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Einstein's insanity test : Comments

By Junaid Cheema, published 10/10/2012

Perhaps we need to think outside the square on Islamic terrorism.

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@Bango - you're still dodging the most important question before saying there were 20000 terrorist acts. Define what Terrorism is. How can you label something as a Terrorist act without a definition. For me America invading a whole country Iraq, Afghanistan etc bombing the smithereens out of places is beyond any thousand of small acts of defending themselves. Ofcourse they're going to fight back, they're at war.
Also you dodged the September 11 facts. If there's no 100% evidence that there was weapons of mass destruction and who's responsible for september 11, then how can you condone the war against Iraq?
In Afghanistan:
There are almost no figures for Afghanistan casualties, but Human Rights Watch recorded 1,000 civilian deaths in 2006 and the UN estimates 12,000 deaths since 2007. There are no statistics for the first five years of the war.

Let us not omit the secret wars in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Considering the drone programme is covert the numbers are almost certainly low. We do know however, that in Yemen drones have killed up to 1,026 men, women and children (at least 34) since 2002. Somalia is not on most Americans’ radar-screens but it is on the drones’: since 2007, 170 Somalis are dead from these Unmanned Aerial Vehicle strikes. In Pakistan drones have killed a reported 3,341 (at least 176 children) and wounded a minimum of 1,366 people. The ratio of wounded-to-killed indicates how deadly drone are, in part confirming their 'precision'. They are surgically precise in that they do not wound: they intentionally tear to pieces anyone nearby.

I think the number of Terrorist attacks post september 11 by US would be too much to count? Again selective reporting.

Also the fact you say lebanese muslim get along with noone shows that you havn't really been living properly. I'm lebanese muslim and get along with heaps of non-muslims, working and paying my taxes. I know many similar cases. You seem to like to generalise based on very limited sources and information.
Posted by PeacefulPeace, Thursday, 11 October 2012 8:02:36 PM
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@ bango you say:

All very well to talk about compromise, which we do in a democracy, but can you state an instance where muslims have compromised their beliefs and culture in effort to get along with others. All muslims believe what is written in the Koran and will not budge from that. Therin lies the problem, compromise is not possible.

You talk as if you know so much about Islam, but your ignorance is clear through your writings. I'll give you one instance - the fact that we're living under a man-made law is enough of a compromise as the only law acceptable by God is His law. Do you see a fight for power in Australia for this to occur? Or the fact that there are pubs all over the place. Do you see them getting attacked? And heaps of other compromise to get along with others. Ofcourse we have our beliefs what's your point? Same as a Jew he won't budge from Torah and there law. Does that mean we don't integrate, ofcourse not.

You mention Palestine "The ongoing conflict in Palestine, with killings and suicide bombings" as if it's one sided. Go have a look at the amount of sanctions that Israel have violated by the international community, the illegal settlements, the attacks against palestinians. Around At least 6,617 Palestinians and 1,097 Israelis
have been killed since September 29, 2000. So who's killing more? The numbers also do not include the sizable number of Palestinians who died as a result of inability to reach medical care due to Israeli road closures, curfews, the Israeli closure of border crossing from Gaza, etc. The Palestine Red Crescent Society, internationally respected for its statistical rigor, reports significantly higher numbers of Palestinian deaths.

Again more selective biased and blind reporting.
Posted by PeacefulPeace, Thursday, 11 October 2012 8:13:36 PM
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Hi PeacefulPeace,

With regard to the following comments:

<< All muslims believe what is written in the Koran and will not budge from that. Therin lies the problem, compromise is not possible>>

<< the fact that we're living under a man-made law is enough of a compromise as the only law acceptable by God is His law. Do you see a fight for power in Australia for this to occur? Or the fact that there are pubs all over the place. Do you see them getting attacked? And heaps of other compromise to get along with others. Ofcourse we have our beliefs what's your point?>>

I have two questions, if I may, just to clarify things for me:

1) You say that Muslims WILL NOT budge from what is commanded in the Koran, but in the next breath you tell us, that you (a Muslim) have compromised. You have acquiesced to live under a system of man made laws that YOU KNOW are NOT ACCEPTABLE to God – so how do you, in good conscience, reconcile this conflict?

In particular, I am interested to know whether you see such a "compromise" as a long term solution/approach –or is it merely a short term (tactical) approach--to be revoked at a later date?

