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The American betrayal of the Assyrians : Comments
By David Chibo, published 1/8/2014In The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, Brzezinski put forward a vision of creating a 'global-zone of percolating violence', leading to the break-up of the Middle East,
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Posted by David_Chibo, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 12:40:46 AM
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The Coalition of the Shilling (That means you spindoc :-) )
6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint. Source: Posted by David_Chibo, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 12:47:45 AM
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The only thing I know about "Assyrians" is that there was a riot in Fairfield, Sydney, over the erection of a memorial to "the Assyrian genocide." Seems like a bunch of "Assyrians" on the Fairfield council got tired of doing their jobs looking after the libraries, filling potholes, and making sure the trash was picked up, and they decided to direct Australia's foreign policy.
The fun started when the memorial was unveiled and the local Turks turned up and tried to destroy the monument. The riot which ensued look like another routine soccer game punch up between the local Serbs and the local Croats. Ain't multiculturalism grand? Seems like the Muzzie Turks committed genocide on the "Assyrians" as well as the Armenians in 1917. And whadya know? There wasn't an American any where near the place in 1917 for David Chibo to blame for it. But I am sure he can think of something if he really gets creative. Then there was the "Assyrian Kings" crime gang in Sydney which murdered an off duty police officer, David McCarty. It's funny how certain races and ethnicities are always in the forefront of violent crime in Australia. We once had a white Australia Policy and a very low crime rate because nobody ever heard of Danish gangs, Latvian gangs, British gangs, or German gangs. These ethnicities just blended right in and assimilated. David Chibo blames the USA for all the violence in the Middle East. Looking at the violent behaviour of Middle Easterners in Sydney, a more intelligent person might conclude that the violence in the Middle east was all the fault of Middle Easterners. Here in NSW, our biggest NSW police unit is the Middle Eastern Organised Crime unit, and that to police just 2% of the population. Next David Chibo will be trying to think up some way of blaming the appalling behaviour of his ethnicity in Sydney on "the bosses", "the bankers" and the CIA. Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 2:39:25 AM
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‘morning Albie,
Yes of course I could be a “CIA stooge” and not a retiree, I could be funded by “corporate bosses” or I could be retiree. I could be lots of things that appeal to your conspiracy fancies, but that won’t make them true. You could always stick your head outside your CT’s for long enough to breath in some reality. You could do what the rest of us do and research for yourself what experts have concluded about conspiracy theorists, but you won’t because you don’t wish to look do you? You could also research for yourself the correlations I’ve pointed to and refute them, but you won’t. If you feel that the case I made that the USA is not a common factor across a wide range troubled Islamic nations, you can find something to refute it rather than bitching. You need to acknowledge that David Chibo has already agreed this. Not that agreeing any facts would knock a CT off their perch. Like most CT’s you are lazy, you don’t read you “feel”, you avoid drawing information on any topic that is outside your self referential network, you become a rabbit in the headlights when confronted by facts, reality causes you pain because you have lost or never acquired reasoning capabilities and when challenged to do so you dive back down into the comfort of the nearest CT burrow. If I am wrong you can prove me so quite easily, refute what I have presented related to CT’s and refute the case I made that the USA is not a common factor across dysfunctional Islam. Now you have the opportunity to offer something based on original thought. Go for it. Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 11:24:47 AM
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<< The only thing I know about "Assyrians" is that there was a riot in Fairfield, Sydney, over the erection of a memorial to "the Assyrian genocide." Seems like a bunch of "Assyrians" on the Fairfield council got tired of doing their jobs looking after the libraries, filling potholes, and making sure the trash was picked up, and they decided to direct Australia's foreign policy.>>
Nothing wrong with acknowledging the fact that the Assyrians along with the Armenians were slaughtered in a WW1 genocide. You aren't a genocide denier are you? And secondly had we learned from these first genocides we in Australia would not have practised a similar genocide on the indigenous Aborigines. And yes the forced removal of children practised right up to the 1970s DOES constitute genocide according the UN definition. <<Then there was the "Assyrian Kings" crime gang in Sydney which murdered an off duty police officer, David McCarty. It's funny how certain races and ethnicities are always in the forefront of violent crime in Australia. We once had a white Australia Policy and a very low crime rate because nobody ever heard of Danish gangs, Latvian gangs, British gangs, or German gangs. These ethnicities just blended right in and assimilated.>> Their name doesn't make them members of our community. They are members of the criminal community. Period. We don't blame every Anglo-Saxon for the actions of mass murderers like Martin Bryant or Mathew Knight because unlike you we know that these guys represent a small minority and not the majority of our fellow Australians. And for you to try and tar our whole community with that racist brush is by crikey very un Australian of you. Posted by David_Chibo, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 11:02:30 PM
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To David Chibo.
Type in "High Court of Australia" and "stolen generations" and learn how you have been conned. The "stolen generations" lie was invented by a self loathing white leftist named Peter Reid, and it's propagation as a truth depended entirely upon the total ignorance of people like yourself who knew nothing of Australian history. The claim was, that successive State and Federal governments of both the Left (Labor) and the Right (Liberal) had "stolen" aboriginal children in an effort to "breed out the black" and therefore commit "genocide" on the aboriginal people. It grew like a fish story, and resulted in tens of thousands of compensation claims by aboriginal people. With so many claims before the courts, it was essential that the High Court of Australia determined whether in fact it was true. The High Court of Australia, the same judicial organisation which granted land rights to aborigines, judged that it was complete bullshiit. But people like yourself still believe it because you want to believe it. The Assyrian criminals are part of the Assyrian community if they say that they are part of the Assyrian community, and revel in their particular ethnic and cultural uniqueness. Every community has criminals, the question is, why do certain ethnicities and cultures like your own breed criminals in numbers completely out of proportion to others? Could it be that your own particular white despising attitudes are to blame? We bring people into this country who seem to have chips on their shoulders and who perpetrate or at least propagate foul lies about the white community to which they aspire to join. Criminal behaviour is primarily a rejection by individuals of any loyalty towards the people of a community in which they live. Attitudes like your own are conducive to the formation of criminal attitudes among ethnic minorities who already have great difficulty integrating into their new communities. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 6 August 2014 4:24:15 AM
Once that happens spindoc will be on Abbott's dole queue applying for 40 jobs per day and working for the dole.