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Every life matters : Comments
By Rachael Jackson, published 13/5/2014A mother is raped and becomes pregnant. Should abortion be an option for her? What might her child think?
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Posted by one under god, Thursday, 15 May 2014 7:08:04 AM
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Divergence – interesting articles. But the first one does not establish how many embryos die in normal pregnancies. The author says, “When the researchers followed 100 of the 242 [IVF] embryos for five to six days, they found that 38 percent formed normal-looking blastocysts — about the same proportion that would be expected to be successful in normal pregnancies.” 38% of IVF embryos are normal looking according to the study, but then an unsupported assertion is made that this is about the same proportion that “would be expected” to be successful in normal pregnancies. On what grounds should it be expected that normal pregnancies have the same rate of normal-looking IVF blastocysts?
The second article does say that two embryos can fuse together but there is no indication as to whether or not one of the embryos dies in the process. One embryo may survive the fusion but still have functioning DNA from the other embryo in its body, as apparently happens in the other examples in the article. You say that “early abortion is likely to be distressing for all concerned, even if you don't regard it as tantamount to murder”. If abortion is not the taking of the life of a fellow human being, why is it that almost everyone says that it is such a difficult and trying decision – often said to be one of the most difficult decisions a woman makes in her life? Having a tooth pulled certainly does not create so much angst. Yuyutsu – if, as you say, everything, including yourself, is God, how can you move further away from everything/God/yourself? If everything, including you, is God then wherever you are, however you are, you nevertheless are, and remain with God. Presumably from what you write you believe in transmigration of the soul or reincarnation. If life comes to a complete end at death, the one who dies cannot suffer loss from their death because they no longer exist to experience that loss. I find it hard to make sense of the notions that everything is God and that we get reincarnated. Posted by JP, Thursday, 15 May 2014 9:37:25 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,
Mahatma Gandhi said, "It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence." Are you non-violent in your heart? Posted by david f, Thursday, 15 May 2014 9:55:56 AM
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You are setting up impossible conditions. If you do web searches on this subject, you will find varying estimates, but all agree that the numbers are high. See for example Even if we just look at the 10%-20% of miscarriages after pregnancy is verified, that is still an enormous number. The overwhelming majority of them occur in the first trimester. You are left with a problem if these are people. In terms of the chimeras, we know that cell lines from both embryos have survived because we can now sequence genomes. I recall reading about one case where a woman was going to be accused of benefit fraud, because of apparent evidence that she could not have been the biological mother of her children. It was later found that she was a chimera. Nor are the people who disagree with you necessarily atheists, although some have said that they are. Christians have never universally accepted the "moment of conception" argument. We know that it was not even the dominant belief at some times because there are early manuals for priests that recommend much more severe penances for late abortions than early ones. Even for Roman Catholics, "moment of conception' wasn't declared a doctrine before Pope Pius IX in the 19th century, i.e., people could make up their own minds about it. It is quite possible to believe that early abortion is wrong for theological reasons without thinking it is tantamount to murder. If that position is accepted, though, then you are left with preaching to the flock and not picketing abortion clinics. It is much like the situation of Hindus who object to the slaughter of cattle or eating beef, or Muslims who object to the consumption of alcohol. On the other hand, denial of abortion or cancer therapy to a pregnant woman (because it is likely to kill the foetus) can be tantamount to murder Posted by Divergence, Thursday, 15 May 2014 11:10:54 AM
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Sperms’ Swimming and Navigational Skills
