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Addressing the issues on abortion : Comments

By Amanda Fairweather, published 13/10/2005

Amanda Fairweather argues it is time to have a serious debate on abortion.

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Jose I could not give a stuff about Lutheran Doctrine, any more than I care about Catholic dictates.

As far as I am concerned, the catholic church lost it when it pursued its long standing policy to protect the perverts and turn its back on the victims.
Not that they had much going for them before that - the Inquisition was "the Catholic Church at its most powerful". It was an absolute disgrace and the paramount example of the old saying

"Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely".

However, your reply explains alot (about your posts).

Yet still no suggestions as to how to make a rapist pay compensation to his victim!

As for sex and procreation - darn it - I had a vasectomy to enable me to have sex without concern for impregnation - a whole lot of us make choices like that and have no bad or other feelings about being "behaviourally disordered" -

You could just ask my daughters (I have 2 of them) and they love their Daddy like they should - as he loves them - with all his heart, unconditionally.
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 2 November 2005 3:31:13 PM
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Jose, quoting "the natural function of" is a risky call. It is so open to context. Certainly the original biological function of sex appears to be based on reproduction but plenty of sex occurs which does not lead to reproduction. Most sexually active adults have a lot more sex than kids (although teenager sex apparently generally leads to conception as it was always "the first time").

Concepts such as monogamy are very rare in the natural world and are definitely not normal. Adult humans not in sexual sexually active are unlikely to be the norm - do you consider that there is something wrong with such individuals? In the human race concepts such as democracy and peace have been such rarities that they can hardly be considered the norm.

My understand of the bibles teaching on sex is that a role much greater than procreation is suggested. The pleasure of the act bears some weight as well.

I noticed that you sidestepped Cols question about your involvement in a physical relationship. Fair enough if you consider it to be none of his business but just in case you think you ansered the question you didn't. Tony Abbot was one among many dedicated and practicing catholics who was unmarried and involved in a physical relationship.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 2 November 2005 3:56:30 PM
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Church teachings say "xyz"
Event Q takes place
Post event Q, Col doesnt give a stuff about "xyz"

yes, there is a second part to it. This second part is disordered however, if the first is abused (Neither is primary to the other but they are equal).
I am not in a physical relationship.
Posted by Jose, Thursday, 3 November 2005 1:15:46 PM
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Hi Col

I thought your response to Jose's question "Why do people commit rape?" was spot on.

Jose: Why do you think people commit rape?

Posted by kalweb, Thursday, 3 November 2005 4:03:37 PM
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refer to my post of Wednesday, 2 November 2005 1:51:50 PM
Posted by Jose, Thursday, 3 November 2005 5:01:47 PM
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This thread is not about XYZ or Q.

It is about AB(ortion) and an individuals right to determine how their own body will be used.

Jose, You chose to introduce xyz and asked me what I thought

I replied honestly.
Using my “right to listen or not”, the words of Martin Luther do not resonate within my mind.
I find great reward in involving my mind in many things of interest to me in this world, I follow closely and distantly many topics, subjects and interests including the lives of my friends, the development of my chosen profession, the creative works of Mozart, Canaletto, Cellini, etc. to name but a few.

Just as I find delight in some aspects of human endeavour, other aspects leave my cold.

Organised Religion is one of them.

So much harm has been done in the name of God by the worst of men, the false priests and manipulators who gain power through organised religion, be they the evangelist Bakers and Swaggarts of US TV, the faithful who burnt the Salem witches or the misogynists and torturers of the Church of Rome.

Jose I answered you – for me, organised religion is a cesspool of corruption and lies which has systematically used its power to repress generations of people with its manipulative texts and empty values. If you could see me, read my lips I do not give a stuff about organised religion of any denomination.

I do care about abortion because it represents a focal point of difference between me and the meddlers.

A womans right to abort is where civilised and compassionate people acknowledge that other individual people have a free right to make choices in their lives.
Regardless of how right or wrong I may feel a decision is, I do not have the right to interfere.
Regardless of how a decision may offend, it is one which I must accept because it is not mine to make, just as my sense of compassion forbids me to turn my back on the issue.

Kalweb - thankyou
Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 3 November 2005 9:03:02 PM
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