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Carr sideswipes Jews on Palestine : Comments
By David Singer, published 14/8/2013Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister - Senator Bob Carr - has made the long running Jewish-Arab conflict an issue in the forthcoming elections on 7 September.
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Posted by Prompete, Saturday, 17 August 2013 2:42:57 PM
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Dear David Singer,
Carr did not sideswipe Jews on Palestine. Implicitly you have equated Jews with those who support the settlements. Many Jews both inside and outside Israel do not support the settlements. Please don't assume all Jews share your bias and lockstep support of the current Israeli government. You don't even speak for the Jews in Israel who oppose the present government and the establishment of settlements. Yitzhak Rabin questioned the value of the settlements and was assassinated by a Jewish fanatic. Failure of Settlements Rabin now admits that a generation of settlement since 1967 has failed in its mission to transform the territories into part of Israel. The intifada made clear to Israel the cost of attempting to build in the hills around Nablus and in Hebron what an earlier generation of Zionist pioneers did in the Negev and Galilee regions of Israel. The Israel Defense Forces, he observed recently, remains an "occupation army" in the territories captured in June 1967. You desecrate the memory of Rabin. Posted by david f, Saturday, 17 August 2013 3:53:04 PM
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“ Pious and sanctimonious shouts of "illegality" whilst doing nothing to prove it smacks of Jew-denigration and Jew-delegitimisation.” (David Singer).
The Geneva Convention [1] – law subscribed to by the whole civilised world, even the USA which is Israel’s handler - proscribes settling in land grabbed in a war and not transferred to the grabbers by a peace treaty. This makes not only the settlements which befoul the West Bank, but also Israel itself which was grabbed by armed invasion in 1948, illegal. That’s why every decent nation in the world and even some indecent ones regard the settlements as illegal. Carr’s “sideswipe” merely reflects that the international community’s overstretched patience with Israel’s increasingly shrill claims of racial primacy is wearing thin – for Israel dangerously thin. Of course Mr Singer will weasel out of the Geneva Convention by claiming it isn’t really a law, and fall back on the tired old claim that to reject Jewish exceptionalism is “Jew-denigration”. A claim which is a painful embarrassment to decent Jews who accept without question that Jews are NOT more special than the rest of humanity, they are subject to the same laws both moral and legal including the Geneva Convention, they are no more entitled to displace a people for a second homeland than anyone else. Israel has a sweet racket running: bribes enough Americans in key positions to raid the American Treasury for billions of dollars to fund Israel and 1 ½ billion a year more to bribe Egypt’s brasshats to co-operate. But the USA has budgetary problems and won’t be able to afford the Zionist burden indefinitely. [1] Posted by EmperorJulian, Saturday, 17 August 2013 4:33:46 PM
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Dear David again uses other peoples words to attempt to justify his means, i.e. his immoral use of Churchill's words "...with the truest interests of the British Empire."
Well that pretty much sums it up doesn't it. If it is in the interests of the British empire its ok then..........err sorry wrong. David is a Straw man, pushing a barrow of putrid vitriol against the Arab Indigenous people whom used to reside in what is now the false state of 'israel'. You will not change his view, he is a bigot and a big bigot at that. If Carr wanted to sideswipe the Jews on Palestine I think our foreign policy would be somewhat different. Get real David and stop pontificating on your blatant bias based on your immoral legal stance as a poor lawyer. Geoff Posted by Geoff of Perth, Saturday, 17 August 2013 9:26:33 PM
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# To David f
Mr Rabin's historic path and his ideas and visions are set out in the speech he delivered to the Knesset on October 5, 1995 - just days before his assassination. That speech identified the following signposts that Mr Rabin's vision sought to take: 1. First and foremost, the State of Israel would be a Jewish State, at least 80% of whose citizens would be Jews. 2. The State of Israel would include most of the area of the Land of Israel as it was under the rule of the British Mandate; and alongside it a Palestinian entity which would be home to most of the Palestinian residents living in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. 3. The Palestinian entity would be less than a state and would independently run the lives of the Palestinians under its authority. 4. The borders of the State of Israel would be beyond the lines which existed before the Six Day War. Israel would not return to the 4 June 1967 lines. The main changes Mr Rabin envisaged as a result were: a) Jerusalem would be united and would include both Maale Adumim and Givat Zeev as the capital of Israel under Israeli sovereignty; b) The security border of Israel would be located in the Jordan Valley, in the broadest meaning of that term; c) Gush Etzion, Efrat, Beitar and other communities in the area east of what was the "Green Line" prior to the Six Day War would be included in the State of Israel; d) Blocs of settlements would be established in Judea and Samaria like the one in Gush Katif; e) No single settlement would be uprooted in the framework of the Interim Agreement, nor building hindered for natural growth; f) The responsibility for the external security along the borders with Egypt and Jordan, as well as control over the airspace above all of the territories and the Gaza Strip maritime zone, would remain in Israeli hands; and g) Murderers of Jews, or those who had wounded others seriously, would not be released Posted by david singer, Saturday, 17 August 2013 9:54:20 PM
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Dear David Singer,
Rabin said different things at different times. At the end he realised the futility of many of Israel's policies so a Jewish fanatic shot him. Sadat realised the same thing about Egypt's policies so an Arab fanatic shot him. One great problem in the Israeli Arab conflict is that many people on both sides don't realise how much they are like one another. Two men who did realise it were murdered by their own side. Those, like you, who have a one-eyed view and justify everything their own side does are a force for continued conflict. Rabin and Sadat are martyrs to peace. Gandhi was also murdered by a fanatic on his own side. Go on, Singer. Keep the fires burning. You are safe from the fanatics on your own side. Posted by david f, Saturday, 17 August 2013 10:39:04 PM
"The "Palestinians" were invented in 1964 by the PLO Charter."
It's not difficult.