Disrupted By Common Chemicals its murder out thERE The Guardian | Lab study suggests around a third of ‘endocrine disruptors’ damage sperms’ function and their ability to fertilize eggs. Common chemical additives found in sunscreens, food packaging, toothpaste and toys can harm sperm and may affect the fertility of some couples, scientists say. Tests on 96 ubiquitous and supposedly non-toxic substances found that nearly one third disrupted the way sperm functioned, affecting their swimming and navigational skills, and their ability to fertilize an egg. The findings – from an experiment conducted on sperm in dishes in the lab – are the first to demonstrate how the chemicals, which are so widespread they are detectable in people’s blood, can impact on sperm and potentially harm reproduction. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 15 May 2014 12:20:04 PM
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Dear JP,
<<how can you move further away from everything/God/yourself?>> From an absolute, ontological perspective, you don't ever move away from God and cannot stop being who you truly are: God. You can, however, EXPERIENCE separation from God (which in Christian terms is called living in hell). It is an illusion of course, but so long as you are in it, the pain seems real enough. It's like a nightmare: truly you sleep comfortably in bed; truly you are not pursued by any tigers, grilled by demons, or sentenced to life-imprisonment for a crime you haven't committed, etc. But so long as you remain asleep, until you wake, that truth remains a little comfort. <<you nevertheless are, and remain with God.>> More accurately, you remain God - there are no 'two' here to be able to 'be with' each other. <<If life comes to a complete end at death>> The death of one's body is a big loss. Most dearly, one loses their education which was stored in their brains - all skills from the ability to smile, wink, talk and recognise people to playing music and solving complex mathematical problems. As the brain perishes, one also loses all memories. That's "bad enough", enough for some to consider it the end of life, but that's just an expression of despair: other than the above "inconvenience", nothing really happened to YOU. <<I find it hard to make sense of the notions that everything is God>> What about the opposite notion as if something could exist separately of God? Wouldn't that be restricting God or competing with Him? I would find that more unpalatable. Dear David, While I admire Mahatma Gandhi, I don't need to agree with every sentence he ever said. Very few people can truly state that they have no ounce of violence in their hearts, but the answer is not to act it out - the answer is to use discipline and will-power and refrain from acting this violence on others, no matter what it takes. Of course, one can always punch a boxing bag if it helps. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 15 May 2014 1:42:44 PM
BUT WHAT IS HELL?..indeed what is god..seems to be the debAITABLE Point.
all will is gods will..that I CALL god..i call the unity of one god
[more rightfully called the holy living spirit/sustaining al life/living]
THE holy spirit..sustains constant change of state
as energy CHANGES ITS state..yet energy/like trhe holy in xonmtinual 'change'/like the change of state..of the sun/emmiting its manyfold energieS/PRIME OF WHICh is its choice to EMIT THE LIGHT/sustaining all living.
that we call GOD=THE SUN..BUT EVEN GOD IS SUBSERVIANT TO THE HOLY SPIRIT SUSTAINING EVEN THE SON ITS CHANGE of state/but because words are slippery..and this is satans realm..we are in continual division BY SUCH DIVERSIONS SUCH AS DEFINING WHAT WE MEAN.
VOlution = survival OF FITTEST..NOT MOST EVOLVED..evolution is that variety we see within many given genus/like aLL DOGS Evolved from wolf/genus canus..thus all breeds are fertile.
WOLF WAS A Judgment animal..SENT WHEN Herbivores got too plenty full
it evolved from spiritual CONCEPt..into materialized reality/by the unseen tweaking..opportunistic..possability/chance.
cats are another genus[caTUS]..and no dog will ever 'evolve'..into a cat/and no cat can 'evolve'..into a dog..evolution defines that process of correction/that keeps dogs dogs and cats cats..
and still we have the satanic detraction..that we some how arose by chance/and only violence.../AND\THE FIT-test/hardship saw us evolve..
AND WHY SHOULD I CARE..THAT those swallowing THE GOD FREe version of creation..are chosing by peer pressure and by 'going' alonG WITH 'Experts'..WHO NEVER EVOLVED EVEN A SPECIES WITHIN GENUS..bEcause their too lazy to justify the STUDY..
yet here we have doctors dentists astrologers hookers and priests swearing its evolution/and not one of em has botherd serious studY..[SCIENCE]
Thus made it an article..'of faith']..but
then deny..they too take their EVOLVING-thesis..on faith alone.
if you cant repeat IT/its noit science
if you dont know it..dont claim to know of it.