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Carr sideswipes Jews on Palestine : Comments

By David Singer, published 14/8/2013

Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister - Senator Bob Carr - has made the long running Jewish-Arab conflict an issue in the forthcoming elections on 7 September.

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David Singer is correct to conclude that Foreign policy will be a major factor in influencing many people's votes. A survey of Australia's Macedonian community published in 2012 as part of the ARC Linkage Project Report 'The Macedonian Diaspora in Australia: Current and Potential Links with the Homeland' showed that that 77.6% of the 1100 respondents stated that the policies of Australian political parties in relation to Macedonia are a very important factor which determines how they will vote at the next election. Unfortunately, to date neither the ALP or the LNP have shown political leadership to end the institutional de-legitimisation of Macedonia at the UN, in the EU and in Australia.

Australia's biased and unsustainable policy on Macedonia is at odds with 136 countries at the UN that have recognised the Republic of Macedonia under its constitutional name including the USA, Canada, Britain, Russia, China, Indonesia, India, Timor Leste and many others.

The UN Charter guarantees every sovereign nation the right to self-identification but our major political parties chose to ignore this fundamental principle in order to chase elusive votes.
Posted by Macedonian advocacy, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 8:30:30 AM
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Bob Carr is a savvy politician, and he is smart enough to know that the only thing that the Arabs and Muslims want, is the total destruction of Israel. But Labor has a problem. Muslims have traditionally voted Labor, because the Muslim have very high rates of endemic social welfare dependency and they want Labor to keep the cash cow flowing from the productive Australians to their people. And, the Muzzies want to keep bringing their fellahin relos into Australia until Australia is a nice Muslim country like Somalia or Yemen. So, the Muslim electorates are strong Labor electorates.

So, Labor has to keep the Muzzies onside. It is a symbiotic relationship. Although, one might wonder why Australian politicians are looking after the interests of Muslims and Arabs instead of looking after the interests of Australians.

Labor's plan is, to just keep making platitudes to the Muslims because they know that nothing in the Middle East will change anyway. The Muslims will do anything to exterminate Israel, and the Jews most definitely are not going to allow themselves to get exterminated by the Muslims (or anybody else) again.

The Muzzies are in a quandary at this moment. They know that Bob and the Labor party want their vote, and they also know that Labor is just talking bullshiit when they drone on about "international law" and "illegal settlements. So, the have begun voting for the Greens, because the Greens are going for the Muslim vote also. And the Greens are silly enough to even think that it is the Israelis who are the bad guys.

But the Muzzies also know that the Greens are the Homosexual Party, and they are not too keen on getting into bed with them. This makes the Muzzies smarter than the Greens, because the Greens are too dumb to figure out that after the Muslims exterminate the Israelis, the Muslims are gunning for them.

We live in interesting times.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 8:56:30 AM
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Thank you, thank you, Mr Macedonian Advocacy, for showing with your post how Australia's democratic system of government is being prostituted by self interested politicians who are actively seeking ethnic votes over issues which have no bearing on Australia.

You could not have timed it better, ma-a-a-ate.

It is because o9f this fact that the Labor Party is losing it's own traditional working class electorate. They should stop calling themselves "The Labor party", and instead call themselves "The Immigrants and Refugees party."

Thank you again.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 9:02:21 AM
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Muzzies? Who or what are Muzzies? Do they attack humans at sunset?

Good on Bob Carr for putting in a good word for the Palestinians! Their terrible plight has been ignored by the racist world for far too long.

It's time that justice prevailed and the Israelis were given their just deserts. They have got away with murder and genocide (literally) since 1947 and the world, stuffed to the gills with Jewish propaganda, has pretended not to know what was happening in the West Bank and Gaza!

The Israelis should get down on their hands and knees and beg forgiveness for their countless atrocities and war crimes. Then they should return to their 1967 borders. Then they should pay reparations to all those who they've humiliated and brutalized and forced from their homes and farms.

Only then might the world see Israel as worthy of rejoining the world community!
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 10:26:20 AM
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Thats a remarkably racist comment by LEGO.
He claims that " the only thing that the Arabs and Muslims want, is the total destruction of Israel."
"Muslim have very high rates of endemic social welfare dependency and they want Labor to keep the cash cow flowing from the productive Australians to their people" (don't know is this is factual or not. No reference or statistic given to support it.)
"Muzzies want to keep bringing their fellahin relos into Australia until Australia is a nice Muslim country like Somalia or Yemen."
"The Muslims will do anything to exterminate Israel".
The suggestion appears to be that Muslim Australians are not Australians at all. All Muslims hate all Jews. All Muslims are dole bludgers. All Muslims are genocidal. All Muslims hate homosexuals. I could image the fuss if someone said such things about Jews. In fact a man was imprisoned in Western Australia for a similar such rant which he videoed and put on youtube. Three years imprisonment if I remember correctly.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 11:55:52 AM
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David G,
I agree totally, in fact you don't go far enough. The Jews have no right to be in Palestine at all. Perhaps they could be relocated to some place like Arizona, fit in well there and have a nice militarised border to make them feel at home.
Posted by Imperial, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 12:36:46 PM
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