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Einstein's insanity test : Comments
By Junaid Cheema, published 10/10/2012Perhaps we need to think outside the square on Islamic terrorism.
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Posted by Saltpetre, Thursday, 11 October 2012 3:54:15 AM
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So some people are outraged by other people's outrage, so what? It's not a requirement of liberal democracy that citizens should accept other's opinions without complaint. As long as the complainants obey the law and don't attempt to murder or otherwise intimidate the "offenders" they're entitled to be outraged. "How should a human behave if other humans are offended"" That is sophistry, you still haven't answered the question. People may choose to apologise for a perceived "offence" or they may not. If some Moslems expect deference from the Kuffars they are going to be very, very disappointed, in this country Islam is just another religion. BTW, despite the usual misguided rhetoric, liberal democracies set limits to religious freedom. Posted by mac, Thursday, 11 October 2012 7:50:40 AM
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How do you stop 'sensationizing' the attrocities of muslims when they continue terrorists acts against others with whom they disagree? There have been 20,000 terrorists acts since 9/11, all in the name of Allah. Do you expect our free press to ignore that in the hope it will simply go away? It is well documented that the muslim objective is to take over other nations by threats and fear. Europe is experiencing this now, as predicted by a former president of Nigeria. The more muslims , the more they insist on their way. Sharia is being introduce into UK now. Our protestors here want to kill those that insult Allah, that is Sharia. Tougher laws and enforcment for all violent protests including Greenpeace, unionists, political and muslims. Whoever is violent. There are groups here that are identifiable, including muslims, that after 2-3 generations have not integrated and in fact hold our laws and social standards in contempt. They are given lots of information about us beforecoming here, so they know what to expect. In the interests of cohesiveness we should stop allowing those that have demonstrated they will not/cannot integrate. We need a selective immigration programme, based on cultural adaptability. Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 11 October 2012 9:56:32 AM
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Your are correct – Bolivian miners still strap themselves and blow up members of congress and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam conducted the greatest number of suicide attacks in history up-to the year 2000. So you are right 'they do'. Seems the Islamist really claimed the spotlight later, especially after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, where people like you were 'focusing' on WMDs that did not exist and caused a war that should never have been. So lets focus, but lets focus on the truth. @Banjo 20,000 Islamist terrorist attacks after 911? Are you adding 750 on the fly to the already mythical 19,250 figure appearing on US billboards – which even CNN discredited as unsubstantiated, (See A right to hate: or is this your own research? Regarding 'your' suggestions (1&2) they are awfully similar to Bolt's suggestions which are a step back nearly half a century whilst the rest of the world has moved forward. I'm no genius but I think the point the author is trying to make is a solution will only come forth if we open our minds and stop suffocating the truth. @Saltpetre Yes the Aus reaction was mild, the point is it was overcooked Sorry you feel that extending the debate is "highly disrespectfull" but don't speak on behalf of all responsible Australian adults, because responsible adults invite a good debate. Suggest you talk to some of the families who have been victims of hate crimes after the recent over cooking. @mac "As long as the complainants obey the law and don't attempt to murder or otherwise intimidate the "offenders" they're entitled to be outraged", heres some more sophistry.... Does your definition of intimidation include illegal wiretapping, racial profiling, rendition flights and illegal wars and occupation? Posted by Hadi, Thursday, 11 October 2012 10:57:50 AM
