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The Forum > Article Comments > Why I won't be taking up the Man Prayer or supporting 1 Billion Rising this Valentine's Day > Comments

Why I won't be taking up the Man Prayer or supporting 1 Billion Rising this Valentine's Day : Comments

By Greg Andresen, published 15/2/2013

The Man Prayer takes the worst stereotypes of men and masculinity and reinforces them.

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' I don't know why this fact is taken as some kind of insult against men or is labelled as stereotyping. '

Think about this pelican. What other area of crime are men as a whole encouraged to take responsibility for others just because they share the gender of the perpetrators? How do you think you would feel being asked to display your bona fides as a non wife beater as in the white ribbon campaign.

Would you be happy being emotionally blackmailed into wearing a ribbon and reciting a pledge that you wont hit your kids to distinguish yourself from abusive mothers?

Why are there no TV campaigns to prevent child neglect, focusing on mothers? There are many reasons women, being the primary carers, and more often in the position of being emotionally strained neglect and abuse children. But this is seen as an example where women may need more help. Can you imagine a gender-shaming campaign on national television about child neglect concentrating on mothers? It would never happen.

Even if it isn't the intention, the 'Violence against women, Australia Says no', effectively denies that women are ever violent in relationships. My experience is different. I've had to deal with a knife wielding partner, knowing all the time that in my attempts to disarm her or prevent her from hurting me or herself, that if the police came I am likely to be treated like a black man running away from a HiFi store with a TV in my hands.

If it's wrong to perpetuate stereotypes against black people, why is it ok when it comes to white males
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 18 February 2013 8:17:41 AM
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Believe me, when you have a psycho knife wielding partner, you have enough to deal with without being told if you are a male in a violent domestic dispute, you are the problem. The stain is on you, as a male who finds himself in a violent relationship. Just for being there, you're 'one of those' men.

I often ponder how many men, like me, have found themselves in an emotion and adrenaline charged atmosphere, trying to balance keeping themselves and their armed partner safe, with threats of self harm added into the mix if you walk away, and trying to use just enough force to protect themselves and their partner and control the situation without putting themselves in a position where they're added to the violent wife basher stats. How many guys like me err on the side of not protecting themselves enough, and how many guys snap and lose control of the situation they found themselves in.

I wonder how many men have been taunted and goaded by their partners like I have, had a partner trying to get them to hit back, but have not given them the satisfaction. More than once I thought if she taunted a different guy like this she would surely get a reaction, and if she kept this up even with me would I eventually crack and smack her one. It creates amazing internal conflict having someone attempting to belittle and emasculate you because you refuse to hit them back.

It's such a more complex situation than man abuses woman. It's not PC but I really believe we should be able to talk about women's actions in violent relationships with more nuance and without someone predictably screaming 'you're blaming the victim'.

' I think there is a good case for including (in Ads and the like) a scenario where a wife is beating on her husband '

Yep even just 1. That's all I've ever asked for in these campaigns, but a bit of honesty is too much to hope for in the feminist controlled domain of domestic violence.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 18 February 2013 8:41:00 AM
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So much with which to agree...

There seems to be consensus that stereotyping makes for simplistic arguments… If for no other reason than there are always significant exceptions.

All of us should be more responsible in our actions for what is between our ears than what is between our legs.

However much of a big deal it is to others – I don't wish to be stereotyped by my penis.

Nor should women.
Posted by WmTrevor, Monday, 18 February 2013 8:43:34 AM
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That's what we mean when we talk about Female Supremacist exploitation of the chivalric ideal, of course men always see themselves as responsible for the welfare and the behaviour of the group. Men are wired for two basic functions in society, to fight other men who want to take over our territory and steal our women and to co operate with other men within our group to overcome nature, this is why the in group-out group dynamic is so readily exploited by politicians and would be social engineers. Men can very easily be induced to turn against other men, especially at the behest of women or if the issue is framed as a matter of chivalry.
Feminists don't like to talk too much about Ms Pankhurst and the White Feather Girls but from a tactical standpoint it was a great success:
Pankhurst and the White feather betrayal of history.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 18 February 2013 9:23:35 AM
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Julia Gillard, Leftie gender feminist and recent innovator in 'hyper-bole' misogyny riding the 1 Billion Rising bandwagon in an effort to improve her poor standing with women:
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 18 February 2013 12:59:50 PM
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I was thinking of you regarding the difficulties that men might face in simulaneously trying to avoid being harmed and causing harm. And then being in the position of 'suspect' even before the facts are known (in cases when police are called). I have known many police and I they tell me that attending a DV case is one of the most dangerous for them due to heightened anger. It is men that mainly attack the police but there have been women too, sometimes oddly when the police take away the man that has just beaten them to a pulp. It is very complex.

But if you read the posts from some on this thread you would think think women are evil incarnate and responsible for the majority of everything negative on the planet. (Yes I exaggerate just a tad but the tone is in keeping with some of the sentiments expressed)

We disagree about the premise ie. I don't believe white men are stereotyped as 'violent' although I understand the desire to seek balance in the DV debate. I was sorry to read about your previous situation (well I hope previous).

'Would you be happy being emotionally blackmailed into wearing a ribbon and reciting a pledge that you wont hit your kids to distinguish yourself from abusive mothers?'

I wouldn't like reciting a pledge particularly as I don't abuse my kids so there would be no need for such a pledge - I get that completely.

No campaign can beat practical on-the-ground support.

You have to remember women are constantly stereotyped and emotional blackmail is not limited to men. eg. abortion, breast feeding, working or stay-at-home, not feminine enough, femiNazis, gold diggers, manipulative, emotional and without reason - the list goes on. I know men cannot put themselves in women's shoes but there really is a lot of guff we have to put up with sometimes. Equally I don't assume for a minute that I can fully understand what it is like to be a man and what all the guff you have to put up with.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 18 February 2013 1:01:06 PM
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