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The Forum > Article Comments > Why I won't be taking up the Man Prayer or supporting 1 Billion Rising this Valentine's Day > Comments

Why I won't be taking up the Man Prayer or supporting 1 Billion Rising this Valentine's Day : Comments

By Greg Andresen, published 15/2/2013

The Man Prayer takes the worst stereotypes of men and masculinity and reinforces them.

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and so are we going to have Tony Mundine stand up and represent his people on this one? Males might do a lot more violence than woman however indigeneous men and woman dare I say commit violence at a lot higher rates than the rest of society. Are they to targeted or is it only the white male population who needs to do pennance here in Australia?
Posted by runner, Friday, 15 February 2013 11:21:53 PM
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I watched the 'Man Prayer' video - and so should anyone who's going to comment on this thread. In this instance the video clip is key - particularly as the author ranges way beyond the '1 Billion' issue and into 'red herring' territory of how men are hard-done-by generally. ('Meat' for another soup?)

'Man Prayer': How to be a woman in a man's body? Or, 'Mr Perfect' 'New Age' gay-straight 'blend', Ms/r non-masculine male. Or, How to overcome a million years of male/female evolution in three easy lessons! Phooey. Men and women alike can only shudder at the thought.

Men are 'designed' first and foremost to cherish, and to protect - violently against any threat where necessary - and to provide, to make a home, to innovate, develop skills, and to pass their accumulated knowledge on to their offspring. Normal Man seeks a compatible female to love, and to 'complete' the genetically-determined recipe for making a home, and hopefully, a family. Would anyone really want it any other way? (Gays may be excepted.)

Unfortunately, not all men (or women) are optimally constructed, so all have to be aware of potential pitfalls, and be prepared to remove themselves as quickly as possible from any threat to their own well-being or that of their children. There are people who will help!

Our highest cultural responsibility is to provide help where it's needed, and to cultivate and ensure an environment where nobody should feel helpless, and any potential threat to anyone's quiet and peaceful enjoyment of their lives is stomped on quickly and firmly; no exceptions. (TBC>)
Posted by Saltpetre, Saturday, 16 February 2013 4:35:20 AM
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Sadly, there is a 'culture' in some male quarters which disrespects women, often resulting in abuse and even rape. We see evidence of this in some 'macho' settings - football teams and other aggressive, combative pursuits - and this has to be eradicated with all possible haste. This is criminal conduct, nothing less, and should be treated as such, most severely, wherever it may be found - no excuses. And, it is a totally unacceptable 'example' for our youth.

Some ethnic cultures may also have different norms to ours. These have to be clearly informed of our 'rules', and of the penalties for non-conformance. Our law must be fully enforced in all quarters.

Most men are aware of the 'problems', and hate them as much as any woman. It is up to all of us to be aware, to not put up with lousy behaviour, and to attack it wherever it rears its ugly head.

Finally, women need to be careful not to place themselves in potentially hazardous situations - not walk alone at night in isolated or deserted streets or rail stations, etc, not to get drunk or take drugs, not to unintentionally give out the wrong 'signals', and, in all situations, be strong - including being fully prepared to mash anyone's balls who threatens their well-being. (But please be assured, not all men are rogues.)

And men, please cherish and respect women - or we will find you out and crush you.
Posted by Saltpetre, Saturday, 16 February 2013 4:35:32 AM
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Saltpetre wrote "And men, please cherish and respect women - or we will find you out and crush you."

well Saltpetre you better come find me and crush me I guess...because I do NOT give respect to the undeserving...and I do not bow to fear on this...Respect definition: Verb
Admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
of which I note females do so in buckets towards their spearheading Greer whom had the decency to be identified publically...

I start with mutual social respect thats given to all by all...and from then on their observed acts will determine my respect for them...

so killing unborn babies would put a woman in the highly disrespectable category for me in general starting terms...and it would take a life threatening condition to absolve a woman for doing so...

Ps I recommend that threatening kinda approach is not going to work as men through evolution has excelled at this over women should stay with their and thought and image manipulations etc and men challenged to excel and win at no one/organized group/sex has domination of a particvlar type of ability
Posted by Sam said, Saturday, 16 February 2013 8:53:46 AM
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Men learn/develop all their traits/habits at their mother's knee! Then they are re-educated by society, and know that Normal masculinity and all that Naturally springs from it, is wrong?
Or that traditional roles, as practised by their parents, are history?
I've no problem with the, not before time, outlawing of unwelcome uninvited touching!
After all, who, regardless of gender, wants to be pawed, particularly by an obnoxious drunk, who can't take no for an answer!
But I do have a problem with the ongoing emasculation of men, by the feminazi movement. Who arguably are simply men haters, or just want to replace them in all the traditional roles, where there is perceived power or control?
Little wonder the modern male is thoroughly confused, or no longer understands their "PROPER" role in a relationship; and or, is staying away in droves from marriage and or commitment?
Or seeking mail order brides from countries, where old fashioned traditional roles not only dominate, but are the accepted norm by both genders?
That said, many failed relationships are the product of falling in lust, and then waking up around ten years later, beside a perfect stranger, one doesn't even like!
Moreover, many relationships are burned by one or both partners, taking the other for granted, or nagging/verbally bullying the other?
When what is required to save a relationship worth saving, are nothing more than small acts of repeated kindness, which say to the other, I love you as much today, spouse, lover and my best friend, as I did, when we were both still young! Finally, all children need real DADS/male role models, if they are to develop normally?
Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 16 February 2013 10:55:02 AM
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oh dear there are some sad men who just can't cope with women being treat as equals.
Posted by cornonacob, Saturday, 16 February 2013 11:32:04 AM
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