2) When Australian Immigration officials were interviewing you (prior to accepting you into Australia) –and processing you through their thorough and exacting procedures -- did you take the opportunity to tell them about your foundational belief that <<All muslims believe what is written in the Koran and will not budge from that. Therin lies the problem, compromise is not possible>>?
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 12 October 2012 6:30:22 AM
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1) so how do you, in good conscience, reconcile this conflict

As a Muslim, to talk in terms of countries is not that relevent. We are one body. Under a Khilafah system were Islam is under one banner then it's incumbant upon the leader to implement the law according to Gods law for all Muslims. We reconcile with this conflict to try to create awareness of Shariah and working towards it, not necessarily in this country as you're well aware we are a very tiny minority. In general though we should be propogating the truth and what is correct according to what God has conveyed to His messengers Muhammad, Moses, Jesus, David and thousands of other Messengers of God, to worship God and God Alone.

Just like the west keeps propagating their message of so called Democracy and their double standards of freedom and to want to be in power and direct their influence on the rest of the world, Muslims should be free to propagate their ideology. Doesn't necessarily have to mean we're owners though.

2) I was almost born in Australia, so didn't need to. I grew up as an Aussie and am Australian. So who are they to ask me those questions? I know many others that were born here too who are practicing Muslims. Also you ask questions in a seemingly fear mongering way. In terms of what Islam propagates is far from how you portray. You should read up sincerely trying to find the truth. Islam commands us to be Just, Righteous, look after the neighbor, pay charity to the poor, pray and worship God alone, not to commit adultery, fornication etc The things Bango mentioned a lot were punishments when someone did something wrong. There are many preventative precautions before these though. Still concentrating on them alone doesn't show sincerity. As for oppressing woman, West Sexually exploits woman heaps and rapes occurring every minute is not an oppression against woman? Different payment rates etc.
Have a look here for pamphlet "Women's rights in Islam"
Posted by PeacefulPeace, Friday, 12 October 2012 9:05:10 AM
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I'll ask the same question as SPQR, I'm also concerned by your remarks.

"In particular, I am interested to know whether you see such a "compromise" as a long term solution/approach –or is it merely a short term (tactical) approach--to be revoked at a later date?"
In other words, are Moslems practising "takkiya" when they 'compromise'?

That said, I generally agree with your comments in regard to the Israel-Palestinian conflict and certainly the USA has been the world's greatest international terrorist for the past 70 years.

"Muslims should be free to propagate their ideology. Doesn't necessarily have to mean we're owners though."

What are the chances of Christians "propagating their ideology"in Moslem nations? How many churches or synagogues in Mecca?
Essentially Moslems have decided that the primitive customs of nomadic tribes in the ME are some sort of universal moral imperative, they're not. If the nonsense in the qur'an is such a marvellous revelation why are Moslem countries such as they are?
You know very well that societies can only be compared in relative terms, no body's perfect, we don't murder women because they want an education here in the West for example.

Those of us who take an interest in history know that Islam has been destructive and far from peaceful from its inception. Moslem invasions destroyed Greco-Roman civilisation in the ME and North Africa and Moslem attacks on Western Europe were devastating. If Moslem armies had captured Western Europe there would have been no Renaissance, no science, no Enlightenment, no Industrial Revolution and no democracy.

As long as Moslems obey the laws of secular society and don't try to impose their superstitions on the rest of us we should live together amicably.
Posted by mac, Friday, 12 October 2012 9:51:02 AM
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Hi PeacefulPeace,

1) You still haven’t resolved this paradox . i)You say that a Muslims cannot compromise on what the Koran commands , yet
ii) You are willing to acquiesce with lesser, man-made laws (at least for the time being) which run contrary to Gods laws.
Is there some ruling or precedent in the Koran or history that allows that?

2) When you say: <<We reconcile with this conflict to try to create awareness of Shariah and working towards it>>

Does that include <<working towards>> aspects of Sharia which propose death for apostates and blasphemers ?

3) << As a Muslim, to talk in terms of countries is not that relevent. We are one body.>>
So when the Sunnis kill Ahmadis , Ajlafs, Arzals , Alawites, Mutazilites & Shi'a -- –is that a form of leukemia (in that one body)
-- or, are some “Muslims” not really Muslims at all?

4) <<I was almost born in Australia, so didn't need to. I grew up as an Aussie and am Australian. So who are they to ask me those questions? I know many others that were born here too who are practicing Muslims. Also you ask questions in a seemingly fear mongering way>>

You initially described yourself as : <<I'm lebanese muslim>>
Why the need to attach “lebanese” – and particularly so since you later say << As a Muslim, to talk in terms of countries is not that relevant>>
Posted by SPQR, Friday, 12 October 2012 10:09:31 AM
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