorial to "the Assyrian genocide." Seems like a bunch of "Assyrians" on the Fairfield council got tired of doing their jobs looking after the libraries, filling potholes, and making sure the trash was picked up, and they decided to direct Australia's foreign policy.
The fun started when the memorial was unveiled and the local Turks turned up and tried to destroy the monument. The riot which ensued look like another routine soccer game punch up between the local Serbs and the local Croats. Ain't multiculturalism grand? Seems like the Muzzie Turks committed genocide on the "Assyrians" as well as the Armenians in 1917. And whadya know? There wasn't an American any where near the place in 1917 for David Chibo to blame for it. But I am sure he can think of something if he really gets creative. Then there was the "Assyrian Kings" crime gang in Sydney which murdered an off duty police officer, David McCarty. It's funny how certain races and ethnicities are always in the forefront of violent crime in Australia. We once had a white Australia Policy and a very low crime rate because nobody ever heard of Danish gangs, Latvian gangs, British gangs, or German gangs. These ethnicities just blended right in and assimilated. David Chibo blames the USA for all the violence in the Middle East. Looking at the violent behaviour of Middle Easterners in Sydney, a more intelligent person might conclude that the violence in the Middle east was all the fault of Middle Easterners. Here in NSW, our biggest NSW police unit is the Middle Eastern Organised Crime unit, and that to police just 2% of the population. Next David Chibo will be trying to think up some way of blaming the appalling behaviour of his ethnicity in Sydney on "the bosses", "the bankers" and the CIA. Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 2:39:25 AM
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‘morning Albie,
Yes of course I could be a “CIA stooge” and not a retiree, I could be funded by “corporate bosses” or I could be retiree. I could be lots of things that appeal to your conspiracy fancies, but that won’t make them true. You could always stick your head outside your CT’s for long enough to breath in some reality. You could do what the rest of us do and research for yourself what experts have concluded about conspiracy theorists, but you won’t because you don’t wish to look do you? You could also research for yourself the correlations I’ve pointed to and refute them, but you won’t. If you feel that the case I made that the USA is not a common factor across a wide range troubled Islamic nations, you can find something to refute it rather than bitching. You need to acknowledge that David Chibo has already agreed this. Not that agreeing any facts would knock a CT off their perch. Like most CT’s you are lazy, you don’t read you “feel”, you avoid drawing information on any topic that is outside your self referential network, you become a rabbit in the headlights when confronted by facts, reality causes you pain because you have lost or never acquired reasoning capabilities and when challenged to do so you dive back down into the comfort of the nearest CT burrow. If I am wrong you can prove me so quite easily, refute what I have presented related to CT’s and refute the case I made that the USA is not a common factor across dysfunctional Islam. Now you have the opportunity to offer something based on original thought. Go for it. Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 11:24:47 AM
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<< The only thing I know about "Assyrians" is that there was a riot in Fairfield, Sydney, over the erection of a memorial to "the Assyrian genocide." Seems like a bunch of "Assyrians" on the Fairfield council got tired of doing their jobs looking after the libraries, filling potholes, and making sure the trash was picked up, and they decided to direct Australia's foreign policy.>>
Nothing wrong with acknowledging the fact that the Assyrians along with the Armenians were slaughtered in a WW1 genocide. You aren't a genocide denier are you? And secondly had we learned from these first genocides we in Australia would not have practised a similar genocide on the indigenous Aborigines. And yes the forced removal of children practised right up to the 1970s DOES constitute genocide according the UN definition. <<Then there was the "Assyrian Kings" crime gang in Sydney which murdered an off duty police officer, David McCarty. It's funny how certain races and ethnicities are always in the forefront of violent crime in Australia. We once had a white Australia Policy and a very low crime rate because nobody ever heard of Danish gangs, Latvian gangs, British gangs, or German gangs. These ethnicities just blended right in and assimilated.>> Their name doesn't make them members of our community. They are members of the criminal community. Period. We don't blame every Anglo-Saxon for the actions of mass murderers like Martin Bryant or Mathew Knight because unlike you we know that these guys represent a small minority and not the majority of our fellow Australians. And for you to try and tar our whole community with that racist brush is by crikey very un Australian of you. Posted by David_Chibo, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 11:02:30 PM
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To David Chibo.