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Thanks for informing me about the posters in NY. I did not know about them and it is good to see that someone is making an effort to bring the publics attention to the fact of 20,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11. No, my info did not come from there, but from a website that keeps track of the attacks and documents them, which is also good to see. To date the figure is 19742 attacks and I did round it off but with 202 attacks in Sept, it would now be fairly close. When you say my suggestions are close to Bolts, do you mean Andrew Bolt? A link please. My solutions are entirely my own as i have noticed that some groups get away with anti social conduct because of the flawed odeology of multiculturalism. The Croats and Serbs still hate and fight each other even after 3 generations so there is not much hope of them respecting our standards. Same with the groups that practice FGM, which is on the increase. Other groups still carry out cockfights and others forced marriages. No, far better for us not to admitt these groups. Funny that we have no problems with non muslim Lebanese, but the muslim Lebs get on with no one. I have never heard of Buddists causing anti social problems. Selective immigration is certainly worth a try. You said,"a solution will only come forth if we open our minds and stop suffocating the truth". I agree with that. It is farcical that the smh and the Age newspapers do not disclose ethnicity of wanted criminals or those in anti social conduct. This morning the smh had a story about gang rape in Paris, but did not disclose that the alleged rapists were muslim. That needs to change and the truth made known. Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 11 October 2012 4:28:26 PM
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All very well to talk about compromise, which we do in a democracy, but can you state an instance where muslims have compromised their beliefs and culture in effort to get along with others. All muslims believe what is written in the Koran and will not budge from that. Therin lies the problem, compromise is not possible. Despite the Muslim leaders fervent insistence that Islam is a peace loving religion, the opposite appears to be the actual situation. The ongoing conflict in Palestine, with killings and suicide bombings, the slaughter at the Munich Olympics and numberous other “incidents” suggests that nearly all conflicts, seems to involve Muslims and somebody else. They seem to kill a few of their own too. Do they still not have a death threat against a British author and was it not Muslims burning, raping and killing Chinese people in Indonesia. Add to that the shootings, gang violence and pack rapes in Sydney by Muslim gangs and the atrocities of 9/11 fails to convince most that Islam promotes kindness and peace. In some Muslim countries they still stone people to death, have public beheadings, mutilate and totally suppress women, which hardly seems benevolent to me. The protests and clenched fists in Pakistan seem to indicate more than just a few radicals. Islam needs to purge their own of radicals and fanatics and excommunicate them for their own benefit and to show they are indeed tolerant of others. Until that occurs we should stop further Muslim immigration to Australia and forget the pipe dream of multiculturalism. I think muslims see themselves as pioneers for Islam and that the following is their ultimate agenda. Algerian president Houari Boumedienne "One day millions of men will leave Arabia to go to Europe. And they will not go there as friends. They will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory." This is now taking place in Europe. I understand that there are now fifty four million muslims in Europe Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 11 October 2012 5:35:20 PM
>"Lets extend the debate from overseas preachers of hate affecting Muslim youth, to the local preachers that publicly ask for hate against the Muslim youth. Perhaps .. we might get a different result, rather than just more insanity"<
I would suggest the Aus reaction to the rather mild local Islamic protests was rather muted and quite respectful overall, irrespective of the media feeding frenzy and beat-up. (And, I'm afraid the mother's ignorance of English after two years in Oz is a pretty lame excuse - hopefully not typical?)
Let us face facts. There has been no concerted cry for 'hate against Muslim youth'. That is a complete beat-up, and highly disrespectful to all reasonable and responsible Australian non-Muslim adults - who, I would add, are far and away in the majority. The reaction of the leaders of our Oz Islamic communities to these events also reflects and shows respect for the generally reasonable nature of the Oz community at large.
As for comparisons with tree-hugger environmentalists, etc, this is not Tienanmen Square or Tibet, West Papua or Sri Lanka, etc. Please let us compare horses with horses. In various parts Sunnis murder Shia, and vice versa, with regular monotony. We just don't want any of that here! Fortunately some sanity prevails, so no more red herrings, please.
We all know the world is in a mess, and that the US, with some helpers, has been the source of much of the prevailing ill-will in many Islamic quarters. But, how to overcome and resolve? By accepting cries to 'behead the Infidel', ad infinitum? Or by endeavouring to resolve differences, reach understanding and establish appropriate reparation? Not so easy though. But, one thing is sure, the non-Muslim world will never, nor should ever be expected to accept any doctrine which says one is superior to another, and all non-believers or non-subscribers must be annihilated.
We are thus left with compromise, on all sides, and no exceptions. All else is hopeless.
Arjay, I bet you also regard the moon landings as a hoax. Best of luck.