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Cutting the grass in the theatre of war : Comments

By Junaid Cheema, published 30/7/2014

In Sderot, local Israelis pulled up chairs at hill tops to watch the bombing of Gaza. The spectators took happy snaps, shared popcorn and cheered; as the Israeli Military cut the grass - dealing death on Gaza.

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Keep in mind - Article 13 of Hamas‘ Charter states, “There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. The initiatives, proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.”
Posted by elizabeth4, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 7:56:15 AM
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"This pattern of manufacturing war to deflect internal tensions ... what they do achieve is a unified feeling of victimization and a break from the day to day state problems and government corruption."
Can we read the US into this equation? Consider the continuing wars on Islam of the past two decades. By all accounts these wars have prevented an easing of the impoverishment of what was once the world's most enviable middle class, and at the same time empowered the government in Washington DC to institute a surveillance (police?) state within that much vaunted 'homeland' just in case anyone starts to question the rational behind these wars and the negative impact they are having on the homeland's population.
And now there is the crisis in Ukraine brought to us by the very same masters of deception that brought us Iraq, Libya and Syria, among other nations within the Islamic Crescent. And this one has an assured future as it heads inexorably toward Russia.
And yet the public perception within the US, as gleaned from news reports through the times so far of both conflicts, is of the Stars and Stripes flying high from buildings and front porches as Americans rally around the flag and express vows of patriotic unity in the face of all those evil ones out to do them harm.
But they, like the deluded ones in Israel, just cannot or will not see that the real harm is coming from within the Beltway, or Jerusalem.
Posted by halduell, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 8:28:15 AM
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Junaid Cheema contines the Lefts crusade against Israel. And with an air of look-how-blood-thirsty-they-are he crys: "The Israelis call this cycle of violence 'cutting the grass'

No Junaid,*some* in the Israeli military *were said* to have made that comment.

But here’s the thing, if that is damning –where is Junaid & cos condemnation of this?

From the Koran:
"The resurrection of the dead will not come until the Muslims will war with the Jews and the Muslims will kill them; ... the trees and rocks will say, "O Muslim, O Abdullah, here is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."

[Many similar examples can be found here]

And, if you want something more recent:
“Later that February, AQI chief Abu-Umar al-Baghdadi declared Israel to be a religious state in which there is no difference between Judaism and Zionism. Both were ‘the core and origin of corruption’ Israel was ‘a malignant germ that has been planted in the body of the ummah that must be extracted” ’ [ Osama Bin Laden , Michael Scheuer , p158]

“”Several Salafis organisations have built training facilities in Gaza and displayed them in their media, defiantly proclaiming ‘We are coming, Jew!’ [ ibid , p159]
Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 9:02:48 AM
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Elizabeth, why shouldn't Hamas and other Palestinian bodies have such clauses?

I am a good moral upstanding person and I therefore declare that since you aren't fully utilising your current place of abode that the next three immigrant families can be settled there. How would you feel about that? That is effectively what the Balfour declaration was saying that the Jews can return to the Levant. Pity the poor occupants who happen to life there and have for multiple generations.

Oh and I don't support Hamas and the various Religion of Peace groups. They are an abominable throwback to before the middle ages. On this point about their land they do have right on their side in my opinion.

I suspect that in the medium run, the new crusader city state known as Israel won't survive much past the end of US supremacy even with their nuclear weapons.

Posted by dkit, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 9:04:44 AM
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A realistic view of a tragedy of our times, well done Junaid. Wonder when humanity will open its eyes to see the real face of Israel.
Posted by NC, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 9:44:14 AM
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During WW11, we were at war with an equally fanatical Nipponese army, who equally did not respect the Geneva convention, and had a wartime history, littered with innumerable atrocities; some against their own kind.
And if we had not dropped those bombs, the conflict could have continued to this day?
In fact, some Islands still had Japanese garrisons on them and who were prepared to fight to the last man and the last bullet, years after the conflict was officially over; and then use sword, bayonet and broomstick, for as long as breath remained!
Insanity personified Hamas remind me of those fanatical Japanese, still fighting yesterday's war, on their small Islands!
Like those fanatical Japanese, there is no way Hamas can win, unless they can involve others, and perhaps start WW111!

And if we could relocate all of Israel, to say a new Israel, in the largely uninhabited Northern WA?
Where their skill in turning deserts into gardens would be most useful and welcome, as would their military expertise and inventory, in an area, we can't currently defend, given the sheer length of our island continent coastline!

So, and to reiterate, if all the less than blameless Jews were gone?
And the land of Israel emptied out of them and their military might/inventory?
Who would Hamas fight then?
My bet is, these cold blooded murders, would find other targets and another reasons to continue to slake their compulsive blood-lust!
As happened in nearby, once completely peaceful Lebanon!
This being so, it not possible to make peace with them!
Albeit, it is possible to wipe them out, like the way we might eliminate vermin.
And on the same grounds as we dropped those atomic bombs, with their huge collateral damage, on the Japanese!
That being so, there is no way anyone can peacefully coexist with Hamas.
Sadly, given they continue to cower behind noncombatant, old men, women and children; and in schools, churches/Mosques and hospitals etc, elimination will involve considerable unavoidable collateral damage!
Were that there was any other choice!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 10:52:04 AM
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