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Kids in detention: new AHRC inquiry : Comments
By Sev Ozdowski, published 7/2/2014In fact, following the tabling of the report, the Howard Government released the approximately one hundred children still being detained in June 2004.
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Posted by Jayb, Monday, 10 February 2014 9:18:53 AM
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YEBIGA, that has nothing to do with kids in detention.
Ok, I have an Idea. We pull all the kids out of detention & teach them all to be good Christians. So they won't turn into fanatical fundamental Islamic Terrorists. Is that OK with you? Posted by Jayb, Monday, 10 February 2014 9:23:31 AM
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Yebiga, Brian, Steele,
The Iraq and Afghanistan wars were acts of Liberal, egalitairian aggression, Bush, Blair and Howard are archetypal Anglo Saxon humanitarians, they are you and you are them. I now understand the context of the word "we" in your posts but you need to appreciate that the vast majority of White people are not like you. We're a peaceful lot who don't go looking for trouble and if freed from Liberal warmongers and busy bodies such as yourselves we would simply close the borders, repudiate all treaties and live simple, sustainable and productive lives. As for Fascism. "Doctrine Of Fascism" Benito Mussolini & Giovanni Gentile 1932 There are no Fascists in Australian public life, only Liberals, any failing or injustice is the fault of egalitarianism, humanism, democracy and the "Fair go". "It isn't 'Islamofascists' who are destroying reason and Enlightenment". Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 10 February 2014 10:18:12 AM
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“western people won’t embrace a sick medieval religion” There are few discernible differences between the platitudes in Judaism, Christianity or Islam. They are all of one family. There are even fewer differences between a Zionist, a Christian fundamentalist or a jihadist. As there is little difference between a moderate Jew, Christian or Muslim. Unfortunately, some humans are susceptible sectarianism, where one becomes convinced that their particular brand of imaginary friends are superior to the another groups imaginary friends. This is usually amusing, except when unscrupulous politicians take advantage of this otherwise benign condition and direct it from the imagination into the real. Then the victim becomes entirely unaware of his condition and perceives all sorts of imaginary insults and slights against their imaginary friends. They readily become possessed with a fever of hatred. To illustrate the bizarre nature of this condition, when a Christian, for example, is so possessed, they will order a kebab at a local eatery and never perceive that the person making the kebab is in fact in league with his imaginary enemies. He will visit his local doctor of sub-continental extraction and never dream that the doctor is a Pakistani Muslim. The cab driver, who is almost certainly likely to be a Muslim in Australia, becomes invisible to the deluded sectarian. So you see, but for the unscrupulous political exploitation, this condition is benign. No more dangerous than the antipathy between Collingwood and Essendon supporters. However, when politicians exploit the sufferers of this sectarianism, it changes into something quite ugly - and medieval. Once sectarianism is let loose into reality, it grows into a fully blown paranoid delusion. Medical facilities become WMDs, caves in Afghanistan are intricate networks of subversion. Soon the victim can't actually discern friend from foe. If your not with them your against them. And to head off the now rife treason, every lie, every crime, every fantasy is acceptable to save us from the imaginary enemy and their imaginary friends. So of course who but these sworn enemies would board these boats - and with their children no less? Posted by YEBIGA, Monday, 10 February 2014 12:51:37 PM
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As it would appear that you're the self-appointed, 'Lord High Inquisitor' for those of the far left, it befalls me, I suppose to step-up for your interrogation ? Q. A much harder line must be taken, does this include Children ? A. No Q. Tony Abbott's refusal to permit access to the Children ? A. I do. Q. ' the nation that transported them here...' A. Invalid question - these children accompanied their 'parents' here. Q. '....etc is warmongering ? A. You'll need to put that question to JAY of MELBOURNE. There's very little doubt that you've appointed yourself; spokesman, inquisitor, and defender of Islamic rights ? OK, I accept that. Therefore, my egocentric friend, come a major war emanating from the Middle East, involving the allies. Exactly what side would you be on STEELEREDUX ? Or would it be yet another repeat of the 1960's/1970's 'Vietnam Moratorium' days ? Where many of Australia's TRAITOR'S & COWARDS hid behind the more respectable mask, of being a CONSCIENCE OBJECTOR ? Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 10 February 2014 1:58:22 PM
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Dear o sung wu,
Bloody hell mate just have a look at what you have become. When I stick up for these children you label me as “spokesman, inquisitor, and defender of Islamic rights”. Never mind a huge proportion of these unfortunate kids are Sri Lankan and therefore likely Hindu or Christian. So why do you do it? Well the only explanation is that you are determined to dehumanise them in your own mind by classing them as Islamic. In your seeming hate filled world this apparently allows you to justify turning a blind eye to the serious human rights abuses your country is engaged in. For God's sake man Australia has been named and condemned by the UNHCR. I would never have thought we would ever be in that position. Yes I do enjoy the moral high ground and I want it for my country, but we seemed determined to piss that all up against the wall all to the deafening sounds of applause from the likes of you. And you dare imply that I am the traitor? Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 10 February 2014 2:36:17 PM
Last time I looked Fallujah was still there. A big battle took place between two Armies, equally to blame for any destruction. That happens in a battle.
YEBIGA: Illegal weapons used: white phosphorous, enriched uranium
US veterans report genetic defects
Both sides used WP. EUP's are not illegal & not experimental. Though there has been some after battle problems. Much like some medicines.
YEBIGA: Torture: abu Ghraib pictures, public justifications by Philip ruddock of torture
Yes, as I said, a couple of idiot yanks in one prison. Did you see the torture chambers Sadam used where people disappeared. He had used these for many years. Do you consider Sadams to be OK?
YEBIGA: Civilian murder: war logs released by lt manning to WikiLeaks
Yes a couple of yank idiots. Civilian Murder was not endemic. It was to Sadam. Plus the fact that civilians picked up weapons & used them to kill soldiers & were killed for their effort. Do you call that civilian murder or self defence?
YEBIGA: Illegal war: no WMDs
I wonder where the Gas came from in Syria? It disappeared from Iraq. Or, did Sadam use it all up on those two villages where thousands of innocent civilians were murders.
YEBIGA: Punitive War: coalition stands down entire Iraqi infrastructure: local police, military, government, public service
Yes, I agree. rather stupid, & I said so at the time.
YEBIGA: Al queida Exaggerated fictional enemy,
You have got to be kidding right? So what's happening now in Syria & in Iraq? Al Queida backed violence. All their fighters are "Innocent Civilians" killing innocent civilians & seemingly enjoying the experience.
You & your terrorist mates have a lot to answer for YEBIGA. Just because the Western people won't embrace a sick medieval religion. Now you live in Australia & seemingly support Sadam & al Quaida & any other fanatical fundamental Islamic group. That IS a worry.