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Anonymous Jew-hating cowards of the Internet : Comments

By David Singer, published 7/11/2013

The propensity of the Internet to become an uncontrolled vehicle for racial incitement has been allowed to escape under the radar. It is time that its capacity to so influence the minds of its readers was diminished.

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It's much better to have nasty people making their comments out in the open where they can be seen and monitored -- and laughed at, or debated with -- rather than driving them underground into secret cabals. That just reinforces the sense of persecution that sets them off in the first place.

But anyway, how on earth do you propose to 'end' anonymous and unverified comments, without the consent and active cooperation of the billion or so people who maintain blogs, Facebook pages, twitter accounts, discussion boards and so on? You would need to establish some sort of global Fascist leader with absolute power to make it so -- but I don't think you're really going to support that, are you?
Posted by Jon J, Thursday, 7 November 2013 6:11:46 AM
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It is interesting that this whining article should appear on the day that it has been proved that Arafat was poisoned by polonium which strongly suggest a connection with the Israel Government and Mossad.

The author, an Israeli apologist, has never once conceded that his countrymen have made life for the Palestinians a constant horror as their sixty year occupation and blockade of the West Bank and Gaza continues.

When people point out the genocide, the war crimes, the atrocities, the humiliation that are the lot of the Palestinians, the Singer never acknowledges them. He pretends they aren't occurring.

He then accuses anyone who brings to the attention of the world the plight of the hapless Palestinians of being Jew-Haters.

He wants them to show their addresses so that Mossad can pay them a visit or he, as a lawyer, can use the law against them, get them involved in frivolous Court cases, bleed them financially, shut them up, stop their attempts to seek justice for the long-suffering Palestinians!

I have, over years, been engaged in many issues which include opposing American Imperialism. I comment on blogs across the world and, to protect myself and my family, I use pseudonyms because I don't want some religious or political 'wacko' taking potshots at me.

I don't hate Jews but I do hate what they do to the Palestinians. I hate Jewish brutality and cruelty. I hate the fact that the Palestinians have never had a day of true freedom since 1948, that Palestinian children grow up with the sound of Israeli tanks and F16s and the harsh sound of IDF military boots echoing up and down their streets. They, classed as subhumans, live under constant Jewish/Israeli oppression.

To the Singer, these things are necessary. He is looking forward to Greater Israel coming into being, the racist Jews only State.

He hates the truth about Israel being exposed. He wants Israeli atrocities hidden. He wants to pretend they never occur.

He wants to shoot the messengers who care about the Palestinians and try to help them.

Singer is a dangerous man!
Posted by David G, Thursday, 7 November 2013 7:32:56 AM
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Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 7 November 2013 7:52:02 AM
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Getting desperate arent we singer. Oh poor little jews persecuted and called names.
While all the time the supreme racists of israel do REAL physical harm to the palestinians. Cry me a f'ing river singer.
You and your people are getting what they deserve for 60 odd years of brutality and oppresion.
If singer sticks to the script then his next article will be comparing us all to the nazis.
Sad and pathetic singer.
Posted by mikk, Thursday, 7 November 2013 8:08:09 AM
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yes david..the clear
so i..must research..just what has raised this fear

wonder doing the pushing?

the neo/inter-threat?

the real truth?

The REAL truth

or/just..the truth/

about response to Danny Ayalon

you wrote..<<..f such standards..*were applied
the following.comments.would not..have/appeared..on "Citizen Pilgrimage"..the blog/page..of Emeritus*Professor Richard Falk –

"UN Special Rapporteur..on the situation of
human rights..on Palestinian territories occupied since 1967":>>

oh..the same un..mossad hates?
because of the many..un-resolutions

its dead/cat bounce david..but
why you..quote the..truth now?

..<<..If Israel..and the Jews hope to avoid/the next shoah,
they had better..start learning..a little empathy,..because,
while you..are laughing now,..things can change very rapidly,>>

i..note your posting..has changed
new instruction[re education..from..on high?..[mosssadie?]

<< we/have the last century..(and before that, and before that….).*Do you really be on the side that takes..down our fragile civilization?>> didnt get your..big end-time..big finish
the iran..nor your final war/next-door fail to..take the hint

<<We can't afford any more wars,..especially ones to rescue ZIONISTS who have acted..recklessly again and gotten themselves in trouble again with their big mouths and by flaunting their wealth in an unseemly manner.>>

how about point 3 us aid?
no murder weapons..of mass distraction?

IMAGINE*.no more cluster more white phospher?

<<..The truth is that Jews have a terrible track record, and they seem to be obsessed with the (false) notion that people hate them for no reason. There are very good reasons for hating jews today, and that makes me sad. How can jews be acting this way so soon after the last catastrophe?>>

REMBER*..DEAR brr-other
nonlive,.but by gods will*

simply respect..the father..giver of life
and stop..self serving satanic statehood..try for make good matehood

<<Ending anonymous and unverified comments..on the Internet is long overdue.>>

yea..and how about mossad mods at bbc/etc
[and most..every other forum]..equal balance
means BOTH SIDES..have the right*to their opinion
as mmuch as the duty* give back*..good to god[via love of other]

[learn to..accept others as equally
deserving..of the good chose to..reject..time and again.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 7 November 2013 8:51:35 AM
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Let's start with a first premise to not silence anyone.
If anyone feels slandered, let them appeal to the site moderator to have the comment taken down. I have done just that, and on this site.
And for the record, David, that's my real name attached to everything I have said. You will, if you look, find it attached to everything I might say in the future.
As for making offensive and unverified remarks, you have suggested in posts past that I might be a "Jew-hater" for my negative comments on some of the things you have writted.
No, David, I am not a "Jew-hater". Nor do I hate you. I just think you are wrong. Consistently, fundamentally wrong. And one-eyed and pig-headed and grotesquely biased. And since you comment on the Internet from what I perceive to be a warped mindset, I reply on the Internet.
That's called debate in today' world. Long live the untrammelled Internet!
Posted by halduell, Thursday, 7 November 2013 9:03:36 AM
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