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Why tolerate religion? : Comments

By Ralph Seccombe, published 19/6/2014

Given the universal human rights of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly etc etc, should there be a separate and additional category of religious rights?

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Oh, you want a scientific explanation of the case actually quoted?

Well, since there may not be much actual investigation, and since medical science of the time had far less diagnostic power as today, you probably won't find one.

However, spontaneous recovery from infections is not extremely rare, and occurs relatively regularly. That the speed of recovery was fast, is remarkable, but again not inexplicable.

The case is not inexplicable, spontaneous recovery from tuberculosis is not undocumented. There is plenty of scientific evidence that says that this case is fully scientifically explicable. Statistical improbabilities or anomalies happen every day, it's the law of large numbers,and they appear weird to the casual observer, however they aren't 'miracles'.
Posted by Bugsy, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 5:22:33 PM
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cont'd ...

The sacred is anything that is regarded as part of the
supernatural rather than the ordinary world; as such it
inspires awe, reverence, and deep respect. Anything can
be considered sacred; a god, the moon, a king,
a symbol such as a cross. On the other hand, the profane
is anything that is regarded as part of the ordinary
rather than the supernatural world; as such it may be
considered familiar, mundane, even corrupting. Of course,
the profane too may be embodied by the moon, a king, or
a symbol.

Something becomes either sacred or profane only when it
is socially defined as such by a community of believers.
Durkheim also observed that a religious community always
approaches the sacred through a ritual - a formal,
stylized procedure, such as prayer, incantation, or
ceremonial cleansing. Ritual is a necessary part of
religion because the sacred has extraordinary qualities,
and must be approached in a carefully prescribed reverential

As I stated in my earlier post we can say, then, that
religion is a system of communally shared beliefs and
rituals that are oriented toward some sacred, supeernatural

The phenomenon is of such universal social importance
that it has long been, and remains, a major focus of
sociological interest.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 5:34:45 PM
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Bugsy,TRY Numero 63

"Vittorio MICHELI

Born on 6.2.1940, in the Province of Trento (Italie)

Cured on 1.6.1963, in his 23rd. year. Miracle on 26.5.1976, by Mgr Alessandro Gottardi, Archbishop of Trento.

On 16th. April 1962, Vittorio MICHELI, a soldier in the Alpine Corps, was admitted into a hospital in Verona for the diagnosis and treatment of an obscure condition of his left hip. After various tests, ineffective treatment and also a biopsy, the dreaded diagnosis of a malignant tumour, a sarcoma, was made on 4th. June.

For a whole year he remained under the care of the Military Hospital and Centres, although no anti-mitotic, surgical, medical or physiotherapeutic treatment was applied.

Deterioration, both locally and generally went on relentlessly, with total destruction of his hip joint. But he still undertook a pilgrimage to Lourdes with his Diocese in June 1963.

During the pilgrimage, nothing notable happened, except that he bathed, encased from pelvis to foot in a plaster cast.

On his return he appeared to be in better shape, but because he was doing his military service, he was obliged to go back to his starting-point, i.e. the Military Hospital of Trento.

More X-rays were taken there, and in a way difficult to comprehend, they were incorrectly interpreted, being considered identical to his former ones. This accounts for why it was 6 months after the pilgrimage before proper notice was taken of his excellent health, absence of pain, ability to walk and finally "the remarkable reconstruction of his hip" the first signs of which had already been present 5 months before!

Each year since 1963, Vittorio has visited Lourdes. In 1967, the Medical Bureau saw no reason to delay admitting that "it was impossible to give any medical explanation for this cure ".

In 1968, the International Medical Committee postponed its decision, after hearing Prof. Salmon's report. It was only in 1971, a lapse of 8 years, that this Committee confirmed the verdict of the Medical Bureau of Lourdes.

Naturally, Vittorio MICHELI keeps on coming to Lourdes, working as a brancardier in his diocesan Hospitalite".

Regeneration of a hip?
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 6:54:59 PM
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Try putting on your criminal profiler hats, look at the criminal minds of all disciples of atheism, secular anti-humanism & left wing theology.

it is religion, not politics or ideology. they worship/deify/canonise their leaders, their unholy scriptures & demonize all who refuse to convert.

Try reading "United in Hate".
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 7:09:57 PM
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Is Mise, doing a search of stories around Vittorio, brings up some different accounts. Your account says "regeneration of a hip", as if the hip disappeared. Other accounts say that the tumor was large enough to dislocate his hop joint, which made the leg dangle. In the absence of any actual data, I cannot offer a proper scientific explanation. However, hypotheses abound. I have found that people don't like to look too hard at these things when they think they already know what happened...

However, this may be of some interest:
Posted by Bugsy, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 8:40:33 PM
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ima/quote..<<..Try reading "United in Hate".>>..zionist propaganda

he asks such absurdity/by claiming outlandish stuff[like he started a docerate/re islamb/has a saudi koran\lol..[no doudt in saudi..but we a centrist moderate,..leaves unspoken..*from mossad.

so i added that to the search term/you supplied
and gods demons..[jinn..gave me this]

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 10:08:04 PM
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