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Why tolerate religion? : Comments

By Ralph Seccombe, published 19/6/2014

Given the universal human rights of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly etc etc, should there be a separate and additional category of religious rights?

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Is Mise

"To vote informally is not a crime, for to do so one only has to "make" an obvious mistake, such as "unintentionally" giving first choice to two candidates."

Perhaps so, but to intentionally not vote is a crime.

If you look at the history of toleration of religion, it was mostly because people were using religion to fund under compulsion things which are today very commonly funded by the State, such as educating or indoctrinating children (think state schools), religious propaganda (think ABC), promoting denomination-specific religious worship (think Anzac Day), charity (the dole), and promoting things that were holy to one religion and repugnant to another (think abortion). Look at the orthodoxy on global warming, with so many parallels to the traditional Christian orthodoxy: impending cataclysm, man's moral fault to blame, the need for repentance, the reverencing of a monopoly corporation (church/state) as authority and competent to fix it, the unfalsifiable/irrational methodology of proof (biased; e.g. any adverse weather event is taken as proof, but any positive weather event is disregarded), the selling of indulgences/carbon tax; the villification of heretics/deniers. They're even casting the debate in terms of belief! It's virtually a re-run of the original with the State substituted for the church.

Science and education should be disestablished for exactly the same reasons religion was.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 9:30:57 AM
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Dear Banjo,

In my understanding, spontaneous remission (an unexpected improvement or cure from a disease) assumes that the diagnosis (of cancer) was right. It is a scientific fact with causes unknown, not a human error.

Of course, you can give almost any metaphor an interpretation that suits your view of the matter. Your point apparently concerns the credulous train driver, mine was about God making himself visible to a believer without having to break the laws of nature (anyhow, why should He keep on breaking what he himself “created”?). Of course, the unbeliever sees only the event (the moth or spontaneous remission) that God used to disclose Himself to the believer. The same as a blind man cannot enjoy the sunset, but if he knows enough physics he can analyse and explain the phenomenon.

Jardine K. Jardine,

There are plastic replicas of plants (religious institutions in this case) with properties better than those of the original. Nevertheless, many of us prefer the “imperfect” original rooted in the soil (of history in this case).
Posted by George, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 10:00:16 AM
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sickness/healing..isnt complicated/we all have spirits/we entertain/unawares/some bring gifts/blessings[mine]..others bring gets/t0 where we cant tell where we begin/end[but there is no end..[see last link/re the healing thing.

BEEN PICKING FAVS/where i have up to 8 posts/to resolve more complicted replies..key/lamb-island page

last mission/reason for present page..[catch/22]

(Allah doesn't change his word,..6:115,..but he does "substitute" it when he comes up with something better, ..2:106...16:101).HE/SENDS MEN CONSTANT/MESSangers.

Older versions of the Quran..would be helpful in the study of certain words;..(since vowels are often left out of transcriptions) but unfortunately ancient texts are usually either destroyed or hidden from public view by authorities, since they differ somewhat from modern versions - and thus throw into question the Quran's internal claim to be the immutable word of God (although the Hadith plainly indicates that multiple versions existed following Muhammad's death).

The suras of the Quran can be grouped into two distinct periods in Muhammad's life. There is the earlier "Meccan" period, when Muhammad had little to say about violence or "fighting..[reflecting;the spirit;of the location..&*

Estimated Chronology of the Quran

Suras from Mecca..[oasis]LIgHT

96, 68, 73, 74, 111, 81, 87, 92, 89, 93, 94, 103, 100, 108, 102, 107, 109, 105,113,114,112,53,80,97,91,85,95, 106,101,75, 104,77,50,90,86,54,38,7,72,36,25,35, 19,20, 56,26,27, 28, 17, 10, 11, 12, 15, 6, 37, 31, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 88, 18, 16, 71, 14, 21, 23, 32, 52, 67, 69, 70, 78, 79, 82, 84, 83, 29

Suras from Medina..[deserts]DARKNESS

2, 8, 3, 33, 60, 4, 99, 57, 47, 13, 55, 76, 65, 98, 59, 110, 24, 22, 63, 58, 49, 66, 61, 62, 64, 48, 9, 5

but who can tell the diferences
[lest we forget/this Is satans school]

this is a photo[of the holographic/plate[up-CLOSE]
[THEY PROJECT/the whole hologram/equate that dot to you

try to see..we*..are a LIVING 3D..HOLOGRAM/SIMULI
THE STIMULIE/=DOTS INDIVIDUALY..=US..[WE]..YET CLLECTIVLY/holy gram =ME,,[HE]..THE COLLECTIVE of all true good living loving light[de*light.]