Type in "High Court of Australia" and "stolen generations" and learn how you have been conned. The "stolen generations" lie was invented by a self loathing white leftist named Peter Reid, and it's propagation as a truth depended entirely upon the total ignorance of people like yourself who knew nothing of Australian history. The claim was, that successive State and Federal governments of both the Left (Labor) and the Right (Liberal) had "stolen" aboriginal children in an effort to "breed out the black" and therefore commit "genocide" on the aboriginal people. It grew like a fish story, and resulted in tens of thousands of compensation claims by aboriginal people. With so many claims before the courts, it was essential that the High Court of Australia determined whether in fact it was true. The High Court of Australia, the same judicial organisation which granted land rights to aborigines, judged that it was complete bullshiit. But people like yourself still believe it because you want to believe it. The Assyrian criminals are part of the Assyrian community if they say that they are part of the Assyrian community, and revel in their particular ethnic and cultural uniqueness. Every community has criminals, the question is, why do certain ethnicities and cultures like your own breed criminals in numbers completely out of proportion to others? Could it be that your own particular white despising attitudes are to blame? We bring people into this country who seem to have chips on their shoulders and who perpetrate or at least propagate foul lies about the white community to which they aspire to join. Criminal behaviour is primarily a rejection by individuals of any loyalty towards the people of a community in which they live. Attitudes like your own are conducive to the formation of criminal attitudes among ethnic minorities who already have great difficulty integrating into their new communities. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 4:24:15 AM
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Spindoc, unlike some, I actually spent some years in the 'inner sanctum' when Counter Terrorism doctrines/tactics were being developed here by the ADF in the early 1980's. My specialty was small arms as my trade background is Mechanical Fitting. Since then I have gained 2 more trades, an Associate Diploma, and a Bachelors ( all in the time I looked after 2 sons as a single parent).
I don't hide behind pseudonyms or nom de plumes on line, and as your infinite knowledge will tell you (if you actually stopped to read my posts instead of rushing to the managerial perspective analysis) I have opinions yes. I don't do extensive research into the wee small hours because I am retired and unable to function without Viagra. So do my 'qualifications' suffice enough for you to deign me to comment further in these forums? I doubt it you opinionated and conceited little retiree. CT to me is "counter terrorism", or "cathode tube"" and if I portray your definition of a "conspiracy theorist" then bully for you ! So mate, please be little less judgmental, I have opinions; I like any alternative sources of news - away from the mainstream electronic whorehouse. Run for parliament Spinner, you come across as the arch-typical BS merchant. Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 11:50:14 AM
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Spinner, sometime when my medication kicks in again, when I am not flying in & out of some fly blown mine site or oil rig, one that actually has a decent internet connection. When I am not looking for the next job, or totally knackered from doing 16 hr night shifts and am able to conduct a thorough analysis of your opinions as posted...I will unpack your research. You do have some real gems in there...if only you could take off the rose coloured glasses though and see that the world is not a management experiment (at the expense of many).
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 12:01:30 PM
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Unpack my research Albie? You mean the 15 seconds to type in Conspiracy Theorists and the 2 mins to read it?
Toughen up princess. Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 5:01:54 PM
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Albie, don't bother to respond they will duck and weave your main points and launch ad hominem attacks instead. They are neither Australian or independent. They are clearly hired by some right wing think tank tasked with maintaining a presence on relatively independent news sites.
