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The American betrayal of the Assyrians : Comments

By David Chibo, published 1/8/2014

In The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, Brzezinski put forward a vision of creating a 'global-zone of percolating violence', leading to the break-up of the Middle East,

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The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is a public policy think tank based in Melbourne, Australia.

Since the early 1980s, the Institute has argued the case for a range of free-market and libertarian public policies, such as: lower taxation; deregulation of the Australian economy particularly as affecting industrial relations and trade unionism;
privatisation of government businesses and reduced government spending; greater transparency in government;
opposition to perceived left wing ideological bias in Australia's public broadcaster the Australian Broadcasting Corporation;
a free market approach to environmental problems, and criticism of aspects of climate change science;
the elimination of existing programs of welfare targeted at Indigenous Australians, with the aim of encouraging transition to work, self-reliance and high incomes.

The IPA has affiliations with think tanks in the U.S., Canada, UK and Asia. It has a close relationship with the American Enterprise Institute, a right-wing US think-tank.
Posted by David_Chibo, Sunday, 3 August 2014 10:52:20 AM
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<<It's always easy to play "Blame America", and goes down well with the frootloops everywhere.>>

It appears as though the CIA's Jedi mind tricks work well on some.

<<Unfortunately the Americans made the same mistake that the frootloops do, they think of the Arabs/Muslims as normal people, and they plainly aren't.>>

Struth Bruce that's very politically incorrect of you. Crikey cobber, you don't see me making ad hominem attacks on your ancestry do you? Your foolish attempt to side track the main points made in my article show the desperate attempt to muddy the water for the readers.

<<Theirs(sic) is a violent and Medieval culture that doesn't sit well in this or the 20th century, and until such time as they change that significantly we will all pay the price.>>

Suggest you get your team leader to review your posts before you post here. You are very obvious in your attempts to personalise the argument.
Posted by David_Chibo, Sunday, 3 August 2014 10:59:53 AM
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Sorry DC, just because you're a paranoiac it doesn't follow that anyone who disagrees with your flakey conspiracy views is working for "the enemy".
I'm just an ordinary citizen with a fairly good grounding in history and politics.
You seem to see the Americans as some sort of evil geniuses manipulating the entire Islamic world for their own ends.
Given their poor track record world-wide in every other attempt to have their own way, let alone actually keep secrets, nobody with any rationality can accept your fantasy, sorry.
Islam is currently going through what the Christians did during the Medieval period, and will hopefully achieve the same result, a divorce between religion and secular power, unlikely as that seems at the moment.
There really are NO "black-hats" lurking in the background exercising mysterious powers for nefarious ends, it's just the usual human snaffu mixture of greed, ignorance and violence.
Posted by G'dayBruce, Sunday, 3 August 2014 12:01:22 PM
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To David Chibo.

Oh Bullshiit there was no Muslim fundamentalists. Islamic countries are a disgrace to civilisation because they have always been under the thumb of the mullahs and the Ayatollahs. The reason why Islam is on the march today is because it is a failure and it needs somebody else to blame for its own dysfunctions. The Jews usually cop the blame, but the yanks and the CIA are a good standby. Instead of doing some well needed introspection and identifying why they are doing so poorly, the stupid Muslim buggers think that they are failing because they are not Islamic enough. That is why they are going fundamentalist from Afghanistan to Turkey.

But no, I presume you went to uni and got involved with the loony left who had a pat answer to everything, and that satisfied your reflexive Arab need to always blame everybody else but yourselves. You gave the game away when you started ranting about "your bosses totalitarianism." Got a hard on for Socialism, have you, comrade? Well, just in case you haven't noticed, Socialism failed miserably everywhere. Every nation that had socialism imposed on it by force could not wait to become a free market society. Don't laugh at Flat Earthers and Creationists, Chibo, because you think just like them.

Perhaps you would be better off in North Korea or in Castro's Cuba instead of free market Australia? But no, I don't think you will go and live in these Socialist workers paradises. You may dream of socialist economies and socialist multicultural societies, but you prefer to live among the white capitalists.

As for US "persecution", did you hear about the "Silly Party" in NZ? Since the best thing that happened to Germany and Japan was being invaded by the USA, the Kiwis after Britain joined the common Market had an idea. The "Silly Party" wanted to declare war on the USA, surrender the next day, and reap a fortune from the occupation troops and from a US Marshal Plan.

Which just goes to prove that Kiwis are smarter than Arabs
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 3 August 2014 6:46:19 PM
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LEGO, our Western Oligarchs are using the Sunni fundalmentalists to divide and conquer the West. The banksters and the Royals see too many people as their enemy.

Prince Philip," If reincarnation is possible I want to return as a deadly virus and wipe out humanity." Sharia law is fascist law which subjugates the masses. Why did our Govts during the 1980's bring extreme Muslim Sunnis to live in the West? Divide and conquer is the answer. While we are fighting amongst ourselves the elites enslave us in wars and debt. It is all a big game called 'The Grand Chessboard' authored by Zbigniew Brezezinski.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 3 August 2014 8:10:54 PM
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Hi Arjay.

I don't usually stoop to reply to your potty posts because they are so over the top that you are one of the best arguments that us right wingers have. Please keep up your stupid conspiracy theories.

But since I am on this topic, I will answer your post in the hope that I may get you to start thinking straight. I know that is a big ask.

Your claim that "western oligarchs are using Sunni fundamentalists to divide and conquer the west" is so ridiculous that even David Chibo would probably look askance at you for that one. It just goes to show how people who are totally paranoid can make the most peculiar connections in their befuddled brains.

Prince Phillip's quote is more attuned to a left wing green point of view than any sort of royal attitude. He has become a green advocate and has even sucked up to Islam. He tried to build a bridge between Islam and the west when he proposed at an Islamic conference in Britain, that the "moderate" Muslim religious leaders at that conference display how humane and peaceful they were, by submitting a unanimous statement declaring that apostates should not be murdered. Surprise, surprise, the "moderate" Muslim leaders refused to do it. This is a dangerous religion. But you are so obsessed with your USA hatred that it flies right over your head.

And the reason why western governments brought Muslims into this country is because they are run by left leaning bureaucrats who are just as thick as you are. They believe in the great God of Equality with all their hearts. They think that all races are equal, all cultures are equal, and all religions are equal. No amount of self evident reality or reasoned argument can change them from that view.

We have to thank the Muslim religion in the west for giving the smart ones among them a reality check, because I am happy to say that the more intelligent ones are finally waking up. That does not include you or David Chibo, of course.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 4 August 2014 6:52:00 AM
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