then//try..orignal/page 19..
[electrical pdf/tool-page 31]

in the officer/page 86/as he walks you through the hologram

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 10:18:52 AM
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School chaplains are teaching in schools that homosexuality is a sin in God's eyes, therefore they must pray to God to rid themselves of this sin. As God is omnipotent he created the problem in the first place,it is like a disaster that kills many people, then everyone goes to church to pray to the God who once again being all powerful could have stopped the disaster in the first place.
We seem to have many writers to OLO trying their hardest to verify this or that concerning miracles that they have happened, mainly reporting from all sorts of details coming from their I-Pad or Computer, anybody can write anything on the sites being quoted, like religion it can be false

Perhaps someone can tell me why all this has happened in the last 2014 years, why did the so called virgin birth take place then, why not 5000 years earlier or even millions of years earlier, why did God wait until then, had something created another God to create the God of the virgin birth 2014 years ago, remembering the world was flat back then by the inhabitants of the time.
Folks if you believe in your religion good luck to you, but there are so many unanswered questions about God & Jesus that I for one do not believe in any of it.
I bet in millions of years time when we have all departed ,our spirits will still be spooking around somewhere, with all the other billions gone before, remembering we who believe in him shall have everlasting life, I don't think so.
Posted by Ojnab, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 10:54:14 AM
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A number of key issues are of importance here –

1) Religion MUST first be properly defined – such that we need parameters of size, age etc. [i.e. Is my personal philosophy a religion if it incorporates a transcendental diety? Or is there some requirement to have millions of followers and also that the age of the following must be vast?]

2) How can we recognize when a “religion” has become a culture’s political and social system? Should we tolerate this?

3) The article author Lette seems unable [like everyone else] to find a clear and sound argument for accepting all religions, and for how to decide when a particular practise is bad and should not be tolerated. I recall Mill’s “non Harm” principle which he devised as a way to govern [generally] the liberties and freedoms of all individuals. That is he said that we each should be free and unhindered . . . so long as that action does not harm or hinder another.

4) Lastly – WHY IS ANYONE BOTHERING TO ENTERTAIN THIS NOTION AT ALL? That is, WHY should ANY belief system or philosophy be deemed more important under law etc. than any other? Why also should it matter if my beliefs are only mine; why are millions of people needed before we accept it as equal?

In any case [and most cases] religion is often intertwined with a social-cultural-political system which often also incorporates ethnic/racial identity of the people following. That is very, very dangerous as history of ALL religions shows and also as is evident today in the Middle-East - currently the Shiites and Sunnis again.
Posted by Matthew S, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 12:08:17 PM
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tell/the bjona..that we first send those you caled gods[who loved the daughters of man..histry is/only complete\in light of the movements of men-kind/their beliefs ref=liefs fetish/religion.

take jesus time..bjona...if ya siply ate/the wrong thing\your gone
move on/begone, in this time/what one ate/was sacred[dining for example took 4 hours/but before anyone could eat/THEY ALL HAD TO RITUALLY WASH THIER HANDS/one dont eat/with 'dirty'-hands,

thats hard law
now/see 4000/5000..of these
who heard/every wurd;of the sernman-of\the mound
all'equally;unclean/with roadcrime/not a handwash-jar[let alone the mandated 7, be seen

heck/some-even bought\their/own;;food/they too couldnt eat[neither]
so as the food went arround/the plate got heavier[thats how you feed 5000 clean freak phobics[sic]

now/let double/the odds..[lets sit/them..OPPISITE each other
WATCHING..each other[to see who eats;..UNCLEAN* few if any did eat/yet each ate/as much as they needed.

now lets see/these handwash-jars/with atheist eyes
the jars;or like toilets/filthy.UNCLEAN..[now atheist/if a party guest/said its not my time[ie not my host duties/in fact i couldnt care less if you drew up that filthy unclean toilet water-jar/water

now servanTS DO/as human nature does/if it ever GOTout[or put into a holy book/this canna host served his guests toilet water/him and his servants honour would be severly debased

thus the servants raided the masters private stash
simple human nature[now jesus had to repeat it twice/and still his own dont get it[his deciples didnt know the unclean haNDS RULE] witness by the shewbread..incident.

the miracle wax rfuted by clue re human naTURE
miraces dont wor/because we get lazy[if god going to make you..BRAND new/why take precautions[many the holy man died from his std demons/proving they became un-enlightend..[its not a destination;..its a mindset/and freewill is the one constant/through-out infinity[for eternity]

energyy cant be created;nor destroyed
[be over joyed;find your passion;live it.
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 12:29:09 PM
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