They attempt through obfuscation and deceit to convince the audience that our opinions are in the minority when it is really their opinions that are. I know that one of you internet shills must be sick of these corporates who outsourced your real job to 457 Visa holders forcing you to do this dirty menial work who minimum wage. They are effectively paying you guys the highly educated middle class to attack the lower class. I encourage you to scan, copy or even write about these jobs and send them to me at Remember Snowden and Assange and remember that your bosses are panicking now that we are awakening. Together we can dismantle the corporate structures that stifle public debate and maintain the illegal status quo for the corporate 1%. Posted by David_Chibo, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 9:42:47 PM
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Falsely claiming that your opponents are in the pay of "the bosses" and completely dodging my last post to you is a particularly miserable response from you, David Chibo. It is 2-15 AM in Sydney and I have to leave soon to do a 12 hour shutdown job on the Rooty Hill mill. I predicted that you would not look up the High Court decision on the so called "stolen generations" because you were terrified that you find out that you were clearly wrong, and I got that right.
I think you had better do your homework before you come onto OLO with your ridiculous conspiracy theories and try to convince Australian working men that you know what you are talking about. Thinking that you can say anything you like because you are part of an educated class who are intellectually and morally superior to your supposedly social inferiors, is not good enough. I really enjoy picking apart the befuddled logic, double standards, wacky conspiracy theories, and complete contradictions, of social climbing socialists like yourself. They usually come on OLO with a superior attitude talking down to the scummy bogans with all the social superiority of absolute monarchs. When the bogans get the better of them, they usually get hysterically angry and begin getting very nasty. Which, I note, is the stage which Imajullianutter is in right now. It is not supposed to be that way. The peasants are supposed to be stupid. It should be easy for you and your comrades to get us bogans bowing and scraping, and tugging our forelocks, at your superior intellect. You have now reached the stage where all you can do is stand on your dignity and look for succour from people who think like you do. Your choice is, to keep sprouting nonsense and keep getting hammered, or grow a brain and figure out what so many left wing people before you have figured out, that your socialist humanitarian ideology is complete nonsense and that you are simply parroting the easily refuted lies which have been inculcated into your head Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 7 August 2014 3:01:03 AM
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Left, right, Australian, Assyrian, there appears to be no trick you won't use to divide and conquer your opponents. These pathetic tactics and the fact that you are an anonyMOUSE with most likely multiple accounts supporting your so called arguments shows you up better than I ever could.
I say it loud and I say it proud with my identity and name up front whereas you hide in shadows using multiple anonyMOUSE accounts to maintain the corporate funded status quo. And I speak for my fellow Australians when I say that your days are numbered we are gaining in strength every day and it'll cost your bosses a lot more money to manufacture consent. Posted by David_Chibo, Thursday, 7 August 2014 9:39:03 PM
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I have to say that the last couple of posts from Mr Chida were particularly poor.
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 8 August 2014 7:43:27 AM
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David Chibo,
You are a wolf in sheep's clothing, pretending to be a Christian when in fact you are an extremist Muslim. You claim to speak for Assyrian Christian, and you have the convincing cover story to go with it, yet your article and your posts in this thread reflect the worldview of Islamists the world over. Like Mosab Hassan Yousef, who has had some success infiltrating the church in America, you are a double agent whose mission is to sow confusion, and weaken support for strong Western foreign policy in the Middle East, among the constituency which has most consistently supported such policy- the Christian Church. You dismiss those who have attempted to debate you as shills, when in fact you are the shill. You criticise them for using pseudonyms, when in fact your own name is an alias. What do your Islamist brothers call you, David? Posted by dozer, Friday, 8 August 2014 3:49:28 PM
A couple days ago the Hague court fined Russia $50 billion for expropriating the assets of oil giant Yukos.
I wonder what would happen if the Christian communities in the Middle East, perhaps led by Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Sako and joined by he Yezidies, the Turkmen and Shabak Shiite communities, were to open court proceedings in the US and/or in the Hague asking the US to pay restitution for the loss of their homes, their livelihoods and their entire way of life.
It is increasingly clear that the chaos across the Islamic Crescent is down to US meddling-by-design, and as they are so quick to take others to court, I do wonder how they would fare facing charges themselves.