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The Forum > Article Comments > We're not racist, just trying to stop boats > Comments

We're not racist, just trying to stop boats : Comments

By Lyn Bender, published 11/6/2013

There they are on the Bridging Visa to nowhere, waiting for nothing, as nothing continues on. Like an unending scene in Samuel Becket's absurdist play, Waiting for Godot.

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<<You get an extra five points for using the the term "lefties....but I'm afraid you lose ten points because you omitted "do-gooder">>

No it was deliberate, it seems to imply that you guys are well intentioned--and I'm not buying a bar of that!

[With the notable exception of o sung wu who is usually pretty close the mark –this time he’s selected the wrong side]

Actually my "wind vanes" would be a better description of how I view you and Lexi. Whenever I find an issue that I have little or no grounding in. My first step is to scan the thread to see if either you or Lexi has posted on it.If either of you have –I can dispense with hours of research – I need only take the opposing view and I’m 100% assured of being correct.
Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 9:15:14 AM
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Hahahahahahahaha choke, hack, gasp.

Stop it SPQR, you're killing me.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 10:33:56 AM
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Still waiting for Marilyn to prove the majority of boat-people are not muslims.

Perhaps the burqa girls, Poirot and Lexi can help her.

Don't forget to wear your blue ties girls.
Posted by cohenite, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 11:39:21 AM
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The hell with lefty & dogooders Poirot, how many points do I get for long haired radical rat bag greenie. Surely that has to get a higher score, as well as being closer to the truth.

Oh hell I forgot the smelly bit. How could I ever forget that bit, after getting with in a hundred meters of some of the Fraser Island greenie protesters, after they had been there a week or two?
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 3:11:29 PM
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It's my belief there's no racism involved simply because we wish to halt these illegal boat people, and protect our borders. Those who support their cause only wheel out this 'racism' epithet purely to underpin their argument.

I don't believe any moderate or reasonable person on this Site would ever deny sanctuary to a genuine refugee who's fleeing for his life. However, all and every claim MUST be carefully examined and thoroughly investigated, by either ASIO or the Federal Police Force, and not taken merely on the word of the applicant ?

Further, it should also be made abundantly clear, and widely promulgated - you arrive without any proper documentation - constitutes an automatic ground for immediate deportation. If the failed applicant can't be deported, because his country of origin either can't be established or they won't take him back, that's OK - Gaol ! They MUST be made aware of the risks of any deceptive conduct !

Personally, I do not believe any lousy politician, on either side, in this damn hick country of ours, has the GUTS to implement any policy remotely resembling the processes as I've described above.

Interestingly, every ANZAC Day we pat ourselves on the back, as the proud descendants of our inordinately brave, and courageous Diggers, who protected this huge country from certain invasion !

Yet we can't even stop theses ILLEGAL economic immigrants, invading our shores, who laughingly exploit all our hard won Social benefits !

I'm so so ashamed of what this once great country has turned into !

In conclusion, I notice someone herein, has 'managed' to write an altogether ridiculous thread, attributing to my own sobriquet of; 'o sung wu' ? How you did it, I don't know. Be assured, I don't appreciate it, my 'boofheaded' friend' !
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 3:17:09 PM
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There is no shortage of 'greenies' in my community, most of whom would be considered ratbags because they tend to send the system up whenever the opportunity arises, however daily showers are the norm & only a few are longhairs. For what its worth, I'm not aware of one 'Greens', queer, or islamic supporter in the whole community. Funny thing about those wont to do the tea-towel bit, seems they only feel comfortable in big cities. Maybe the proximity to Centrelink is a prime concern ??
Posted by praxidice, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 3:26:45 PM
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