The Forum > Article Comments > We're not racist, just trying to stop boats > Comments
We're not racist, just trying to stop boats : Comments
By Lyn Bender, published 11/6/2013There they are on the Bridging Visa to nowhere, waiting for nothing, as nothing continues on. Like an unending scene in Samuel Becket's absurdist play, Waiting for Godot.
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1)Quote. "the 60-year-old Hazara farmer He spent 13 years in Iran before embarking on the trip to Australia. He had to leave his wife, two daughters and four sons behind in Iran." ** Note he was safe in Iran.**
2)Quote. "Hamad is older and has lived in Iran for most of his life. He travelled to Indonesia via Turkey, where his family is now living." ** Note he was safe in Turkey.**
3)Quote. “It is difficult for us to afford our lives in Indonesia,” they said. Abdul told us that people develop psychological problems because life is so meaningless. ** They want to come to Australia because we give them money Indonesia do not **
4)Quote. "His damning assessment highlighted the lack of engagement the Hazaras have with the country that has given them protection. Australia is the prize". ** Note he was safe just wants a better life **
5)Quote. "I don’t have a lot of money and I have to send money to my family. There is no work here." ** If that is not an economic refugee I don't know what is. **
6)Quote. "We heard several stories about police officers and prison guards demanding money, sometimes as much as $4000." ** Safe problem was police corruption **
7)Quote. "They estimated only 10-15% of the Hazara asylum seekers in Cisarua were travelling in family groups and that there are very few women. All the rest are single men." ** To me this indicates the family are in Iran, Turkey or another safe country, just waiting for the family reunion documents **
8) With these quotes they complain about the conditions (note no riots) BUT when put in the same situation but better conditions they riot and cause millions of dollars damage.
1)Quote. “One year I’ve been living here. It’s not a camp, it’s a jail.”
2)Quote. "The bathroom is no good. All the time it is wet … we have to sleep on the floor."